
  1. 论成人高等学历教育考试改革

    On Credit Crisis and Test Reform of Adult Higher Diploma Education

  2. 中医高等学历教育在欧洲发展的几点思考

    Some thoughts on developing degree education of Chinese medicine in European countries

  3. 对当前我国成人高等学历教育质量问题的探讨

    On Quality of Current Adult Higher Diploma Education in China

  4. 促进成人高等学历教育不断创新的思考

    Thought on the Continuing Innovation to Improve the Higher Adult Academic Education

  5. 对成人高等学历教育质量问题的思考

    Reflection of the quality of adult education for higher diploma

  6. 成人高等学历教育学籍管理系统研究

    Research on the School Roll Managerial System for Adult Education of Higher Degree

  7. 成人高等学历教育校外教学点办学质量的监控

    About Supervision on Teaching Quality of Adult Academic Education in Out-of-campus Corresponding Schools

  8. 教育教学质量是成人高等学历教育能否健康发展的关键因素。

    Teaching quality is the key to develop the adult higher diploma education .

  9. 成人高等学历教育形象战略

    Image Strategy of Adult High Academic Certificate Education

  10. 非全日制高等学历教育的修业年限应当适当延长。

    The length of schooling for non-full-time higher curricula education should be adequately extended .

  11. 我国质量工程高等学历教育研究

    Education in Quality Engineering

  12. 成人高等学历教育质量的影响因素与保障策略

    A probe into influential factors and guarantee strategies of the quality of adult higher education for academic credentials

  13. 凭借其师资力量雄厚、基础设施齐全,普通高校在举办成人高等学历教育方面具有明显的优势。

    Because of strong faculty force and well-appointed infrastructure , ordinary universities have obvious superiority in organizing adult higher academic education .

  14. 促使市场保持高速发展的主要动力来自于网络教育在高等学历教育市场的应用。

    Enable the market to remain primarily driven by the rapid development of online education in higher education in the education market applications .

  15. 成人高等学历教育作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,为经济建设和人才培养做出了巨大的贡献。

    Adult higher education in China as an important component of higher education , to serve economic construction and personnel training has made tremendous contributions .

  16. 许多欧洲国家(尤其是奥地利、德国和荷兰)都有受尊敬的非学位高等学历教育,这些课程给学生和雇员带来了巨大的好处。

    Many European countries , notably including Austria , Germany and the Netherlands , have well-respected non-degree tertiary qualifications that deliver substantial benefit to students and employees .

  17. 作者认为,理解、运用企业识别系统,实施成人高等学历教育形象战略,将是十分有益的。

    The authors think that understanding and using " Corporate Identity System " and implement the image strategy of adult high academic certificate education will be very helpful .

  18. 所以成人高等学历教育实行学分制教学管理,符合成人学习的特点和规律,是成人高等教育发展的必然趋势。

    Adult higher education credit system teaching management , adapt to the characteristics of adult learning and law , but also the inevitable trend of the development of adult higher education .

  19. 分析在我国成人高等学历教育学习指导保障中存在的问题,从观念、制度、经费、指导主体、指导用书、指导机构上提出一些措施和建议。

    Analysis in the adult higher diploma education in China security problems , from idea , system , funds , guiding body , guide , guide mechanism and puts forward some measures and suggestions .

  20. 从1995年起,普通高校成人学历教育招生数和在校学生数就已达整个成人高等学历教育的50%以上,并且比重不断扩大。

    Since 1995 , the entrants and enrollments of adult higher academic education in ordinary universities have been over 50 % of the whole adult higher academic education , and the rate was continuously expanded .

  21. 成人高等学历教育是中国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,它在完善教育体制结构,促进经济社会发展,提高国民综合素质等方面具有非常重要的作用。

    Adult higher academic education is an important part of higher educational system in China , which play an important role in perfecting educational system structure , promoting economic and social development , improving nationals ' comprehensive qualities .

  22. 江西省于1996年尝试中外合作办学,现有12所中方高校举办了39个中外高等学历教育合作办学项目。

    The first project of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools in Jiangxi Province was set up in 1996 . Now there were 39 projects of Chinese-foreign cooperation in higher education of formal schooling with 12 Chinese colleges ' participation .

  23. 通过对成人脱产高等学历教育的人才培养理念、人才的素质结构、深化教学改革、优化育人体系等方面进行研究思考,探索和构建更加适应社会需求的成人脱产高等学历教育人才培养模式。

    Through reflections on the objectives of adult education , quality structure of the personnel and teaching reforms , suggestions are made for the improvement of the training mode of adult education to meet the demands of the society .

  24. 认为目前成人高等学历教育学生学习指导在评价上存在着无明确的评价标准、无专门的评价机构、无合理的评价方式以及学习评价无法科学地反映学习指导效果的问题。

    Believe that the current adult higher education students ' learning guidance in the evaluation of the existence of clear evaluation criteria , no specialized evaluation organization , without reasonable evaluation and learning evaluation is not scientifically reflect learning guidance effect problem .

  25. 随着教育改革的不断深入,成人高等学历教育学生的学习指导问题也正在引起人们的重视,它关系着成人高等学历教育整体教学质量和水平的高低。

    With the deepening of education reform , the teaching of the adult higher education students ' learning problems are also caused the attention of people , it is related to the teaching of the adult higher education teaching quality and level .

  26. 根据成人高等学历教育学籍管理特点,运用现代管理思想和计算机网络技术开发出在Windows95/98操作系统平台上的学籍管理系统,并在实际应用中实现管理目标

    According to the characters of school roll management for adult education of higher degree , this paper discusses the school roll administrative system based on Windows 95 / 98 platform by application of modern managerial ideas and cyber technology , which fulfills managerial goals in practice

  27. 发达国家高等非学历教育的发展特点及其启示

    Characteristics of Non-Academic Credential Higher Education in Developed Countries

  28. 通过对湖南省成人高等医学学历教育现状的调查,表明湖南省成人高等医学学历教育规模仍有扩大趋势;

    Investigations on adult higher medical education in Hunan province indicate that the scale of adult higher medical education has still a trend to be enlarged .

  29. 教育部表示,2016年起,政府每年将帮助30万农民工接受本科、专科两个层次的高等学历继续教育。

    Starting in 2016 , the government will help 300000 migrant workers receive post-secondary education at universities or community colleges each year , according to the ministry .

  30. 通过对质量工程和我国高等院校学历教育的研究,探讨了质量工程高等学历教育的重要性和可行性。

    The importance and feasibility of Quality Engineering as a subject in higher education are given in the paper , through the research on Quality Engineering and our country 's educational background education in colleges and universities .