
  • 网络higher education research;RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION;Studies in Higher Education;Journal of higher education
  1. 当代国际比较高等教育研究述略

    A brief account of contemporary comparative studies in higher education abroad

  2. 在商业化社会中,如何建立相互尊重的、朋友式的、平等的师生关系,应是21世纪高等教育研究的一个重要课题。

    It is a major topic for the research in higher education how to establish a friendly and equal relationship between the teacher and the student .

  3. 新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首伦敦高等教育研究机构QS公司近日公布了最新亚洲大学排名调查,新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首。

    Singapore tops again The National University of Singapore retained top spot in the latest Asian University Rankings released by London-based higher education group Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS ) .

  4. PHEA把重点放在信息技术、高等教育研究和分析、研究和研究生训练的区域网络以及大学的领导能力。

    PHEA focuses on information technologies , HE research and analysis , regional networks for research and postgraduate training , and university leadership .

  5. 高等教育研究公司QuacquarelliSymonds(QS)近日发布了《2016年QS亚洲大学排名》,对亚洲的前350所大学进行排名。

    A record number of Chinese universities feature in the " QS University Rankings : Asia 2016 " - a ranking of the 350 top universities in Asia by Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS ) , a higher education research firm .

  6. 高等教育研究机构具有自身的性质和功能。

    The higher education institute has its own characters and functions .

  7. 信念、兴趣与制度&论中国高等教育研究文化

    Belief , Interest and Institutions & On Chinese Higher Education Research Culture

  8. 从实践的视角看高等教育研究应如何创新

    Innovations of Current Higher Education Research : a Practice-based Perspective

  9. 试析高等教育研究的泛化现象

    An Analysis on " Generalization " in the Research of Higher Education

  10. 基于价值取向角度的高等教育研究思考

    On the Higher Education Research from the Value Orientation Angle

  11. 我国大学内设高等教育研究机构功能研究

    Research on the Function of Research Institutions of Higher Education in Universities

  12. 本文是对我国当前高等教育研究现状的补充,对高等教育的管理具有一定的参考价值。

    This paper is a complement on the current higher education research .

  13. 学科、专业管理:高等教育研究的新领域

    Management of discipline and specialty : a new field of higher education research

  14. 院校研究对我国高等教育研究的影响

    Effect of Higher Education Research on the University Research

  15. 多学科高等教育研究方法的制度保障探析

    On Institutional Guarantee for Multidisciplinary Higher Education Research

  16. 教育公平视野下残疾人高等教育研究

    A Study of Higher Education for the Disabled from the Perspective of Educational Fairness

  17. 制度分析与高等教育研究

    The Institutional Analysis and Research of Higher Education

  18. 21世纪初国际高等教育研究发展的动态及趋势

    The Current Situation and Trends of International Higher Education Research in the 21 Century

  19. 大学校长:成为高等教育研究者

    University Presidents : Being Higher Education Researchers

  20. 民国西医高等教育研究(1912-1949)

    Research on Higher Education of Western Medicine During the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 )

  21. 高等教育研究套用依附理论的合理性值得质疑;

    The rationality of mechanically applying Dependency Theory to higher education research should be questioned .

  22. 走向世界:21世纪中国高等教育研究的选择

    Walking to the world : choice of China 's higher education research in 21st century

  23. 法国农业工程高等教育研究

    Study on Programme and Contents of Discipline of Agricultural Engineering in the Higher Education of France

  24. 1985年任武汉大学高等教育研究所人才学研究室主任。

    In1985 , he took the position of the director of Research on human resource in Wu Han University .

  25. 与此对应,大学战略规划的理论探讨也成为高等教育研究领域关注的热点。

    Correspondingly , the theoretical discussing about university strategic planning also became the hotspot in higher educational research field .

  26. 现代大学制度是目前我国高等教育研究中的一个热点问题。

    The modern university system ( MUS ) is one of the favoured topics in the present-day HE studies .

  27. 学科是高等教育研究领域的重要范畴,但高等教育学本身却不是一门成熟的学科。

    Discipline is an important realm in higher education , but higher education itself is not a rather mature discipline .

  28. 第三,高等教育研究对象和性质的特殊性,制约着其研究方法的总体特征必然具有综合性。

    Third , the object and nature particularity of higher education research decided comprehensive nature of overall characteristic of researching method .

  29. 从当前高等教育研究中的学科交叉、文理渗透这一背景出发,介绍了对国内部分院校外语类专业数学教学情况的调查分析与作者在这方面的教学实践。

    This paper makes an investigation and analysis of mathematics teaching for students of foreign language specialty and some teachers ' teaching practice .

  30. 高等教育研究的新视野:地位层次分析&马丁特罗的高等教育思想及启示

    Under new field of vision higher education research : level analysis of status & Martin Trow 's thoughts of higher education and revelation