
  • 网络jet stream
  1. 第二条路径(巴丹吉林沙漠附近)与高空急流有密切关系。

    The second path ( near Badain Jaran shamo ) had close relationship with the upper-level jet stream .

  2. 近5a我国沙尘暴与高空急流关系的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis on Relation between Sandstorm and High Level Jet Stream in China in Latest 5 Years

  3. 高空急流及其下方的Ferrel环流起到了高层动量下传和加强低层锋区的重要作用;

    High jet and Ferrel circulation are the main reason that momentum spreaded downward from higher level and frontal zone strengthened on lower level .

  4. 强沙尘暴区位于高空急流出口区右侧、500hPa正涡度中心下风方和次级反环流的上升区内。

    The severe dust storm area was in the right side of upper air jet stream exit area , and in the downwind of 500 hPa positive vortex center and the ascending area of secondary counter circulation .

  5. 高空急流对黄渤海登陆热带气旋三维运动结构的影响

    Effect of Upper-level Jet on 3D Structure of Landing Tropical Cyclones

  6. 200hPa高空急流与宁夏春季沙尘暴过程的特征分析

    Relationship between 200 hPa Jet and Sandstorm during Spring in Ningxia

  7. 高空急流区飞机颠簸的一种形成机制的探讨

    Analysis of a formation mechanism on airplane turbulence in upper jet stream

  8. 300hPa高空急流的先兆性对陕西极端暴雨具有一定的预报意义。

    300-hPa-high jets are of some indication in forecasting extreme rainstorm weather .

  9. 高空急流加速与低层锋生

    The lower layer frontogenesis induced by the acceleration of upper jet stream

  10. 沙尘暴与高空急流总是相伴出现。

    Sandstorms and high level jet stream always occurred together .

  11. 梅雨暴雨与高空急流的统计与动力分析

    Statistic and Dynamic Analysis to the Relation between Meiyu Storm and High Level Jet

  12. 高空急流轴倾斜以及急流出口区右侧强辐散场的出现要早于暴雨的发生。

    The incline jet axis and strengthened convergence happen earlier than the rainfall does .

  13. 沙尘暴与高空急流关系的统计与动力学研究

    Statistic and Dynamic Research to the Relation between Sandstorm and High Level Jet stream in China

  14. 雨区上空的辐散和200hPa高空急流出口区气块的减速运动相联系。

    The high level divergence over the rainfall area is related to the deceleration of air motion .

  15. 非纬向高空急流为爆发性气旋提供了强的辐散、斜压不稳定场。

    The formation of strong explosive cyclones is related to the non-zonal upper jet of anticyclonic curvature .

  16. 高空急流的动量下传促进了蒙古气旋的发展;

    Transfer of momentum of the upper air jet stream promoted the development of the Mongolian cyclone .

  17. 计算结果表明:晴空湍流往往出现在对流层高层或高空急流附近。

    The calculating results show that CAT is often encountered in the upper troposphere or near upper air jet flows .

  18. 非纬向高空急流与远距离台风中尺度暴雨的研究

    The study of storm rainfall caused by interaction between the non-zonal high level jet streak and the far distant typhoon

  19. 低层中尺度低压环流的扰动,并与高空急流南侧的辐散区耦合,产生强烈的上升运动;

    The coupling of a meso-scale low pressure and the divergence zone of an upper-level jet caused strong upward motion .

  20. 低层螺旋度大值中心轴线与切变线和地面倒槽辐合线走向一致,高层螺旋度与高空急流有关。

    The axes of low-layer helicity plus center is concurrent with shear line and the convergence line of surface inversion trough .

  21. 文章最后提出了河套高压的形成还可能和高空急流的动力加压有关。

    At last , the paper pointed out that the formation of the Hetao High might be associated with dynamically pressure increase .

  22. 几乎所有的主要收支项数值,都在高空急流所在的对流层上层最大;

    Almost all major budget terms peak their values in the upper tropospheric layer in which the high level southwesterly jet is located .

  23. 宁夏多、少沙尘暴年4月份北半球极涡和高空急流分布特征比较分析

    Comparative analysis on distribution type of polar vortex in northern hemisphere and upper jet in April between more and less sandstorm years in Ningxia

  24. 高空急流通过雷暴系统内部的垂直环流下传动量是雷雨大风产生的直接原因。

    The direct reason to produce the thunder wind is that the upper jetstream disseminate momentum down through the vertical circle in the thunder system .

  25. 另外,对高空急流与气旋发展的关系进行了探讨,伴随气旋发展高空西风急流强度有所增强,在气旋整个生命期中气旋位置有从高空急流入口区的南侧向出口区的北侧移动的趋势。

    Furthermore , the relationship between the geographic location and intensity of the upper jet stream and the translation and development of cyclone is discussed .

  26. 在重新加强阶段,高空急流的影响使低层散度风的动能制造明显增加,使气旋斜压不稳定发展。

    In reintensifying stage the effect of upper jet increases kinetic energy generation by divergent wind in lower level , which causes baroclinic developing in cyclone .

  27. 统计结果表明:沙尘暴与高空急流总是相伴出现;急流造成的沙尘暴可分为2类:单急流型和双急流型;

    The statistical result shows : The sandstorms that the jets cause can be divided into 2 kinds : Single jet pattern and double jet pattern .

  28. 《水浒传》时间设置的夜化与叙事效果的强化副热带高空急流各中心强度时间变化及分析

    Nocturnal Settings and Their Narrative Effects in Water Margin ; The seasonal , interannual and interdecadal variations of the intensity of different subtropical upper jet-stream centers

  29. 三条波包大值带的不同配置和维系可能反映了副热带高空急流、季风环流系统的维系的过程。

    Different collocation and maintenance of these three wave packets zone with great values may reflect the course of maintenance between subtropical upper-level jet and monsoon circulation .

  30. 作者应用动力学分析方法,结合观测飞机颠簸的事实,对高空急流区飞机颠簸的一种形成机理进行了理论探讨。

    By using dynamical analysis technique and combining with observational facts of airplane turbulence , a formation mechanism on airplane turbulence in upper jet stream is studied .