
  1. 李伟第二,约翰第三。

    Li Wei is the second and John is the third !

  2. 李伟和朋友一起去了主题公园。

    Li Wei goes to the theme park with his friends .

  3. 你知道李伟的生日是什么时候吗?

    Do you know when is Li wei 's birthday ?

  4. 李伟和他的朋友一直盼望着假期。

    Li Wei and his friends are looking forward to the holidays .

  5. 李伟既愤怒又无助。

    Li felt furious and helpless at the same time .

  6. 据此,李伟的诉讼请求被驳回。

    Accordingly , Li Wei of the proceedings was denied .

  7. 李伟的故事不是一些孤立事件。

    Li 's story isn 't some isolated incident .

  8. 乔和李伟一起去上学。

    Joe and Li Wei go to school together .

  9. 李伟和她的花房养蝎场

    Li Wei And Her Greenhouse Keep Scorpion Farm

  10. 一支美国学校的篮球队来到李伟学校参观。

    A basketball team from an American school is visiting Li Wei 's school .

  11. 李伟,约翰和乔打算参加田径赛跑。

    Li wei , John and Joe are going to run in a race .

  12. 在看到李伟的杀人行为时,我感到十分震惊。

    I was very much shocked at the sight of Li Wei 's killing a person .

  13. 李伟所指的“他”是自己去年12月旅行之中的“美丽”邂逅。

    The " him " he referred to was a guy he met during a trip last December .

  14. 李伟说,交通执法不严也是骑车人面临恶劣条件的原因之一。

    Lax enforcement of traffic laws also contributes to the poor conditions for cyclists , Mr. Li said .

  15. 2014年12月,李伟过五关斩六将,成功收到北京一所大学研究生录取通知书。

    After passing several interviews with flying colors , Li was successfully admitted to a graduate school in Beijing in December , 2014 .

  16. 当李伟拿到自己的体检报告时,他试着给那名男子打电话,但没人接听。

    After he got the results of his medical exam back , Li tried to call the guy , but no one answered .

  17. 李伟表示,这些央企之所以在衍生产品上吃亏,最重要的一个原因是它们为追逐高额利润而企图套利投机。

    Mr Li said the single most important reason for the derivatives losses was unnecessary speculation and attempts at arbitrage by these state companies .

  18. 正在研究生李伟忙着准备其论文答辩之时,他收到确认结果,自己艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性。

    Just as he was busy preparing his thesis defense graduate student Li Wei ( pseudonym ) received confirmation that he was HIV positive .

  19. 沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司人力资源经理李伟(音译)承认,有些职位的头衔会令毕业生感到陌生。

    Li Wei , a PR manager in Walmart China , admitted that the names of some of their positions are not familiar to graduates .

  20. 海口市公安局美兰分局局长李伟说,学生寝室中贵重物品较为集中,因此成为犯罪团伙的主要目标。

    Li Wei , police chief of Meilan district in Haikou , says that the concentration of valuable items in student dormitories makes them a primary target for criminal gangs .

  21. “我国面临着恐怖活动的长期威胁,复杂而尖锐的反恐斗争日益突出。”在立法会议结束后,李伟告诉记者。

    " Our country faces a real threat from terrorist activities , and the long-term , complex and sharp counterterrorism struggle is increasingly prominent ," Li told reporters after the legislative session .

  22. 中国国有企业所遭受的巨额亏损与国际投行恶意兜售带有欺诈性的、设计复杂的高杠杆产品有很大的关系,李伟写道。

    The large losses suffered by Chinese state companies were closely associated with the intentionally complex and highly leveraged products that were fraudulently peddled by international investment banks with evil intentions , Mr Li said .

  23. 李伟认为该条款有着“明显的歧视”,本是想着为自己、为家人买一份放心,可是这样的权利不属于他。

    Li Wei believes that the provision has a " clear discrimination ", this is the thinking for themselves and for their families to buy a copy of ease , but such rights do not belong to him .

  24. 北京市城市规划设计研究院主任工程师李伟称,缺少停车位仍是主要问题。他正在参与起草意在改善北京的骑车和行人基础设施的规章。

    The sheer number of vehicles and the lack of parking spaces remain major issues , said Li Wei , an engineer at the Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design , who is helping draft regulations intended to improve bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure in Beijing .