
Lǐ Sìɡuānɡ
  • Li Siguang; minister of geology;well-known geologist
  1. 李四光是一位著名的地理学家。

    Li Siguang is a famous geographer .

  2. 伯明翰大学中国分校主任JonFrampton教授说:“伯明翰大学接纳中国学子已经有很长一段历史了,其中我们最著名的校友之一李四光——中国地质学之父。“

    Professor Jon Frampton , Director of the University of Birmingham 's China Institute said : " The University of Birmingham has a long history of educating students from China and one of our most famous graduates is Li Siguang - the founding father of Chinese geology .

  3. 构造体系是1929年李四光教授提出的概念和术语。

    The concept of tectonic system was proposed by Prof. J. S.

  4. 李四光(1889~1971),中国地质力学的创建人,湖北黄冈人。

    Li Siguang ( 1889 ~ 1971 ) , is the founder of China 's geomechanics .

  5. 中国东部是否存在第四纪冰川作用之争论,自从李四光1934年提出该学说以来已经持续达65年之久,迄今尚未终结。

    The argumentation of the doctrine of Quaternary glaciation from eastern China has been carried on for 65 years .

  6. 李四光运用地质力学分析了中国地质构造特点,认为中国具有广阔的找油远景。

    With the geological mechanics , he analyzed the geology and pointed out that China had abundant oil and gas resources .

  7. 1920年,李四光创立了地质力学,为地质理论作出了巨大贡献。

    In the 1920s , Li Siguang set up the subject of geological mechanics and made great contribution to the geological theory .

  8. 本文以民国时期中国地质科学四大奠基人章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、李四光为切入点来考察民国科学家人文关怀的特点。

    This text attempt to announce the characteristic of the humane care by studying the four major founders of China 's geology .

  9. 大庆、胜利、大港等油田的相继发现证实了李四光的科学预见。

    The continuous development of Daqing oilfield , Shengli oilfield and Dagang oilfield proved that Li Siguang was really far-sighted in science .

  10. 本文主要表彰李四光教授在科学研究上追求真理的精神,并略述他治学的方法和态度。

    The present paper commends Professor Li Siguang ( J.S.Lee ) upon iris spirit of pursuing the truth and briefly describes his method and manner in scientific research .

  11. 山字型构造为一种复杂的扭动构造体系,自从李四光教授提出以来,已有许多弹性解及数值解。

    Some analytical and numerical solutions of the elasticity for interpreting the Epsilon-type structures have been worked out since the concept of Epsilon-type structural system was put forward .

  12. 中华人民共和国成立后,李四光任中国科学院副院长、地质部部长。

    After the People 's Republic of China was established , Li held the positions of deputy president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and minister of geology .

  13. 20世纪20年代,地质学家,中圈地质力学的奠基人李四光建立了新的边缘学科“地质力学”,为地质学理论作出了伟大贡献。

    In the 1920s , Li Siguang , a geologist and founder of geological mechanics of China , set up the subject of geological mechanics and made great contribution to the geological theory .

  14. 李四光教授对北大地质学系的建设和发展也作出了重要贡献,直到1970年,还对系的教学和科研工作提出指导意见。

    Li played an important role in the construction and development of Geology Department of Peking University . Until 1970 , he still put forward many instructions on teaching and scientific research to the Department .

  15. 在地震地质工作方面,李四光强调在研究地质构造活动性的基础上,观察地应力的变化,为实现地震预报指出了方向。

    In the earthquake studies , Li Siguang emphasized the importance of observing changes in terrestrial stress on the base of studying geological structural movement , and showed clearly the orientation for earthquake forecasting work .

  16. 借鉴李四光倡导的地震地质工作经验,从现今活动构造体系研究入手,采用岩石力学与构造应力场的研究思路方法、技术,结合地壳稳定性评价实践经验,探索煤瓦斯突出减灾防灾的基本思路。

    J. S. Lee for reference , beginning with the study of present active tectonic systems and using the methodology and technology of rock mechanics and tectonic stress field , combined with the practice and experience of crustal stability assessments .

  17. 李四光运用力学观点来研究地壳运动现象,建立了“构造体系”这一地质力学的基本概念,为探索地质自然现象提供了新方法,为研究地壳运动规律开辟了新途径。

    He studied lithosphere with the mechanic theory , and established the tectonic system , one of the basic concepts of tectonic mechanics . He provided new ways to explore the natural phenomena and ushered in new ways of studying the lithosphere movement .

  18. 结合40年来地震预报有关工作的实践经验,阐明在新的形势下应该对李四光地震预报思想和方法做出新的补充。

    According to the practice and experience in the work relating to earthquake prediction over the past 40 years , the paper further elucidates the idea that in the new situation we should make new supplements and developments of the thought and method .

  19. 此外,李四光早在20年代初,实地考察了太行山麓、大同盆地、庐山和黄山等地,先后发现第四纪冰川遗迹。

    What 's more , as early as the 1920s , Li Siguang visited many places such as the piedmont of Taihang Mountain , Datong Basin , Lushan Mountain and Huangshan Mountain , and found the vestige variations of the Quaternary Period glacier .