
  • 网络higher education quality;higher education;Quality in Higher Education,QHE
  1. 引入ISO9001质量保证标准建立高等教育质量监控体系

    Introducing the Quality Standards from ISO 9001 and Establishing Higher Education Quality Monitoring System

  2. 人力资源开发部是中央政府对高等教育质量管理的授权部门,是NAAC强有力的后盾。

    Human Resources Development , authorized departments of the central government on higher education quality management , is the strong backing of NAAC .

  3. 高等教育质量管理的新思路:ISO认证

    New Ideas about the Quality Management of Higher Education : ISO Certification

  4. 高等教育质量管理中ISO9000标准的运用

    Application of ISO9000 Standard in Quality Control of Higher Education

  5. ISO9000与西方高等教育质量管理:商业与学术一次邂逅

    ISO9000 and Quality Management in Western Higher Education : An Encounter of Commerce and Academy

  6. 高等教育质量责任转嫁与管理制度弱化问题分析

    Analysis on High Education Quality Responsibility Transition and Management System Weakening

  7. 高等教育质量概念:内涵与外延

    Concept of Quality in Higher Education : Connotative and Denotative Meanings

  8. 解决高等教育质量问题的伦理思考

    The Ethical Thinking of Solving the Problem of Higher Education Quality

  9. 论高等教育质量保障体系建设的框架设计

    On the Framework Design of Quality Assurance System of Higher Education

  10. 提高广东高等教育质量探议

    A Discussion on Improving the Quality of Guangdong 's Higher Education

  11. 由高校扩招引发的对高等教育质量的思考

    Reflections on college enrollment expansion and improvement of teaching quality

  12. 客观公正地看待民办高等教育质量

    Objectively and Fairly Looking on the Education Quality of Civilian-run Higher Education

  13. 航海类高等教育质量评价标准研究

    On the Assessment Criteria of the Education Quality in Maritime Higher Institutions

  14. 高等教育质量问题一直是全球范围关注的热点问题。

    The quality of higher education has been a hot issue worldwide .

  15. 建设精品课题,为进一步提高高等教育质量做贡献&全国教育科学十一五规划高等教育学科的新使命

    Excellent Subject to Further Contribute to Improve the Quality of Higher Education

  16. 高等教育质量保障与高校教学质量评估

    Higher education quality safeguard and the university teaching quality appraisal

  17. 论高等教育质量的提升与三个意识的契合

    Improving Teaching Quality in Higher Education and Strengthening Agreement of Three Consciousness

  18. 转型中的中国高等教育质量危机与治理对策

    The Crisis in the Transformation of Chinese Higher Education and the Countermeasures

  19. 美国高等教育质量评估体系探讨

    An Exploration of the Higher Education Accreditation System in the United States

  20. 试论高等教育质量责任的主体与类型

    On the Subjects and Types of the Responsibilities of Higher Education Quality

  21. 高等教育质量问题长期以来备受教育界同仁、教育行政管理部门、用人单位的关注。

    The quality of education is the core problem in higher education .

  22. 高等教育质量评估模式的国际比较研究

    An International Comparative Study of the Quality Assessment Model in Higher Education

  23. 新西兰高等教育质量保证机制的新框架

    The New Framework of New Zealand 's Higher Education Quality Assurance System

  24. 聚焦精力,转向高等教育质量保证的核心境地。

    Attach great importance to the guarantee of quality education in universities .

  25. 欧洲高等教育质量保障区域整合的进展及启示

    The Regional Integration Process of European Higher Education Quality Assurance

  26. 扩招与高等教育质量:一种辨证思考

    Enrollment Expansion and Higher Education Quality : A Dialectical Analysis

  27. 高等教育质量与水平及相关概念辨析

    Quality and level of higher education as well as discriminating relevant concepts

  28. 高等教育质量评估与地方大学教学改革

    Quality Assessment of Higher Education and Educational Innovation in Universities

  29. 澳大利亚跨国高等教育质量保障体系探析

    A Study on the Quality Assurance System of Australian Transnational Higher Education

  30. 高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革&中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会综述

    Multiple Perspectives of Higher Education Quality and Reform of Evaluation on Higher Education