
  • the Namdaemun, or Great Southern Gate
  1. 临武县地处湖南省南大门。

    Linwu County is the southern gateway of Hunan Province .

  2. 位于甘肃省中部,定西市西部,是省会兰州的南大门。

    Located in central Gansu Province , Dingxi City West , is the southern gate of the provincial capital Lanzhou .

  3. 溧水县是南京的南大门,百里秦淮源头的明珠,拥有丰富的旅游资源和深厚的文化底蕴,吸引着越来越多的国内外旅游者。

    It possess abundant tourist resources and profound cultural deposits , which is attracting more and more tourists who come from home and abroad .

  4. 午门是紫禁城的正门。在我国古代的罗盘上,午位代表正南,因此午门为南大门的意思。

    The location of this gate , which marked on the ancient Chinese compass was due south . Therefore , the meridian stood for the south gate .

  5. 三是顺应时代潮流,突出改革主旋律,展示了湖南南大门改革开放的特点与问题。

    They are going with tide , put emphasis on the reform and opening up and express the characteristics and problems in this south gate of Hunan .

  6. 红星实业集团地处长沙市南大门井湾子,是一个跨省、市,跨行业,股份制集团公司。

    The red star industry group is situated at Changsha south gate well bend , is a cross-province , the city , cross profession , joint stock system Group .

  7. 广州是珠江入海口,地理位置优越,历史上是海上丝绸之路的起点,被称为中国的“南大门”。

    Guangzhou is the estuary of Pearl river , its geographical position is superior , the starting point of the Marine Silk Road in history , known as the Chinese South Gate .

  8. 郴州作为湖南的南大门,在经济发展过程中应充分把握机遇、应对挑战、利用优势、扭转弱势。

    As the South Gate of Hunan Chenzhou , in the process of economic development should take full advantage of opportunities , meet challenges , use of the advantages , reversing vulnerable .

  9. 保定市位于冀中,是一座古老的历史、文化名城,素有京畿重地和首都南大门之称。

    Baoding is located in central Hebei , are an ancient history , cultural city , known as the " powerhouse Province " and " the capital of the south gate " of .

  10. 广州濒临南海,邻近香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,是中国通往世界的南大门。

    Guangzhou , which borders on the South Sea , is close to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region , and is the south gate from Chinese to the world .

  11. 凭祥市位于中国广西西南端的边境线上,是一个口岸城市,地处祖国南部,素有“祖国南大门”的美誉,是中国距离东盟国家最近的国际化城市。

    Pingxiang , a port city on the border of the southwest Guangxi Autonomous Region , is well-known as South Gate of China for lying in south China , and it is the nearest international city to ASEAN for China .