
  1. 象感冒这么小的病就收这么多,那其他病人如何承受?希望南国早报来查一查。

    Like cold so small it so much , that other patients how to bear ?

  2. 《南国早报》报道,广西柳州一名男子遭到了一群凶猛的食人鱼攻击。

    A man was attacked by a group of ferocious piranha fish in Liuzhou , Guangxi , Nanguo Morning Post reported .

  3. 在第三章以《南国早报》为研究样本,先从时间分布、版面位置等几个个方面对抽取的样本进行了整体性的描述。

    Secondly , we made an overall description of the selected sample from three aspects , time distribution , layout size , and layout position .

  4. 南国早报艾滋病报道中多数并无明确指示人群,人群中与艾滋病最为密切是妇女和儿童。

    Southland Morning Post reported AIDS in the majority of people do not have clear instructions , among the most closely with AIDS are women and children .