
  • 网络BeiJing;beijing times
  1. “山药和玉米。”陈女士在接受《京华时报》采访时表示。

    " Chinese yam and corn ," Chen told the Beijing Times .

  2. 以前我们曾在(京华时报)上刊登招聘广告.反应不错。

    I ` ve had good responses from the Beijing Times ` help-wanted ads.

  3. 《京华时报》近期一篇文章就对崇拜高考状元的价值提出了质疑。

    A recent article in the People 's Daily questions the value of worshipping gaokao champions .

  4. 《京华时报》报道称:几个世纪以来,其中有1200英里已经消失了。

    Of that , 1,200 miles has melted away over the centuries , the Beijing Times reported .

  5. 据《京华时报》报道,北京拟立法禁止生产销售地沟油。

    Beijing will ban the production and sale of " gutter oil ," the Beijing Times reported .

  6. 《京华时报》报道称:“几个世纪以来,其中有1200英里已经消失了。”

    Of that , 1200 miles has melted away over the centuries , the Beijing Times reported 。

  7. 《京华时报》消息,我国明年将首次参与国际比较项目活动。

    China will participate in the International Comparison Program for the first time , in2011 , Beijing Times reports .

  8. 《京华时报》报道,国家食品药品监督管理局提醒消费者谨慎使用所谓的“补脑”食品。

    China 's top medical and food quality watchdog has warned customers about the consumption of so-called brain-care food , the Beijing Times reported .

  9. 据《京华时报》报道,为了抓住扎他车胎的人,高先生在车里连续睡了22个晚上。

    To catch the man who punctured his tire , a car owner slept in his car for22 nights , the Beijing Times reported .

  10. 根据《京华时报》报道,近日,北京故宫内发现了明代(1368-1644年)早期宫殿建筑基址。

    The foundations of early Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) palace buildings have been found at Beijing 's Forbidden City , Beijing Times reported .

  11. 据《京华时报》报道,考虑到人力成本和油价上升,国内多家快递公司本月开始集体涨价。

    The Beijing Times reports that Chinese domestic parcel service companies are raising prices this month due to rising costs in staff maintenance and gasoline .

  12. 《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《京华时报》的核心产品都来自于核心竞争能力&新闻信息策划能力和采编能力,只是各报的核心竞争能力侧重点不同。

    Beijing Evening Beijing Youth and JingHua Times have the same core competition capability-news planning ability , news gathering ability , and news editing ability .

  13. 在两家当地报社--《京华时报》和《新京报》分别于其官网上进行报道之后,这起事件引起了公众的广泛关注。

    The incident received wide public attention after two local newspapers - the Beijing Times and Beijing News - reported it on their websites respectively .

  14. 据《南华早报》援引《京华时报》消息,中国航天局计划在2020年登陆火星。

    According to the Beijing Times , quoted by South China Morning Post , China 's space agency plan to touch down on Mars by 2020 .

  15. 《京华时报》报导,在推迟了几个月之后,期待已久的铛铛车1月1日在改造后的前门大街首次运行。

    Several months behind schedule , the long-awaited Qianmen Street trolley cars made their debut on the renovated street on Jan.1 in the capital , the Beijing Times reports .

  16. 据《京华时报》报道,中小学教材将包含更多传统文化内容,旨在培养学生对我国文化遗产的热爱。

    More content regarding traditional culture will be included in textbooks for primary and middle school students to nurture their love for China 's cultural legacy , reported Beijing Times .

  17. 曾与韩寒有过合作的上海本土出版人路金波在接受《京华时报》采访时表示,他很高兴听到消息。

    Lu Jinbo , a Shanghai-based publisher who has worked with Han on his books , was quoted by the Beijing Times as saying he was happy to learn the news .

  18. 北京的陈先生度过了一个特殊的元宵节。据《京华时报》报道,陈先生当天与失散了七年的爱犬奇迹般重逢。

    A Beijing man had an unusual reason to celebrate during Lantern Festival after a miracle reunion with the dog he feared he 'd lost forever seven years ago , the Beijing Times reported .

  19. 据《京华时报》报道,福建泉州法院昨天裁定,一家当地食品公司有权使用汉字“天线宝宝”作为商标。

    A local court in Fujian Province ruled yesterday that a food factory has the right to use the Chinese words for " Teletubbies " as a brand name , the Beijing Times reported .

  20. 《京华时报》的报道称,双城市的愤怒教师来自小学和初中,他们于11月24日开始在政府办公楼前打着横幅抗议。

    A report in Beijing Times said that the irate teachers in Shuangcheng were from elementary and junior high schools and had begun protesting with banners in front of the government offices on Nov. 24 .

  21. 北京的陈先生度过了一个特殊的元宵节。据《京华时报》报道,陈先生当天与失散了七年的爱犬“奇迹般重逢”。

    A Beijing man had an unusual reason to celebrate during Lantern Festival after a " miracle reunion " with the dog he feared he 'd lost forever seven years ago , the Beijing Times reported .

  22. 据京华时报报道,张希钦还说,中美两国目前正在进行技术细节的谈判,将有可能简化签证签发程序。

    The two countries are in the middle of discussions on technical details now , and it is likely that they will simplify the visa issuing procedure , Beijing Times quoted Zhang as having said yesterday .

  23. 周二,《京华时报》援引地震局某专家的话说,这些地壳活动是一种正常的能量释放,大陆暂时不会发生破坏性地震。

    These activities show a normal release of energy , and no destructive earthquake will occur on the mainland for a while , the Beijing Times quoted an unidentified expert of the administration as saying on Tuesday .

  24. 《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究从顺应论分析中美报纸对北京奥运的英文报道

    Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People 's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times " A Comparative Study of English Sports News on 2008 Beijing Olympics in Light of Adaptation Theory

  25. 《京华时报》援引中国工程院的铁路专家王梦恕的话说,修建铁路穿过俄罗斯和阿拉斯加之间的白令海峡需要建设大约200公里(125英里)的海底隧道。

    Crossing the Bering Strait in between Russia and Alaska would require about 200km ( 125 miles ) of undersea tunnel , the paper said , citing Wang Mengshu , a railway expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  26. 《京华时报》在评论中,给那些寻找未来海外并购机会的公司提供了一些建议:中国企业也应该以此为鉴。爱钱'的人是不可靠的,评论警告称。

    In its editorial , the Beijing Times had some words of advice for companies looking for offshore acquisitions in the future : Chinese enterprises should learn a lesson from this : those who love money are not reliable , it warned .

  27. 据《京华时报》报道,教育部网站公布消息,今年研究生入学考试英语科目泄题事件,目前已抓获主要犯罪嫌疑人。

    According to an announcement on the website of the Ministry of Education , the main suspects involved in the leaking of answers for the English part of the 2012 national post-graduate entrance examination have been detained , the Beijing Times reported .

  28. 求真、向善、臻美:奥运理念下运动人体科学教育的价值取向《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究

    Pursuit of the truth , charity and perfection : the value orientation of sports human science education under Olympic concepts ; Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People 's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times "

  29. 根据官方媒体《京华时报》报道,这条提议的路线将会从中国的东北开始,经过西伯利亚,再穿过太平洋的一条海底隧道,抵达阿拉斯加,再从阿拉斯加去往加拿大,最终抵达美国大陆。

    The proposed line would begin in north-east China and run up through Siberia , pass through a tunnel underneath the Pacific Ocean then cut through Alaska and Canada to reach the continental US , according to a report in the state-run Beijing Times newspaper .