
  • 网络fuyu county;fuyu county heilongjiang
  1. 浅析富裕县大气环境质量状况

    Analyse on the state of the Air Environmental Quality in Fuyu Country

  2. 摘要本文介绍了哈卡斯族的形成及其部落划分的简况,并对我国黑龙江省富裕县柯尔克孜族的姓氏来源作了分析,对研究富裕县柯尔克孜族有较高的学术价值。

    The article introduces the brief information of the formation of hakesi nationality and the division of its tribes and analyzes origin of surnames of Kirkiz nationality in Fuyu County in Heilongjiang province , which is great academic value to the research on Kirkiz nationality in Fuyu county .

  3. 本文探讨了低硒带土壤中(黑龙江富裕县,河北丰宁县)硒的挥发程度及影响因素。

    Selenium evaporation and the factors controlling selenium evaporation from soils are discussed .

  4. 富裕县慢型克山病患病率的普查报告多普勒超声心动图对慢型克山病诊断的综合评价

    GENERAL SURVEY OF INCIDENCE OF CHRONIC KESHAN DISEASE IN FUYU COUNTY Comprehensive estimation of chronic Keshan disease by Doppler echocardiography

  5. 上月,在邻近的更富裕的安妮阿伦德尔县,321名幼儿园老师参加了针对新课程的培训。

    In neighboring , more affluent Anne Arundel County , 321 kindergarten teachers last month attended training sessions on the new curriculum .