首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 吕不韦曾是富商,有一次庄襄王看上了他的小妾赵姬。

    A wealthy merchant , one of Lu Buwei 's concubines had caught the eye of the king .

  2. 吕不韦很清楚赵姬怀孕这一点,他只能自我慰籍他的儿子以后会继位成为诸侯王。

    Lu Buwei knew this , taking solace in the fact that his son would one day inherit the kingdom .

  3. 庄襄王薨逝后(译者注:指王侯之死),赵姬又有了一个情夫,还给秦始皇生了两个惹事生非的弟弟。

    After the death of the king , Lady Zhao took another lover , giving Qin Shi Huang the headache of two half-siblings .