
kē xué xìnɡ
  • scientific nature
  1. 遵循的原则有:方向性、科学性、系统性、稳定性、针对性原则。

    The principles include directivity , scientific nature , characteristic , stability , and pertinence .

  2. 显然,这种检修制度有失科学性。

    Obviously , this kind of overhaul system has loses the scientific nature .

  3. 保证OD流拟合的科学性和可靠性。

    Ensuring the OD flow fitting scientific and reliable .

  4. ITS、CAD、GIS、GPS、RS等技术已得到广泛应用,极大地提高了设计、施工的科学性与准确性。

    ITS , CAD , GIS , GPS and RS are all widespread applied . It has raised the science and the accurate in design and construction .

  5. 研究结果证明,创建的基于GIS的土地利用总体规划数据库系统是提高新时期下土地利用总体规划的科学性和时效性的一种新的、有效的工具。

    The results suggest that the comprehensive land use planning database system is a new effective tool to improve the scientificalness and timeliness of the comprehensive land use planning .

  6. 究其原因是由于JM公司的薪酬管理缺乏科学性、合理性以及激励性。

    The reason is due to the lack of scientific enterprise compensation management , rational , and incentive .

  7. 同时结合层次分析法(AHP)计算出各评判指标的权重,使结果更具科学性及合理性,更容易被人们接受。

    Combine the analytic hierarchy process ( namely AHP ) to compute each power of judgment factors , which makes the result more scientific and rational , more easily acceptance by people .

  8. 在AGREE可靠度分配算法中,首次采用三次参数设计中的极差,来确定可靠度分配中的重要度因子,使可靠度分配结果更具科学性和合理性。

    In the method of reliability allocation of the AGREE , It is first to determine important degree factor of reliability allocation by three-parameter design . Therefor , the result of reliability allocation is changing more science and more rational .

  9. 本文描述了业务流程再造(BPR)在整合新旧电子采购系统中的应用及J2EE实现过程,探讨了基于J2EE的BPR在电子采购系统中应用的科学性与可行性。

    This paper describes the whole process of integrating of old and new e-procurement based on BPR and J2EE , discusses the scientific possibility and necessity of J2EE technology and BPR applied in e-procurement system integration .

  10. 实践证明,PKI理论和技术在解决网络安全问题中具有很好的科学性,但目前的PKI体系都是针对传统固定网络而设计的,很难直接应用于adhoc网络。

    Actually , PKI theories and techniques are very scientific in solving the network security . But the current PKI system is designed for traditional immobile network , and can hardly be applied in ad hoc network directly .

  11. 通过44种室内装潢涂料急性吸入毒性和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)含量的测试,验证上述测试及评价方法的科学性和可行性。

    The acute inhalation toxicity and total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC ) were identified for44 species in6 categories of indoor coating , verifying the method of the measurement and assessment .

  12. 结论EMG对提高手术效果,探讨手术中电生理监测方法的科学性,研究电生理标准与疗效的关系等,均能提供有益的帮助。

    Conclusions EMG recordings may help improve the effects of SPR and evaluate the reliability of electrophysiological methods , which may also provide valuable assistance in investigating the relations between the electrophysiological criteria and the therapeutic effects of the operation .

  13. 本文深入探讨了SA8000的产生背景、思想本质及其科学性和局限性,通过与我国科学发展观的比较分析,澄清了目前我国对SA8000的误解和偏见。

    The paper analyzes not only the background and essence of SA8000 , but also its reasonableness and limitation by comparison with China 's scientific development concept , so that we can correct the prejudice .

  14. 膜下滴灌棉花的需水规律是制定灌溉制度作出灌水决策的关键依据,但是相关的Kc值的确定成果不多,使相应的灌溉制度和灌水决策方法科学性不强。

    Water demand regulation of cotton by drip irrigation under mulch is the key basis for making irrigation institution and decision , however , lacking of relative Kc value lead to the unscientific method for making institution and decision of crop irrigation .

  15. 采用HBO治疗结合激素、抗血小板聚集剂、改善脑循环及代谢药物等综合治疗措施治疗ACOP具有科学性和可行性。

    It is scientific and effective for us to use mannitol reasonably and to give ACOP patients sufficient HBO treatment together with glucocorticoid , medicine of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis , antiplatelet aggregation agent and medicine of improving cerebral metabolism .

  16. 通过贯入法,本文确定了四种不同机理温拌沥青混合料的施工温度,并通过旋转压实仪(SGC)以空隙率为指标验证了贯入法的科学性和适用性。

    Based on Penetration Test , the construction temperatures of the four Warm Mix Asphalts are determined . And then , the author uses the gyratory compactor ( SGC ) to verify the science and applicability of the Penetration Test with the indicator of Porosity .

  17. 结论:TA-RC可以为糖尿病中医症候研究提供一种可量化的方法,传统的中医症候的科学性可以被现代医学方法所证实。

    Conclusion : TA-RC could afford a quantitative method for the TCM symptoms study of diabetic patients . The science of the TCM symptoms can be confirmed by modern medical methods .

  18. 科学性是质量管理水平的核心和标志。

    Scientificity is the core and sign of quality management level .

  19. 从现代设计论设计教育的科学性和人性化

    On the science and humanity of design education from modern design

  20. 调查结果显示了新构建模式的科学性和可行性。

    Finally , It proves the feasibility of the new model .

  21. 人文性与科学性的融合:语言哲学语用学转向

    Fusion of Humanism and Science : Pragmatic Turn of Linguistic Philosophy

  22. 基于益气养阴法治疗肺癌的科学性探讨

    Discussion on Treating Lung Cancer Based on Supplementing qi and Nourishing Yin

  23. 利用计算机提高专业课程实践教学环节成绩评定的科学性

    Improve the Evaluation of Teaching Practice of Subjects with Computers

  24. 研究表明,四阶段法更具科学性、可信性,比较符合交通量发展变化的客观规律。

    It indicates that the four-step forecast method is scientific and believable .

  25. 历史学的终极目标应是科学性和文学性的完美结合。

    The ultimate aim of history is put science and literature together .

  26. 但这种方法的科学性与有效性是可以肯定的。

    However , the scientificalness and effectiveness of such method is certain .

  27. 理论精神上坚持科学性与人文性的统一。

    It unites scientism and humanism in theoretical spirit .

  28. 分析问题的基本前提条件和命题缺乏科学性;

    The definition and the premise lack scientific feature .

  29. 科学性与形式多样性的统一;

    The integration of scientific property with writen form ;

  30. 以科学性为本位的公务员面试转型探索

    From the Standardized to the Scientific Civil Servant Interviews