
  • 网络scientific development mode;science development model
  1. 科学发展模式问题,历来是西方科学哲学研究视域中的一个核心问题。

    The question of scientific development mode has always been a core question in the visual field on western philosophy science research .

  2. 低碳经济是协调经济发展与碳排放、人与自然矛盾的科学发展模式。

    Low Carbon Economic ( LCE ) is become a new science development model which can harmonize the contradict between economic development and the carbon discharge , the human and nature .

  3. 浅析科学发展模式的更替及原因

    Brief analysis pattern of scientific develop changes and cause

  4. 试析波普尔科学发展模式的实质

    To analysiss substance Popper 's growth of scientific knowledge

  5. 几种经典的科学发展模式理论及分析

    The analysis of scientific development model theories

  6. 地理学的发展虽然并不严格按照库恩的科学发展模式演化,但在地理科学发展过程中某些关键点(或阶段)上却是与库恩理论十分相符。

    In some key point or phase the process of geographic science correspond to the theory of Mr. Kuhn .

  7. 从自然科学发展模式的角度考察了沸腾传热研究的历史、现状和未来。

    By the viewpoint of natural science revolution diagnosis , the history , reality and future of boiling heat transfer research are investigated .

  8. 除了证伪主义的科学发展模式外,以库恩和拉卡托斯等为代表的历史主义方式也为科学的发展模式做出了一种全新的见解。

    In addition to Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos are the representative of a historical approach also contributed to the developing science , a new view .

  9. 本文将高新技术用于扶贫实践,并按照卡拉托斯科学发展模式建构了贫困地区超越式发展的战略。

    The thesis intends to apply high-new tech to the practice of aiding the poor and construct the strategies of surpassing development in the poor regions according to Lakatos ' model .

  10. 作者试图运用库恩的科学发展模式理论较合理地化解该矛盾,并对今后制定科技发展战略、选择科研课题提供有益的启示和建议。

    The author tries to solve the problem by applying Kuhn 's theory of scientific development and puts forward some suggestions for selecting scientific research topics and making the science-technology development strategies in the future .

  11. 指出当前民族传统体育发展所蕴含的六大机遇,提出加强对国民的民族传统体育教育,构建具有中国特色的科学发展模式,是实现民族体育可持续发展的关键。

    The paper pointed out six latent opportunities in the development of current nationality traditional sports and suggested that the key to realizing continuous development of nationality traditional sports is to strengthen the national education in nationality traditional sports and to construct a mode of scientific development with Chinese characteristics .

  12. 同时,还希望为我国其它民营医院的健康成长提供科学的发展模式和有益的经验参考。

    Meanwhile , we hope to provide some references for other private hospitals in their healthy growth .

  13. 魏后凯相信,这些并非由城市化自身所导致的,而是由不科学的发展模式造成的。

    Wei believes this is not caused by urbanization itself , but by an unscientific approach to development .

  14. 广大城市商业银行如何寻求更合理的市场定位和更科学的发展模式、如何制订符合自身条件的发展战略是所有城市商业银行都必须深入思考的重大课题。

    The majority of city commercial banks how to seek a more rational market positioning and scientific development mode , how to formulate development strategies suited to their own conditions is a major issue for all city commercial banks have in-depth thinking .

  15. 科学发展的解释模式嬗变及其分析&汉斯·波塞尔的科学发展模式学说评析

    Hans Poser and Modes of Explanation of Science Development

  16. 探索高等职业教育改革先行先试、科学发展的试验模式。

    Meanwhile , some leading scientific models of educational reform will be carried out .

  17. 高职院校必须注意其内涵建设,建立科学的可持续发展模式。

    Higher vocational Colleges should pay attention to its construction of connotation and build up scientific sustainable development style .

  18. 科学选择城镇发展模式与城乡一体化战略,以富于前瞻性的总体规划对城镇建设与发展进行指导和控制;

    Supervising and regulating the construction and development of county seats in terms of prospective overall planning and the concept of integrated urban-rural strategy ;

  19. 未来必须坚持正确的发展方向,构建科学的文化发展模式来推进我军先进的军事文化建设。

    In the future we have to persist in the correct development direction and construct scientific cultural development pattern to advance our army advanced military cultural reconstruction .

  20. 通过分析科学革命动态发展模式、不可通约性、科学共同体等几个方面论述了范式概念及其理论。

    Through the analysis of the dynamic development mode of scientific revolution , incommensurability , scientific community from the following aspects : " paradigm " concept and theory .

  21. 根据美国本科生科研的预期目标和方式,可以将其大体划分为四种主要模式:降低辍学率的模式、科学职业发展的模式、研究学徒的模式和基于研究的学习的模式。

    There are four main models according to the goals and characteristics of undergraduate research programmes : retention , career promotion , research apprenticeship , and research-based learning .

  22. 培养创新型医学人才是素质教育的需要、是适应医学特点的需要、是医学科学发展和医学模式转变的需要,传统的教育模式难以适应创新教育的要求。

    To cultivate medical talents with innovative ability is necessary for quality education , medical development and medical mode transformation . The traditional education mode cannot acclimatize itself to innovation education .

  23. 在这一部分里论文将具体分析库恩损失到底是由哪些原因造成的,然后通过研究库恩关于科学革命整个发展模式的论述,找到在哪一个环节中库恩损失能够得到弥补以及如何弥补。

    In this section , we will analyze what reasons will cause " Kuhn loss ", and then through the research of the development model of scientific revolution , wecan find in which part of the loss will be covered and how to cover it .

  24. 论科学技术发展对管理模式的影响

    The influence brought by the development of Science and Technology to managerial model

  25. 台湾新竹科学工业园区的发展模式及启示

    Developing Pattern of Hsinchu Science Park and The Enlightenment

  26. 科学发展观与消费模式转变

    Scientific Developmental View and Consuming Mode Transference

  27. 随着医学科学的发展,生物医学模式开始逐步向整体论医学模式过渡。

    With the development of medical science , biomedical model began gradually to transit to overall medical model .

  28. 用科学发展观突破旧模式,采用高科技实现能源资源替代,可持续发展才有保证,指导我国社会经济更好更快更持续的发展。

    Break with the old model of scientific development concept , using high technology to achieve " energy resource substitution ," can only be guaranteed for sustainable development .

  29. 但创建大学城必须具备相应的文化和其他发展环境条件,必须选择一种科学、合理的发展模式,必须要克服为规模而规模和急功近利的发展思想。

    But the college city construction must have the corresponding cultural and other development condition , choose the scientific and rational development mode , and overcome the idea that eager for quick success .

  30. 同样,科学进步的模式与科学发展的模式也不完全相同。

    The pattern of science progress is also different from the pattern of science development .