
  1. Trailingspouse(随迁配偶)指因为伴侣换工作或者接受工作委派而随其搬到另一个城市的人。境外委派或者国内委派任务中的随迁配偶均可用此表达。

    The term trailing spouse is used to describe a person who follows his or her life partner to another city because of a newly-found job or work assignment .

  2. 随迁配偶多出现于军队、外交、政府机构以及私营企业等会定期轮换委派员工到不同地区的单位。

    The term is often associated with people involved in an expatriate assignment but is also used on domestic assignments . The phenomena where the employer regularly re-assigns their employees to new locations .

  3. 农民工子女主要分为留守子女与随迁子女两大部分。

    The children of peasant workers are mainly divided into leftover children and accompany-migrated children .

  4. 农民工随迁子女人格成长问题及干预

    The Problem and Intervention of Personality Development of Migrant Workers ' Children in the City

  5. 农民工随迁子女的能否得到更大限度的发展具有很大的教育意义和社会意义。

    It has great educational significance if the migrant workers ' children can get good developments .

  6. 农民工随迁子女义务后教育:问题与对策

    The Post-compulsory Education for the Rural Migrant Workers ' Children in City : Problem and Countermeasure

  7. 如何较好地解决这些进城农民工随迁子女的教育问题成了摆在政府面前的难题。

    How to solve the education problems of these migrant children became a priority for the government .

  8. 我国城市流动人口随迁子女高中阶段入学问题初探

    Pilot Exploration on the Issues of Admission to the High School for the Floating Children in China

  9. 作为一名随迁配偶,她还放弃了一些独立性,甚至安全感。

    as a trailing spouse she was also givingup some independence and , potentially , her sense of safety .

  10. 第二部分是对我国农民工随迁子女教育问题的概念及相关理论的分析。

    The second part is on the concept of peasant-workers ' children education in China and analysis of relevant theory .

  11. 随迁子女的教育融入问题不仅是教育问题,同时也是值得深思的社会问题,并且问题的形成不是一时的,而是一个长期、复杂、多层次性的问题。

    Educational inclusion issue is not formed temporary , but a long , complex , multi-level nature of the problem .

  12. 因此,研究进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况具有重大的理论意义和应用价值。

    Therefore , the study of migrant situations Children in compulsory education is of great theoretical significance and application value .

  13. 第三章:农民工随迁子女义务教育政策执行的现状。

    Chapter three is about the current situation of the policy implementation of compulsory education for rural migrant workers ' children .

  14. 区(县)政府为了规避经费负担,从而设置种种条件限制农民工随迁子女入学。

    In order to avoid the financial burdens , the district governments set various requisitions to limit the enrollment of migrant children .

  15. 大量流动人口涌入城市的过程中,流动人口随迁子女跟随父母来到城市,他们的到来给城市的教育管理带来了新的难题。

    Huge number of children followed they parents came to cites brought new challenges to the education and management of the city .

  16. 随着流动人口举家迁移趋势的日渐明显,大量的农民工随迁子女流入城市。

    With the apparent trends of floating family migration , a large number of children float into cities with the peasant workers .

  17. 第二部分,结合实例陈述随迁子女在流入地学校教育的现状和存在的问题。

    In the second part , the author introduce the situation and problems of the children of migrant workers in inflow school .

  18. 第五部分从政策衔接的角度,探讨了在沪农民工随迁子女接受高职教育的设想。

    The fifth part probes the idea that the peasant workers ' children accept high vocational education from the angle of policy cohesion .

  19. 加之其他诸多原因,不少随迁子女在学习及社会适应等方面都出现不良发展的倾向。

    In addition to some other reasons , many children of migrants of workers appear a bad tendency in study and social adjustment .

  20. 农民工随迁子女教育问题是城镇化进程中在教育领域呈现的一个十分突出的问题。

    The problem of children education of migrant workers trailing in the urbanization process in the field of education presents a very prominent problem .

  21. 农民工随迁子女们在城市的社会融入方面还存在不足,在城市优势资源共享的某些方面还存在着缺位。

    Trailing migrant workers children in the city there are deficiencies , social integration in city edge lack certain aspects of resources sharing still exists .

  22. 越来越多的儿童跟随父母来到城市。进城务工人员随迁子女也逐渐进入研究者的视域。

    More and more rural children with parents migrate to the city . Children of migrant workers also gradually come into the researchers ' sight .

  23. 其中,进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况一直是城市义务教育长期存在的一个突出问题。

    Among them , the children of Migrant Workers to receive compulsory education compulsory education had been in long-term existence of the city a prominent issue .

  24. 为进城务工人员随迁子女提供教育服务已经成为一个重大的问题并越来越为社会所关注。

    Providing education for the children of rural migrant workers has created a critical problem for the government and getting more and more attention by the society .

  25. 而农民工随迁子女因为其身份的特殊、家庭和社会因素的影响,还面临着比城镇户籍儿童更多的生存风险。

    And because of the special identity , income of their families and other social factors , children of migrant workers faced more risks than urban children .

  26. 本文建议:提高薄弱学校的办学质量;加强对农民工家庭的扶持,提高随迁子女家庭教育质量;加强社区建设,为随迁子女提供优质的学前教育资源和良好的社区环境。

    This paper suggests : improving the quality of the weak schools , strengthen support for the migrant workers , improve family education quality and strengthen community facility .

  27. 以流入地政府和公办学校为主,切实保障农民工随迁子女平等接受义务教育。

    Relying mainly on local governments and public schools , we will guarantee equal access to compulsory education for the children of rural migrant workers who live in cities .

  28. 近年来,更是出现了农民工举家迁移的现象,农民工随迁子女群体的规模也随之不断扩大。

    In recent years , there even appears the phenomenon that the peasant-workers migrate into cities with the whole families . The size of the peasant-workers ' children becomes larger .

  29. 但就目前西部山区进城务工农民随迁子女德育仍然存在家庭、学校、社会方面的诸多缺失。

    However , there is still much deficiency in the moral education of the western rural immigrant workers ' children owing to family , school and society at the moment .

  30. 上海作为外来务工人员聚集的大城市,如何让外来务工人员随迁子女接受良好的教育是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Shanghai , as a big city of migrant workers gather , how to let the children of migrant workers receive a good education is an urgent problem to be solved .