
  • 网络random effect model;REM
  1. 方法在分层贝叶斯框架下,推出随机效应模型meta分析参数的完全条件分布。

    Methods The full conditional distributions of parameters in Gibbs sampling for meta analysis based on random effects model is derived .

  2. 多元随机效应模型中线性预测的泛容许性

    General Admissibility of Linear Predictor in the Multivariate Random Effects Model

  3. 非平衡随机效应模型中方差分量的经验Bayes估计

    On Empirical Bayes Estimation of Variance Components in Unbalanced Random Effects Models

  4. 具有AR(1)误差的非线性随机效应模型中自相关系数的扰动诊断

    Perturbation Diagnostics of Autocorrelation Coefficients in Nonlinear Models with Random Effects and AR ( 1 ) Errors

  5. 方法采用随机效应模型进行meta综合分析合并率差。

    Methods Meta-analysis was applied with a random-effect model for the collected data .

  6. 具有AR(1)误差的线性随机效应模型中方差齐性和自相关性的检验

    Testing of Homogeneity for Variance and Autocorrelation in Linear Models with AR ( 1 ) Errors and Random Effects

  7. LM检验证明随机效应模型优于固定效应模型。

    LM test proves the random effect model is superior to the fixed effect model .

  8. 统计处理采用Meta分析的固定效应模型和随机效应模型。

    Fixed-effect model ( FEM ) and random-effect model ( REM ) of Meta-analysis were applied to process data .

  9. 总结了动态平行数据模型的固定效应与随机效应模型的最小二乘估计(OLS)与工具变量估计(Tool)方法。

    In fixed effect model and random effect model of dynamic panel data , we summarized the OLS method with instrument tool method of parameter estimating .

  10. 导出了混合线性模型在各种扰动下效应参数的Bayes局部影响度量,并给出了平衡单向分类随机效应模型下的一些结果。

    The Bayes local influence measures are derived under various perturbation schemes , and some results in random-effects model of one-way classification are obtained .

  11. 该文利用非线性随机效应模型在欧氏空间的BW几何结构,求出了固定效应参数估计的渐近性质与随机展开式。

    In this paper , the BW geometric framework for nonlinear models with random effects is utilized to derive random expansion of fixed effects parameter estimator .

  12. 对单向随机效应模型的方差显著性检验给出了参数Bootstrap方法,该方法解决了广义p-值方法不能保证检验水平的问题。

    A parametric bootstrap method to test the significance of random effects in one-way random effects model is given , this approach solves the problem of the generalized p-value method .

  13. 方法:应用Meta分析方法的随机效应模型,对国内2000~2004年采用中医治疗溃疡性结肠炎,并以西医治疗作对照的研究文献进行定量合并分析。

    Methods : Randomized effect model of Meta-analysis was used for quantitatively combined analysis on research literature about simple TCM treatment of ulcerative colitis with controlled study of simple western medicine from 2000 ~ 2004 in China .

  14. 本文利用1995-19972000-2003年期间,中国工业36个行业的平行数据,使用固定效应模型和随机效应模型估计了FDI对工业行业内部的技术外溢,及影响技术外溢的因素。

    Based on the panel data of a sample of 36 industry sectors during 1995-1997 and 2000-2003 , this paper estimates the technological spillover effect of FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) to domestic industry firms with fix effect model and random effect model .

  15. 对已发表的9篇关于纯母乳喂养降低婴儿腹泻的文献进行Meta分析,齐性检验表明,应选择随机效应模型进行加权合并,最终合并OR值为0.3458,其95%的可信区间为0.2297~0.5205。

    In the present paper , date from 9 pertinent published studies on the breast feeding reducing infantile diarrhea were analyzed by means of Meta analysis . Homogeneity test showed that Random Effect Model should be selected for weighting and pooling data .

  16. 与普通最小二乘法(OLS)相比,可行广义最小二乘法(FGLS)对随机效应模型的估计更为有效。

    Compared with ordinary least square method ( OLS ), the estimation of the random effect model of the feasible generalized least squares method ( FGLS ) is more effective .

  17. 首先通过数据包络方法(DEA)计算出各地的粮食生产技术效率,然后运用时间随机效应模型和可行广义最小二乘法(GeneralFGLS)分析估计三个因素对农业水资源压力指数的影响。

    Firstly , the paper calculate the technical efficiency of food production by DEA , and then use the time random effects models and possible generalized least squares ( General FGLS ) to estimate the impact of three factors on agricultural water stress index .

  18. [方法]以乳腺癌组与对照组人群对豆制品摄入的OR值为效应指标,根据一致性检验的结果,选择随机效应模型(Meta分析)对OR进行合并,并进行偏倚评估。

    [ Methods ] Taking into account the possibility of heterogeneity test , random effect Meta-analysis model was adopted to calculate the combined odds ratio ( OR ), meanwhile publication bias was also evaluated with OR of soybean consumption as effect target between breast cancer group and control group .

  19. 然后,对这八个省市构建一个三变量的面板数据,使用固定效应和随机效应模型去估计面板数据向量自回归方程,并进行系数的Wald检验,得出三变量之间的因果关系。

    We then construct the panel data of the three variables for the eight economies as a group and then use the fixed effects and random effects approaches to estimate the panel data VAR equations for Granger causality tests .

  20. 方法:全面收集清开灵注射液治疗急性中风的临床试验,在严格质量评价的基础上,利用RevMan进行随机效应模型的Meta分析;

    Methods : All the reports of clinical trials that use OKL as the main intervention to treat acute stroke were retrieved and collected and random_effect model of Meta_analysis was preformed by using the statistical software Review Manager ( RevMan 3.1.1 ) on the basis of strict quality evaluation ;

  21. 对此类数据常常使用随机效应模型进行相关统计分析。

    Random effects models are powerful tools for analyzing these data .

  22. 由两名评论员通过随机效应模型提取数据。

    Two reviewers extracted data , which were aggregated using random-effects models .

  23. 利用随机效应模型计算了混合效应的大小。

    Pooled effect sizes were calculated using random effects models .

  24. 适应于纵数据的随机效应模型中参数的局部影响诊断

    Local-influence Diagnostics of parameters for Random-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data

  25. 散度族非线性随机效应模型的几何结构

    Geometry Framework of Dispersion Family Nonlinear Models with Random Effects

  26. 非线性再生散度随机效应模型的局部影响分析。

    Local Influence for Nonlinear Reproductive Dispersion Mixed Models .

  27. 采用随机效应模型进行综合分析。

    A meta-analysis was done with random effects model .

  28. 非线性随机效应模型的若干统计推断

    Some Asymptotic Inferences about Nonlinear Model with Random Effects

  29. 指数族非线性随机效应模型的参数估计及其性质

    The parameter estimation and properties on exponential family nonlinear model with random effects

  30. 非线性随机效应模型基于统计曲率的统计诊断

    Statistical Diagnosis of Nonlinear Models with Random Effects in Terms of Statistical Curvature