
  • 网络auv;uuv;AUVS;underwater vehicles
  1. 基于LMS算法的水下航行器传感器故障检测

    Fault Detection of Sensor for AUV Based on the Least-mean-square Algorithm

  2. 自主水下航行器(AUV)能够准确地到达任务地点,顺利地完成任务,精确的水下导航是不可缺少的关键技术。

    The accurate navigation is very important to the AUV to reach the place exactly and finish the work .

  3. 一些无人机装置和水下航行器已经使用了基于拍翅运动原理的推进系统,但成效甚微。

    Some drone devices and underwater vehicles already use propulsion systems based on a wing clapping motion , but with limited success .

  4. 磁通门与GPS组合导航在水下航行器的应用

    Application of Integrated Fluxgate Magnetic and GPS Navigation System in AUV

  5. 对时间Petri网在水下航行器制导系统仿真多任务调度中的应用进行了探索和研究。

    The timed Petri nets application in multitask scheduling was investigated for underwater vehicle guidance simulation .

  6. Al/H2O2作为无人水下航行器动力电池的研究

    Development of the Al / H_2O_2 semi-fuel cell used in the unmanned underwater vehicle power batteries

  7. 你需要个AUV,一个自行式水下航行器。

    You need an AUV , an autonomous underwater vehicle .

  8. 多自主水下航行器(AutonomousUnderwaterVehicles,AUVs)的协同作业对于海洋科学考察和海洋开发等具有重要意义。

    Cooperative control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles ( AUVs ) plays an important role on marine scientific investigation and marine development .

  9. 最后,基于UDP网络通信技术,完成了水下航行器半实物仿真控制系统的三维虚拟显示。

    At last , this paper achieves virtual reality of Hardware-in-loop Simulation system based on UDP network protocol .

  10. 基于LQR方法的水下航行器热动力推进系统控制研究

    Research of Control for Propulsion System of Thermal Power Underwater Vehicle Based on LQR

  11. 自主水下航行器(Autonomousunderwatervehicle,AUV)是目前海洋工程领域研究的热点,在军用和民用两方面都发挥着极其重要的作用。

    AUV ( Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ) is a hot research point of ocean engineering and plays an extremely important role in both military and civilian fields .

  12. 自主式水下航行器(AUV)对于人类开发海洋资源十分重要,作为关键部件的推进器一般采用螺旋桨和叶轮原理,存在机械效率低、噪音大、机动运动性差等缺点。

    Autonomous underwater vehicles ( AUV ) are quite important for the human being to develop the marine resources .

  13. 本文以实际科研项目为背景,对以捷联式惯性导航(SINS)为核心的自主式水下航行器导航技术进行了研究,并实现了导航系统的仿真设计。

    Based on actual AUV project , this thesis mainly studies the navigation system , which is based on strapdown inertial navigation ( SINS ) .

  14. 自主水下航行器(Autonomousunderwatervehicle,简称AUV)仿真技术以其安全、可靠、经济等特点已越来越受到人们的关注。

    The simulation technology of Autonomous underwater vehicle ( in short , AUV ) has been receiving increasing attention , due to its safe , reliable , economic and other characteristics .

  15. 本文采用基于VHDL高级综合的高层次设计方法对某型水下航行器自控系统的集成设计进行了研究。

    This paper researched the ASIC design in the automation system of a kind of AUV with high-level design method based on VHDL High-Level Synthesis .

  16. 从上世纪90年代中期以来,自主式水下航行器(AUV)在海洋科学调查以及军事领域得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Since mid-1990s , autonomous underwater vehicles ( AUVs ) have been playing an increasingly important role in scientific survey and military applications in underwater environments .

  17. 本文根据新型自主式水下航行器项目开发的研究需要,应用CAN总线技术设计了AUV内部的控制与通信系统。

    According to the requirement of developing a new type AUV , this paper provides the AUV 's interior control & communication systems based on CAN field-bus technique .

  18. 吉姆公映这部电影时并不知道六个月前NASA(美国宇航局)已拨款给我集合的一个团队去研发木卫二自行式水下航行器的原型。

    What Jim didn 't know when he released that movie was that six months earlier NASA had funded a team I assembled to develop a prototype for the Europa AUV .

  19. 设计了一种采用陀螺罗经和多普勒速度仪组合加GPS间歇校正的水下航行器组合导航系统,建立了该组合导航系统的无迹卡尔曼滤波模型,并利用MATLAB软件对其进行了数学仿真验证。

    An integrated navigation system for underwater vehicles is designed , which integrates gyrocompass , Doppler and GPS . The unscented Kalman filter ( UKF ) model for the system is built up , and a numerical simulation is performed with the software Matlab .

  20. 随着我国远航程、高精度自主水下航行器(AUV)的发展,迫切需要一种实用、有效的制导精度鉴定方法,尤其是在小子样条件下。

    The development of the long-range and accurately guided autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) necessitates a practical and effective method for the assessment of the guidance accuracy , especially with small sub-sample .

  21. 自主水下航行器(AUV.AutonomousUnderseaVehicles)无论是从民用还是军用的角度上讲,都具有广泛的应用前景和开发潜力,如进行海洋地形勘察、矿场侦察、海洋污染侦察等。

    AUV ( Autonomous Undersea Vehicles ) has large-scale applied prospect and potential in both military and civil application , for instance , the reconnaissance of ocean terrain 、 the recce of mineral resources and the reconnaissance of ocean pollution etc.

  22. 在自主水下航行器(简称AUV)壳体外形确定后,可以适当对舵面大小与重心位置进行调节来满足不同速度下的AUV水平面运动稳定性。

    Fin sizes and the center of the gravity can be properly adjusted to maintain the stability of horizontal motion of AUV with different velocities when the cell of the autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) is established .

  23. 仿真结果表明在定时引入GPS导航信息后,该导航系统能够使水下航行器定位精度有很大提高,基本克服了SINS/DVL组合导航系统中定位误差随时间累积的问题。

    The simulation result shows that after timing introducing GPS navigation information this navigation system can increase the positioning accuracy evidently , and overcome the question of the positional error accumulated with the of time in SINS / DVL Integrated Navigation .

  24. 无人水下航行器(以下简称UUV)群体面向复杂作业需求的使命规划作为UUV自主能力的重要体现,已经成为UUV领域研究的关键技术之一。

    In recent years , mission planning for complex mission plays an important manifestation in the autonomous ability of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle ( UUV ), and it has become a key technology in this area .

  25. 近年来,自主式水下航行器(AUV)在海洋科学调查、海洋资源开发以及军事领域得到越来越广泛的应用;而作为AUV发展的关键的水下导航技术,也得到了广泛关注。

    These years , autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) has been playing an increasingly important role in scientific survey , resource development and military applications in underwater environments . Besides , underwater navigation technology has been widely studied because of its key position in AUV application .

  26. 主动避碰技术是无人无缆水下航行器(UUV)和智能水下航行器(AUV)研究领域的核心问题之一。本课题来源于某公司委托开发的实际工程项目。

    Design of active collision avoidance system is one of the core issues in the area of no-cable unmanned underwater vehicle ( UUV ) and intelligent underwater vehicle ( AUV ) . The issue stems from an actual R & D projects commissioned by a company .

  27. 研究基于网络控制原理的水下航行器制导系统结构,详细分析了基于时间触发的TTCAN高层协议在水下航行器网络控制系统中的应用;

    The Networked Control Systems ( NCS ) of AUV guidance system based on the networked control principle is studied . The time-triggered controller area network ( TTCAN ) protocol applied in AUV guidance system is also analyzed .

  28. 本文简要介绍了基于PC104嵌入式工业控制计算机某小型远程自主水下航行器制导系统的设计要求和软硬件实现方法,该制导系统已成功应用于学校211工程建设的自主水下航行器上。

    This paper briefly introduce the design requirements and software & hardware realization method of the underwater guidance and control system on a small autonomous underwater vehicle . This guidance and control system have been successfully implemented on a autonomous underwater vehicle built by 211 project of Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  29. 水下航行器最速控制系统设计及微机控制系统实现

    Time-Optimal Control System Design and Implementation with Computer Controller for Underwater-Vehicle

  30. 浮力驱动式水下航行器螺旋线运动控制与仿真

    Spiral motion control and simulation of buoyancy - driven underwater vehicle