
  • 网络division of marine functional zonation
  1. AHP方法在锦州市海洋功能区划中的应用

    Application of AHP to division of marine functional zonation in Jinzhou City

  2. 莱州湾海洋功能区划数学关系模型的建立及其GIS的实现

    Study on the Spatial Relational Model for the Division of Marine Functional Zonation and the Implementation under GIS in the Laizhou Bay

  3. GIS支持下的福州市海洋功能区划

    Fuzhou Marine Functional Zoning Based on GIS

  4. 基于MapX+VISUALBASIC的专题地理信息系统二次开发&以开发海洋功能区划管理信息系统为例

    Secondary Development of Thematic GIS Based on MapX + Visual Basic & Taking the Development of a Marine Function Zoning MIS as an Example

  5. 3S支持下的海洋功能区划工作底图制图技术

    Background Drawing Technology of Sea functional Division Supported by 3S

  6. 对海洋功能区划与环境敏感区进行分析和预测结果表明,拟用海域在潮间带养殖池塘,其高度平均为2m左右。

    Results of analysis and predicts on ocean functionality area and environment sensitive area show that : make use of tide to build up the breed aquatics pond whose average height is around 2 meters .

  7. 市级与省级海洋功能区划空间符合性分析研究

    Research on spatial consistency between city and provincial marine functional zoning

  8. 县域海洋功能区划的思考&以东台市为例

    On division of marine functional zonation & a case study of Dongtai City

  9. GB17108-1997海洋功能区划技术导则

    Technical directives for the division of marine functional zonation

  10. 中国海洋功能区划的基本方案

    The fundamental programs of marine functional division of China

  11. 海洋功能区划立法探讨

    Discussion on legislation of marine functional zoning in China

  12. 海洋功能区划适宜性评价模型研究

    The Study of the Suitability Evaluation Model of the Division of Marine Functional Zones

  13. 海洋功能区划的目的、意义;

    Purpose and significance of marine functional zoning ;

  14. 海洋功能区划的基本理论与实证研究

    The Study of the Division of Marine Functional Zones on the Theory and Practice

  15. 试论以资源定位的海洋功能区划

    Discussion on the Resource-oriented Marine Functional Zoning

  16. 公众参与海洋功能区划理论研究及效果评价

    Public Participation in Division of Marine Functional Zonation in China and Assessment of the Effects

  17. 海洋功能区划的理论和实践

    Theory and Practice of Marine Functional Zoning

  18. 海洋功能区划管理信息系统

    Management Information System for Marine Functional Zoning

  19. 制定大比例尺海洋功能区划和综合性海洋开发保护规划;

    It will formulate large-scale offshore functional divisions and plans for comprehensive marine development and protection ;

  20. 同时,也要认真制定海洋功能区划,合理开发和利用海洋资源。

    And we should carefully designed marine function zoning , rationally develop and utilize marine resources .

  21. 以资源定位的海洋功能区划对于海洋资源的持续利用具有长远的指导性。

    Resource-oriented marine functional zoning has a long-term guidance for the sustainable use of marine resources .

  22. 海洋功能区划的方法;

    Methods of marine functional zoning ;

  23. 海洋功能区划制度是我国海域使用管理的一项基本制度。

    Division of marine functional zonation system is our country sea area use management basic system .

  24. 海洋功能区划与海岸带综合利用和保护规划的协同效应

    Mutual effect study on marine functional zoning and the comprehensive utilization & protective plan of coastal zone

  25. 树立海洋功能区划观念,依法治理港口水域乱养殖

    Establishing the Concept of Marine Function Zoning and Legally Harnessing the Unlawful Aquiculture in the Harbor Water Area

  26. 编制海洋功能区划、海洋开发和科技兴海规划;

    Draw up the regional plan about the marine functions and the plans for the marine development by means of science and technology ;

  27. 未经批准,不得改变海洋功能区划确定的海域功能。

    In the absence of such approval , no functions of the sea areas defined by the marine function zoning may be altered .

  28. 目前,除了海洋功能区划理论,其它关于海岸带生态环境保护的理论和研究成果还不多见。

    At present , besides marine function zoning theory , there are not many theories and research results about eco-environmental protection in coastal zone .

  29. 同时通过论文的研究,也指出了海洋功能区划方法的亟待提高和完善的方面。

    At the same time , this paper advises us that there are some respects of marine functional division should be further improved and perfected immediately .

  30. 在这种背景下,迫切需要研究合理海洋功能区划空间布局方法,以实现海洋经济的可持续发展。

    In this context , the rational methods of spatial layouts of marine functional zoning are cried for to realize the sustainable development of marine economy .