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  • 网络ash formation
  1. 应用静态燃烧冷态振筛实验方法研究了几种国内煤种的成灰特性并给出了相应煤种的成灰数据库。

    An experimental method involving static combustion and cold state vibration screening is employed to study the ash formation characteristics of several Chinese coal ranks with the ash formation data-base being given for these coals .

  2. CFB锅炉煤成灰特性的6参数模型研究循环流化床床料形成特性的研究

    Six-parameter Model Study of Ash Formation Characteristics of Coals in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  3. 双向视ICP-OES法同时测定褐煤中锗和一些主要成灰元素

    Simultaneous Determination of Germanium and Some Major Ash Forming Elements in Lignites Using a Dual-View ICP-OES

  4. 笔者着重对污泥泵送系统的设计、掺烧条件下燃烧特性、煤和污泥掺烧比例的确定以及掺烧条件下成灰特性、SO2,NOx排放特性等进行分析探讨。

    The designing of sludge pump , combustion characteristic in mixing condition , deciding of mixing proportion , the characteristic of ash and discharging characteristic of SO2 and NOX were emphatically introduced .

  5. 对循环物料在循环流化床(CFB)锅炉中的作用进行了分析,提出影响循环物料平衡的因素主要是燃料的成灰特性及炉内的工况。

    After analyzing the effect of circulating material on the CFB boiler , this paper draws the conclusion that there are two main aspects which affect the balance of circulating material , the first is incineration characteristics of the coal , the other is the working condition in the furnace .

  6. 把它研磨成灰,研磨成纳米颗粒,

    and you grind it into dust , into gold nanoparticles ,

  7. 谁的试卷最先烧成灰,就得“不及格”。

    Final papers completely burn to ask first will get F.

  8. 用手在鞋子上一触立即成灰。

    Hand in his shoes on a touch incinerated immediately .

  9. 静电作用对水相中煤脱除成灰矿物的影响

    The effect of the electrostatic function on deashing from coal in aqueous phase

  10. 煤焦破碎成灰模型研究

    A model study on char fragmentation and ash formation

  11. 一个被烧成灰的可怜丫头,还能成鬼吗?

    Can a poor burnt-up lass have a ghost ?

  12. 你的好朋友金,一份好前途转眼成灰

    Your friend Kim -- a promising career -- over and done with .

  13. 他们要把你和它烧成灰。

    They were ready to incinerate it and you .

  14. 纵然青史已经成灰,我爱不灭。

    Even if history goes up in ashe , my love never ever dies .

  15. 这里所有的花儿都幻化成灰,我们却仍能回味它们的香味。

    All flowers here are dust , but we can still recall their scent .

  16. .灰色的.把……烧成灰;

    Of a gray color tinged with black .

  17. 我们一开电流,他马上就会被烧成灰。

    We 're gonna turn on the juice and he 'll be incinerated immediately .

  18. 然后把我皮囊火化成灰!

    Then cremates my leather bag Cheng Hui !

  19. 流化床燃烧煤的成灰磨耗特性

    Investigation on the Ash Size Distribution and Attrition During the Coal Combustion in Fluidized Bed

  20. 其中有一棵已经老死,树心枯烂成灰。

    One of them had been dead and it had been rotten in the center .

  21. 生物质与煤混合燃烧成灰特性研究进展

    Progress of the study on the characteristics of ash from co-firing of biomass and coal

  22. .也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。

    Maybe so , but you can 't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass

  23. 我坐着747到你们的小窝棚里去把你们都烧成灰了吗?

    and I 'm flying 747 s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends ?

  24. 去年在柴油筒里被烧成灰的那个妇女。

    Last year , that woman who burned to ashes in a barrel of diesel fuel .

  25. 也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。

    Maybe so , but you can 't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass .

  26. 他将邱坛焚烧,打碎成灰,并焚烧了亚舍拉像。

    And he burned the high place and beat it into dust and burned the Asherah .

  27. 倘若有一朝纸灰能复燃,请它把我那深藏着爱情之火的热心肠也燃烧成灰吧!

    If the ashes can be burned again , please turn my deep love into ashes .

  28. 真该把他碾成灰。

    Grind him to ashes !

  29. 爱是一滴擦不掉的眼泪,还没凝固已经成灰。

    Love is a drop of 't wipe off the tears , haven 't solidification has to ashes .

  30. 她不希望任何人看到那封信,于是将信烧成灰倒掉。

    She didn 't want anyone to see the letter , so she burned it up and threw the ashes away .