首页 / 词典 / good

  • look for;seek;forage;hunt for
  • 找,寻求:~食。~取。寻~。搜~。

  • 数量单位,中国唐代南诏以十六枚贝为一觅。


(寻找) look for; hunt for; seek:

  • 寻觅

    seek; look for;

  • 觅访

    try to find and meet sb.;

  • 觅食

    look for food; foraging (for)

  1. 化学毁损伏隔核对吗啡给药大鼠觅药行为及探索行为的影响

    Effects of nucleus accumbens lesion on behavior to look for drug and exploratory behavior of rats

  2. 同样作为用人单位,觅不到先进人才也同样面临生存的危机。

    Similarly , if the employing unit can not look for the advanced talents , it also will face crisis , too .

  3. 正在帮助雇员另觅新职。

    Employees are being offered assistance in finding new jobs .

  4. 我不忍心蹬掉他再觅新欢。

    I can 't bring myself to ditch him and start again .

  5. 他总是在觅新工作。

    He 's always chasing new jobs .

  6. “她是哪来的?”短跑界对此十分震惊,接着就断定她不过是那种昙花一现的选手,一时表现得好,但很快就会毫无征兆地消声觅迹。

    " Where did she come from ? " asked an astonished sprinting world , before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time , only to disappear again without signs .

  7. 行业必须是一觅价者。

    The industry must be a Price Searcher .

  8. 只要他和Window系统继续把持微软公司,创新则不得不选择逃离微软,另觅生机。

    As long as he and windows have the dominating presence on Microsoft and all its businesses , innovation will find paths outside the company and elsewhere .

  9. 科学家可以制造出特异的(specific)互补DNA's(cDNA's),以此作为分子探子(molecularprobe),探觅出肽激素的信使RNA's(mRNA's)。

    It is possible to make specific complementary DNA 's ( cDNA 's ) that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA 's ( mRNA 's ) of the peptide hormones .

  10. 写作最重要的是,如果你做的事情太安全了,就做些危险的。趣味单词hermit何觅他

    A cardinal rule of writing -- if your work 's too safe , Do something dangerous .

  11. 在应激诱导戒断动物觅药行为中,NAc起重要作用。

    Nucleus accumbens plays an important role in stress induced abstinence of the drug seeking behavior in animals .

  12. METH成瘾是一种反复服用METH而引起的慢性、复发性脑疾病,主要特点是强迫性觅药、强烈的渴求心理以及中断用药后出现戒断症状。

    METH addiction is a chronic and recurrent brain disease which is characterized by the compromised behaviour of seeking drug , craving and withdrawal syndromes after cessation of drug taking .

  13. 目的通过观察胸腺五肽(thymopentin,TP5)对慢性乙醇摄取小鼠觅酒行为和乙醇戒断后焦虑症状的影响,探讨TP5改善乙醇依赖的可能性。

    Objective : To explore the effect of thymopentin ( TP5 ) on the choice of ethanol and ameliorating withdrawal symptoms ( anxiety ) of ethanol in mice .

  14. 光怪陆离的喧嚣,成龙、约翰·库萨克(JohnCusack)、阿德里安·布洛迪(AdrienBrody)的表演与万马奔腾的壮观景象不过是大场面的一部分,但在这一切盛大景象之中却很难寻觅一丝人性的脉搏。

    And while it can be tough to find the human pulse amid the spectacle noise , Jackie Chan , John Cusack , Adrien Brody and a trillion horse-riding extras are also part of the very big picture .

  15. 从觅母的角度谈异化翻译的趋势

    The Trend of Alienation in Translation from the Perspective of Meme

  16. 现在的挑战就是觅寻简居乐趣。

    Now the challenge is to find joy in simple things .

  17. 毁损腹侧苍白球对大鼠觅药行为的影响

    Effect of ventral pallidum lesions on drug seeking behavior in rats

  18. 也许我要另觅安排

    maybe there 's some other arrangement that could be made .

  19. 结果钉螺的交配行为可分为觅偶和求偶2个阶段;

    Results Oncomelania hupensis hupensis 's copulation behavior included calling and mating .

  20. 如果你一开始已成功了,就别再另觅他途。

    If at first you do succeed , quit trying .

  21. 母鸡觅到了几粒米。

    The hen scratched up a few Sands of grain .

  22. 建筑觅径过程中的空间信息传达模式研究

    Spatial Information Conveyed Research in the Process of Architecture Way-finding

  23. 觅一处有爱之地,再不漂泊!

    Seeks a side to have place of the love .

  24. 我们似乎没必要觅面。

    It doesn 't seem necessary for us to meet .

  25. 悔教夫婿觅封侯。

    She sighs for her husband seeking fame far away .

  26. 母亲把抽屉零个翻了一遍,觅觅那件毛衣。

    Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater .

  27. 我早该另觅公寓。

    I should 've been looking for a new condo .

  28. 罗马人不得不另觅地方建造自己的陵墓。

    Romans had to look elsewhere to build their mausoleums .

  29. 猪在树下用鼻子拱地觅坚果。

    The pig was routing for nuts under the tree .

  30. 光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝。

    Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds .