
  1. 所以它们将来自热带的热能转成进我们在更冷气候的所需。

    so they take the heat energy from the tropics and they translate that where we need it into the colder climates .

  2. 士兵们排成单行进人阅兵场。

    The men filed onto the parade ground .

  3. 悼念者排成纵队进人教堂。

    The mourners filed into the church .

  4. 利用手机频率检测器,该品牌可以估算看到他们的橱窗陈列后有几成顾客进了店,以及有多少人最终在这一销售网点买了东西。

    The smartphone frequency detectors enabled the brand to estimate the proportion of people who entered the department store after seeing the display , as well as how many ended up making a purchase from their brand 's point-of-sale .

  5. 他们假装成视察员进了学校

    They got into the school in the guise of inspectors .

  6. 好啦,我们不装成服务员,进不去主楼

    Okay , so we can 't get in the actual building without being caterers ,

  7. 不过穿成这样可进不去

    But not dressed like that .

  8. 利用表格存储对象,就像是将汽车开回家,然后拆成零件放进车库里,早晨可以再把汽车装配起来。

    Using tables to store objects is like driving your car home and then disassembling it to put it into the garage .

  9. 我们会围着母亲铺在地板上的塑料布席地而坐。塑料布上摆满食物。我们按照习俗,用右手把米饭和肉捏成小团放进嘴里食用。

    We would sit on the floor around a long plastic sheet which my mother laid with food , and eat with our right hand as is our custom , balling together rice and meat .

  10. 将竹帘胶合板的“冷进冷出”工艺改造成“热进热出”工艺,关键技术是降低热压温度,而一种中温固化型的酚醛树脂是实现该技术的主要条件。

    PF resin adhesive by mid-temperature curing is made on the main condition that the " cold-in and cold-out " technique used for bamboo curtain plywood should be changed into a " hot-in and hot-out " one .

  11. 用锉刀将微芯片进样通道的两个终端都削成锐利的进样尖端,在真空吸盘的辅助下经由芯片末端的检测池将蛋白质和胰蛋白酶溶液吸入到含电极的主通道中。

    Both terminals of the injection channel in the microchip were sharpened with a file to form sharp inlet tips to suck protein and trypsin solutions into the electrode-containing channel with the aid of a suction cup via the detection reservoir at the end of the chip .

  12. 他把纸揉成一团抛进火里。

    He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire .

  13. 我把信揉成一团丢进了火中。

    I screwed up the letter and threw it into the fire .

  14. 这个基地是设计成不让人进的。

    The base was designed to keep people out , not in .

  15. 孩子们排成一队等候进校门。

    The children were standing in a line , waiting to go into school .

  16. 徒劳的感叹,渺茫的幻想,碾碎成了小刺扎进了心房。

    Vain laments , slim fantasy , crushed into small thorn headlong into the atrium .

  17. 所以,你一生的愿望可以设成:梦想照进现实。

    So , you can set your one-life dream as dream hiding behind the reality .

  18. 它也是一种极好的导电体,所以你可以把它抻拉成电线,装进电器甚至汽车引擎里。

    It 's also a superb conductor of electricity so you can stretch it into wires which go into appliances and even car motors .

  19. 她们坐在医院停车场的板凳上,将纱布折成方块,包进褐色的纸里,这些经过无菌处理的纱布将供手术的时候使用。

    They sit on benches in the parking lot of the hospital , folding white gauze squares , wrapping them in brown paper to create little sterile supply kits for surgeries .

  20. 介绍了一种自行研制的装配专机,适用于汽车“盖板总成(预装配)”中将“调整螺钉总成”拧进“盖板总成”的装配工序。

    This paper presents the customized equipment suitable to screw " adjusting bolt module " in " cover sheet assembly ( preassembly )" for automobile assembling process .