
  • 网络Trainer;Line Trainer
  1. 培训员PaulWarambo说,肯尼亚官方语言也有这个问题。

    Trainer Paul Warambo says the same issue arises with Kenya 's national language .

  2. 一个RationalSpecialtyArchitect可以作为您的私人培训员,以帮助您理解应用到视图之上的选项以及软件工程最佳实践。

    A Rational Specialty Architect can act as your personal trainer to help you understand the options and the software engineering best practices that apply to your vision .

  3. 联合国军事和文职培训员维持和平短期训练班

    United Nations Peace-keeping Short Course for Military and Civilian Trainers

  4. 国际劳工标准和发展培训员指南

    Trainers ' Guide on International Labour Standards and Development

  5. 中小型企业培训员训练

    Training of trainers for small and medium-size enterprises

  6. 声明:我不是一个怀揣证书的教练、培训员或者赛跑专家。

    Disclaimer : I am not a certified trainer , coach or running expert .

  7. 加强技术支持和推广服务的努力应该包括一个强化培训员培训的项目。

    Efforts to strengthen the technical support and extension services should include an intensive train-the-trainers program .

  8. 《直销员证》、《直销培训员证》由直销企业按商务部制定的规范式样印制。

    Ministry of Commerce will stipulate samples for Direct Seller Certificate and Certificate of Direct Selling Trainer .

  9. 训练期间,珍妮每天在狗舍外练习两次,每次与培训员散步40至60分钟。

    During training , Jenny worked outside the kennel twice a day , walking with the trainer 40-60 minutes each time .

  10. 所以您可能要雇用一个私人培训员,他拥有帮助其他想参与马拉松赛跑的运动员的丰富经验。

    So you might hire a personal trainer who has proven experience working with people who wanted to prepare for a marathon .

  11. 红十字会培训员利用印上生殖器官图案的围裙,生动地向不识字的「接生婆」讲解生育知识。

    Using an apron printed with pictures of reproductive organs , the Red Cross trainers conduct lively training courses with the illiterate traditional birth attendants .

  12. 陈氏曾聘用一位具销售工作经验的培训员,她入职后成为了增进组员间沟通的桥梁;

    Mr Chan said that their first trainee had previous sales experience which equipped her with interpersonal skills that have enhanced communication within the team .

  13. 据观察所得,培训员工作态度认真,并擅长处理较为有规律的工作,如礼品包装、资料输入等。

    Based on our observation , they often have a positive work attitude and are good at routine tasks such as gift wrapping and data entry .

  14. 对培训员工作出的有限的投资也大都集中于完成下一步工作所必须的特定技巧上,而不是集中在可能吸收新技术的“双基”训练上。

    And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies .

  15. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  16. 培训新员工会很费钱。

    It can be very expensive to train new personnel .

  17. 其次,我需要知道,如果你能发送为组装及安装蜂箱和我的本地运营商培训技术员。

    Secondly , I need to know if you can send your technician for assembly & installation of the bee hives and training of my local operator .

  18. 经过培训消毒员、维修喷雾器和更换消毒剂,第2次演练的消毒合格率为100%(240/240)。

    After training of disinfection worker , repair of sprayers and change of disinfectants , the eligible rate of disinfection in second drill was 100 % ( 240 / 240 ) .

  19. 我们已经在HearthCare.gov上更新了大量信息,大家可以通过电话、email以及通过特别培训的引导员解答大家的疑问,帮助大家完成注册。

    We 've updated HealthCare.gov to offer more information about enrolling over the phone , by mail , or in person with a specially-trained navigator who can help answer your questions .

  20. [结果]许多家庭有了接受过培训的护理员,从而提高了HIV感染者/病人及其家属的艾滋病防护知识,使他们的生活质量得到了一定改善;

    Results : As many families having the members trained on nursing , the knowledge on HIV / AIDS prevention has been improved among people with HIV / AIDS and their families and the life quality has increased ;

  21. 专业化培训&试飞员成长的必由之路

    Specialized Training & An Only Successful Way of Test Pilot

  22. 图书馆业务培训是图书馆员接受继续教育的有效形式。

    The training of library work is a efficient form for librarian continue education .

  23. 方法对该热线2004年人工原始咨询电话记录进行整理,由经过培训的录入员采用数据双录入法对咨询电话记录进行录入。

    Methods The original telephone records of the hotline in 2004 were collected and analyzed .

  24. 经过培训的营业员,其药具知识得分高于未经培训的营业员。

    Scores of contraceptive knowledge among trained drug store salesmen were higher that of salesmen without being trained .

  25. 比如:人力资源部组织培训,不少员工会找借口请假,不参加培训;

    For example : Human Resources organization of training , many employees will find an excuse to take leave and not participate in training ;

  26. 书面或口头帮助培训维修技术员和操作员来熟悉生产工艺和控制点。

    Supporting , training and informing orally and by the use of written manuals , maintenance technicians and operators about the process and the controls it implies .

  27. 在电梯使用少时应进行演练,届时,需要有设备管理主管或者受过培训电梯技术员在场。

    Practice sessions should be conducted during low-demand hours of the elevator system and in the presence of a supervisor within the facility , or trained elevator technician .

  28. 作为一种新兴的雷达设备,雷达目标模拟器用来仿真模拟各种雷达目标回波信号,是检测雷达性能和培训雷达操纵员的有效工具。

    As a new radar equipment , radar target simulator is used to emulate and stimulate the variety of radar target echo signals . It is an effective equipment to detect radar performance and train radar manipulator .

  29. TRI小组具备在TRM培训当中加入翻译员为组员的工作经验。

    TRI also has experience incorporating translators as part of the team in TRM training .

  30. 加强教育与培训,提高育婴员素质;

    Increasing training and education to advance their quality ;