
  • 网络Onboard;on-board;RAID
  1. 针对车载工控机系列移动工程机械,设计了一种板载GPS模块的CAN通信接口适配卡。

    Aiming at construction vehicles with industrial PCs , this paper presents a kind of CAN communication interface adapter with onboard GPS module .

  2. 如果你有一张旧的网卡,你可以通过板载处理器启用它,这将降低cpu的负担。

    If you have a machine with an older network card , make sure to enable the onboard processor for the network card , which will offload tasks from the CPU .

  3. 板载FPGA芯片的边界扫描测试设计

    Boundary-scan Test Design for FPGA Chip on Board

  4. 板载DSP完成数据的缓冲,并通过RS232/USB2.0接口与上位机通信,接收上位机的控制命令,向上位机发送采样转换数据。

    On-board DSP performs conversion data buffering and communication with the host through RS232 / USB2.0 interface , receiving instructions and transfer conversion data from and to the host .

  5. 不同于PCMCIA卡,SymbolCF卡缺乏板载固件,它依靠设备驱动程序来下载固件。

    The Symbol CF card , unlike the PCMCIA card , lacks firmware on the card and depends on the device driver to download the firmware .

  6. 在系统的实时性、高速性方面,利用数据采集卡的定时器触发A/D转换,板载FIFO中断传输数据,同时运用多线程技术,实现高速、连续、实时数据采集及传输。

    Utilizing timer trigger A / D conversation and interrupt data transmission with FIFO on-board of the data sampling card , making use of multi thread programming technique , high-speed continuous real-time data sampling and transmission is achieved .

  7. 第一个netserver可伸缩性测试在SUT的第一个节点的两个系统板载以太网适配器上各使用一个netserver实例。

    The first of the netserver scalability tests utilized a single instance of netserver on each of the two system board Ethernet adapters on the first node of the SUT .

  8. 但是,在这种测试中,只使用任何节点的第一个系统板载以太网适配器,而且只使用一个netserver实例和一个netperf实例。

    In this case though , only the first system board Ethernet adapter of any node was utilized and by one instance of netperf along with one instance of netserver .

  9. 第二个netserver可伸缩性测试使用前2个节点上的所有4个系统板载以太网适配器,第三个测试使用所有4个节点上的所有8个系统板载以太网适配器。

    The second netserver scalability test used all four system board Ethernet adapters on the first two nodes and the third test used all eight system board Ethernet adapters on all four nodes .

  10. 板载电路便于备用电池充电。

    Onboard circuitry facilitates standby battery charging .

  11. 这东西有无线板载

    This thing 's got onboard wireless .

  12. 车牌抓拍系统由板载客户端软件和控制中心服务器端软件组成。

    Overall design of Board-on client system and general module of control-center server , system are discussed separately .

  13. 注意,本文介绍的技术和算法应该适用于任何具有板载加速计的笔记本电脑。

    Note that the techniques and algorithms described here should work with any notebook computer that has on-board accelerometers .

  14. 显然风就是经验丰富的板载是风,实际上是该船的航行。

    Apparent wind is what is experienced onboard and is the wind that the boat is actually sailing by .

  15. 该设备还具有一个板载粒子计数器同空气中的自然化学和生物物质保持低反应。

    The device also has an onboard particle counter to maintain a low response to natural chemical and biological substances in the air .

  16. 基于系统实用性的考虑,设计了完善的保护系统、丰富的板载电源和人性化的显示操作系统。

    Considering practical use , the sound protection system , plenty on-board power supply and user-friendly displaying and operating system are designed . 5 .

  17. 打印机包含板载以太网端口和能上网的打印服务器,它还能作为独立的打印机。

    The printer includes an onboard Ethernet port and print server to allow for networking , and it can be used as a standalone printer .

  18. 板载视频分析通过自动、实时检测、跟踪和分析目标对象提高了数字视频监控的效率。

    Onboard video analytics heighten the effectiveness of digital video surveillance by offering automated , real-time detection , tracking , and analysis of objects of interest .

  19. 板载的并口可以很容易转换成很多设备,例如将输入和输出分离开,或者驱动一组步进马达。

    The onboard parallel port can be easily transformed into a multitude of devices , such as discrete inputs and outputs , or to drive a set of stepper motors .

  20. 外贴GFRP加固RC双向板静载受弯性能分析2、船舶静力性能计算。

    The Analysis of Bending Performance on Two Way RC Slab Reinforced With GFRP Ribbon Externally Under Static Load 2 , static calculation .

  21. 塑料排水板堆载预压技术在填海工程中的应用

    Application of Plastics Draining Preloading Technique Plate in Filling Sea Engineering

  22. 板恒载效应非线性分析的刚度法

    Stiffness method for non-linear analysis of effect of dead loads on plate

  23. 塑料排水板堆载预压法在油库软基处理中的应用

    Application of Plastic Strip Piling-up Preloading Method to Soft Soil Foundation at Oil Depot

  24. 中厚软岩板静载弯曲时中面特性的时间相关分析

    Time-dependency of neutral surface feature of mid-thick soft rock plate under static load bending

  25. 热段可选配压力辊压载系统、短棍压载系统、热压板压载;

    Pressing roll , cosh pressing roll or EUTAC system are used in heating section .

  26. 塑料排水板堆载预压及强夯法综合处理沿海软基

    Treatment of Soft Foundation Along Coast by Preloading with Plastic Drainage Plate and Dynamic Consolidation Method

  27. 应用塑料排水板堆载预压法进行道路软基处理,在预压过程中进行严密监测并收集数据。

    By using plastic drainage and preloading consolidation methods , soft clay subgrade was reinforced and monitored .

  28. GB/T5352-1985纤维增强热固性塑料管平行板外载性能试验方法

    Test method for external loading properties of fiber - reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe by parallel - plate loading

  29. 电路板板载元器件自动光学检测是电子行业产品检测领域一个重要的研究课题。

    Automation Optical Inspection ( AOI ) on printed circuit board assembly is an important research field in the electron industry product inspection .

  30. 采用塑料排水板堆载预压处理,即使是对于一般路段的低路堤,在软土厚度不大的情况下,仍然需要慎重。

    Under the condition of low embankment and shallow soft soil , it should be cautious of the soft soil treated with plastic drainage belt combined with weight preloading .