
  • 网络epidemic febrile diseases;seasonal febrile diseases;warm disease
  1. 对《温病学》教学改革的认识与思考

    About Teaching Reformation of Study of Warm Disease

  2. 从理论到临床温病学系统化教学体系构建探究

    Delve How to Found the Logical and Systematical Teaching System from Theory to Clinical Practice of the Study of Warm Disease

  3. 中医《温病学》PBL教学模式构建探索

    Exploring Problem-based Learning Mode of Seasonal Febrile Disease of Chinese Medicine

  4. 文章从温病学的角度,对SARS的疾病性质、病因病机与温疫进行了比较分析,并运用温病学治疗温病的原则和方法,针对SARS发病过程中的不同阶段介绍了不同的治疗方法。

    The article analysis the relation between the character , etiological factor and mechanism of SARS and epidemic febrile diseases from the warm diseases theory .

  5. 温病学&风温病提要温病学在治疗SARS中的运用

    Febrile Diseases of Chinese Medicine - A synopsis of febrile diseases due to wind The Application of Warm Diseases Theory on the Treatment of SARS

  6. 《温病学》课程改革与发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Development and Course Reform of Seasonal Febrile Disease

  7. 论温病学学科的性质和发展方向

    The Nature and Development of the Science of Epidemic Febrile Diseases

  8. 新世纪规划教材《温病学》教学体会

    Experience in teaching the New Century Planned Textbook of Febrile Diseases

  9. 中医温病学在中医教学中占有很重要的位置。

    Teaching of warm febrile diseases is of great importance .

  10. 温病学学科建设体会

    Experiences of subject construction of epidemic febrile diseases

  11. 《温病学》教学与科研相结合浅探

    Discussion on the Combination of Teaching and Scientific Research of Epidemic Febrile Disease Theory

  12. 温病学&风温病提要

    Febrile Diseases of Chinese Medicine - A synopsis of febrile diseases due to wind

  13. 《温病学》教学过程中应注重培养学生的创新意识

    Pay Attention to Improve the Innovation Consciousness of Students in Teaching Epidemic Febrile Diseases Course

  14. 中医学这个时期是经典医学的最后完善它的标志是温病学形成独立体系。

    The last duty of Chinese medicine that time was to perfect the existing system .

  15. 目的探讨复制中医温病学动物模型要求和方法。

    Objective To determine the requirement and method for reproducing animal model with epidemic febrile disease .

  16. 使用新世纪规划教材《温病学》对15个班种,逾1200名学生进行了教学。

    The New Century Planned Textbook of Febrile Diseases was used by over 1,200 students in 15 classes .

  17. 从中医药治疗新传染病论温病学的现代发展

    Modern Development of Theory of Seasonal Febrile Diseases in Terms of Treating New Infection Diseases with Chinese Medicine

  18. 《温病学》是一门重要的中医临床学科,有着广泛的实用性和指导性。

    Epidemic Febrile Diseases Course is an important clinical subject of TCM , which has broad practicability and guidance .

  19. 温病学的形成与发展及文献版本源流(一)

    Formation and development of theories of the warm febrile diseases together with a study of source books ( 1 );

  20. 五六版《温病学》教材对比研究及评估

    Research and Appraise by Contrast the Fifth and the Sixth Edition of the Teaching Material & Science of Seasonal Febrile Diseases

  21. 他们对中医温病学的创立与发展作出了贡献,在祖国医学发展史上占有一席地位。

    They held their positions in the history book of TCM , because of their contribution to the establishment and development of Epidemic Febrile Diseases of TCM .

  22. 温病学课程有待分化为:经典温病学、温病学派杂病学、中医传染病学、实验温病学。

    The course of SEFD may be divided into classical SEFD , the schools of epidemic febrile diseases the science of internal miscellaneous diseases , TCM lemology , and experimental SEFD .

  23. 温病学是研究四时温病的发生、发展规律及其治疗方法的一门临床学科。

    Seasonal Febrile Disease ( warm disease ) is a clinical science of medicine that studys the occurrence , progress , diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases that occurs in the four seasons .

  24. 本文立足于中医温病学,介绍了岭南地区急性上呼吸道病毒感染风温病风热夹湿证防治方面的相关内容。

    This paper focus on Chinese Medicine of Seasonal Febrile Disease Science and introduce about how to prevent and treat of acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract in south of the Five Ridges area .

  25. 从温病学理论探讨温病学与肿瘤的关系,阐述温病理论在肿瘤进展期、肿瘤急症治疗中的具体应用,展望温病学在肿瘤治疗中的前景。

    This paper discusses the relation between warm-disease theory and tumor , and presents the specific application , as well as the prospects , of warm-disease theory in the treatment of progressive stage and emergent stage of tumor .

  26. 以期使温病学界在重视叶、薛、吴、王临床经验的同时,更加注重其它学术体系的研究,从而拓宽温病临床的诊治思路,提高温病的临床疗效。

    The author suggested that these doctrines be paid more attention to research besides clinical experiences of Yie , Xue Wu and Wang , which helped to broad the mind of diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases and improve treatment effectiveness in clinic .

  27. 温病学核心理论卫气营血和三焦辨证是中医辨证学的重要内容,是临床各科的基础,其理法不仅可以辨治温病,而且可广泛应用于杂病的辨治;

    Differentiation of syndromes according to wei-qi-ying-xue system and differentiation of syndromes according to sanjiao system , the core of the theoretical content of the science of epidemic febrile diseases ( SEFD ), are important components of TCM differentiation of syndromes and are the basis of various clinical sciences ;