
  • 网络Gilneas
  1. 我们正在为吉尔尼斯做一些牛X的素材。

    We are doing some awesome stuff for Gilneas .

  2. 难道吉尔尼斯王国值那些已经牺牲的生命吗?

    Is Gilneas worth the lives that have been lost ?

  3. 吉尔尼斯国是现存的最古老的人类王国之一。

    The nation of Gilneas is one of the oldest human kingdoms that still exists .

  4. 当死亡之翼引发的大灾变席卷艾泽拉斯时,格雷迈恩之墙被摧毁了,十多年来吉尔尼斯第一次被暴露在世人面前。

    When Deathwing ravaged Azeroth with his Cataclysm , the Greymane Wall was shattered , exposing Gilneas for the first time in a decade .

  5. 漫画一开始先描述吉尔尼斯是怎么样的,然后画面一转,就到了被遗忘者正在围攻格雷迈恩之墙的镜头。

    The comic starts with a image of how Gilneas was and then turns to the Forsaken now laying siege to the Greymane Wall .

  6. 之后又转到了描述那些已经发生的谋杀案以及它们是多么的惨无人道,以及吉尔尼斯人民所渴望的那永远不会到来的和平。

    It then turns to describing the murders that have taken place and how they are slashed up and the peace the people of Gineas were hoping for never will come .

  7. 在第三次战争的开头,格雷迈恩之墙被建造起来,这堵高墙切断吉尔尼斯了与外界的一切联系,使其“摆脱联盟带来的麻烦”。

    At the beginning of the Third War , the Greymane Wall was constructed , cutting off all contact with the outside world , leaving Gilneas " free from the troubles of the Alliance " .