
  • 网络Rotary compressor
  1. Solidedge环境下实现新型旋转式压缩机的虚拟设计

    Virtual Design of a New Type Rotary Compressor Based on Solid Edge

  2. QX全封闭型旋转式压缩机系列产品

    QX Hermetic Rotary Compressor Serial Products

  3. QD型往复式压缩机的降噪研究使用往复式压缩机的直冷式冰箱改用旋转式压缩机的探讨

    NOISE REDUCTION ON QD TYPE REFRIGERATOR COMPRESSOR A Study of Refrigerator with Rotary Compressor

  4. 旋转式压缩机和泵用螺旋槽端面密封

    End Seal with Helical Line Used in Rotation Compressor and Pumps

  5. 旋转式压缩机消音器内压力脉动研究

    Study of Pressure Pulsation in Discharge Muffler of Rotary Compressor

  6. 旋转式压缩机曲轴耐磨耗涂层处理技术

    The Processing Technology of Crankshaft Wear-resistant Coat for Rotary Compressor

  7. 旋转式压缩机壳体和定子的抱紧力分析

    Analyze the hold force between the shell and the stator of the compressor

  8. 旋转式压缩机储液器的噪声控制

    Noise control of the accumulator of a rotary compressor

  9. 旋转式压缩机定转子摩擦副材料的配伍性试验

    The Compatibility Performance Test of Stator and Rotor Friction Pair in Revolving Compressor

  10. 变频旋转式压缩机的研究现状与进展

    Status and Development of Inverter Controlled Rotary Compressor

  11. 旋转式压缩机起动不良的调查与改善

    Investigation and improvement of the wrong start - up for rotary compressor in product line

  12. 本实用新型用以解决传统旋转式压缩机气缸吸气波动大的问题,提供改进的旋转式压缩机气缸。

    The utility model aims to solve the problem of big suction fluctuation of the cylinder of a traditional rotary compressor , and provide an improved rotary compressor cylinder .

  13. 针对国内旋转式压缩机和泵,在近几年使用中发生的问题,经过概略分类,简要说明产生原因和采取措施。

    In accordance with problems occurred in domestic rotation type compressor and pump in the recent years , and by means of summary and classification , the occurred reason and adopting measure were illustrated .

  14. 旋转式空调压缩机的振动和噪声研究

    Vibration and noise study of the rolling air - condition compressor

  15. 两种新型旋转式制冷压缩机的结构分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of the Mechanism of Two New Type Rotary Refrigeration Compressors

  16. 全封闭旋转式冰箱压缩机的结构创新设计

    Innovating Design on the Hermetically Sealed Rotary Refrigerator Compressor

  17. 二级旋转式空气压缩机

    Two-stage rotary air compressor

  18. 旋转缸套式制冷压缩机减摩与密封结构的探讨

    Discusses of Friction-reducing and Sealing Structure for the Rotary Compressors with Rotating Sleeve

  19. 旋转螺杆式和往复式压缩机。

    Recommended for use in rotary-screw or reciprocating compressors .

  20. 根据不同黏度,推荐用于压缩出口气体中所含润滑油可能偶尔与食品直接接触的旋转螺杆式和往复式压缩机。

    Recommended for use in rotary andreciprocatingcompressors in applications where incidental food contact may occur with oil in the discharge air .