
  1. 非线性观测器及其应用(下):石油分馏塔模型与观测

    Nonlinear Observer and Its Applications (ⅱ): Dynamic Model and Observer for Petroleum Fractionator

  2. 不饱和烃及石油分馏油份双键率之简易测定法

    A simple method for determining double bond index of pure unsaturated hydrocarbons and petroleum fractions

  3. 石油的分馏在蒸馏器内进行。

    Fractional distillation of petroleum is carried on in a still .

  4. 陕北石油秩序分馏塔顶循环油换热器管束失效原因分析

    Analysis of Fractionator Overhead Recycle Oil Heat Exchanger Tube Failure

  5. 纯正蒸馏水,生命之源。石油的分馏在蒸馏器内进行。

    Pure distilled water is the origin of life . Fractional distillation of petroleum is carried on in a still .

  6. 石油的分馏物可用来供给发电机作燃料,驱动运输工具,也可为供暖,还可帮助人类解决穿衣问题,乃至在将来为人类提供食物。

    Its fractions provide fuel for electricity generators , power his transport , probably heat his home , may help clothe him and , in the future , feed him .

  7. 在这个过程中,石油的所有液体分馏物都变成气体,从蒸馏室流出。

    In the process , all the liquid fractions of the petroleum are changed to gases , which move out of the still .