
  • 网络grave;tomb
坟冢 [fén zhǒng]
  • [tomb] 用土堆成的坟包

  1. 因此只要风闻坟冢一声响动,就会全城惊惶?

    wherefore but the rumor of a knocking in a tomb will terrify a whole city .

  2. 18世纪,无拘无束的讽刺漫画在宗教战争的坟冢上改头换面,迎来黄金时代。

    The golden age of no-holds-barred graphic satire in the 18th century arose on the tomb of religious warfare .

  3. 我的坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。

    And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be .

  4. 当花儿已经葬入了坟冢。

    When flowers are in their tombs .

  5. 前进,走向宿命的坟冢。

    Ever onward to the grave .

  6. 不过坟冢里的这些人是谁,他们又为何会被埋葬在这个如此特殊的地方?

    But who were these people and why were they buried in such a special place ?

  7. 她的小猫死了,她很伤心地为它修起了一个小小的坟冢。

    Saddened by the death of her cat , she built a small grave for it .

  8. 从此以后,她的头顶上就有了一个小冠子,人们都说那是她父亲的坟冢。

    Hence she obtained her crest , which is popularly said to be her Father 's grave-hillock .

  9. 在约瑟斯密的地区有许多关于印地安坟冢和战争,这纯粹是一个巧合吗?

    Is it purely coincidental that there was much speculation in Joseph Smith 's area about Indian Mounds and battles ?

  10. 然而信仰有如豺狼,它的食物来自坟冢,即使从那些死了的疑问中它也能获取它的至关紧要的希冀。

    But Faith , like a jackal , feeds among the tombs , and even from these dead doubts she gathers her most vital hope .

  11. 顶篷,顶盖置于神龛、圣坛或坟冢上的一个装饰性类似屋顶的突出物某地下车库顶盖的结构设计方案的分析和选用

    An ornamental , rooflike projection over a niche , an altar , or a tomb . Structure design scheme analysis and choosing of a underground garage 's top board

  12. 在这坟冢的一头,生长着一棵异乎寻常的大橄榄树,在已褪色的古希腊大理石块上盘根虬曲。

    At one end of that tomb , its curious roots displacing the time-stained blocks of Panhellic marble , grows an unnaturally large olive tree of oddly repellent shape ;

  13. 但在那6月的漫漫长夜里我躺在她母亲的坟冢上,期望着能在另一个世界与她重逢的时候,我也同样欣慰!

    But I 've been just as happy lying , through the long June evenings , on her mother 's grave , and looking forward to the moment when I can join Catherine there !