
jiě pōu dāo
  • scalpel
  1. 只需备有解剖刀和镊子。

    A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed .

  2. 当然是用亚当和我的解剖刀,我已经变形了!

    With Adam and my Scalpel , I have been transformed .

  3. 我又不能用解剖刀划。

    And I can 't scalpel it off .

  4. 凶手使用的解剖刀。

    The killer is using a scalpel .

  5. 一些选择不用解剖刀的学生认为我们对这些翼手的朋友也应该友善一些。

    Some students choosing to opt out feel we should be kinder to our web-footed friends .

  6. 该治疗仪旨在替代原来在软组织治疗手术中所使用的解剖刀和电镀产品。

    It was designed specifically to replace the archaic use of scalpels and electro-surge in the treatment of soft tissue .

  7. 一系列的小切口将在解剖刀小心翼翼和慢动作下拉开,就像手术一样。

    A series of small incisions are made slowly and meticulously with a small scalpel , in the manner of a surgeon at work .

  8. 本人旨在通过对中国画构图及现代构成各自形式美规律的探求,通过形式分析这把解剖刀重新分析中国绘画。

    I aim I aim to pass of traditional Chinese painting composition and modern constitute their quest , through the formal beauty rule the scalpel to analyze this form the analysis of the Chinese painting .

  9. 她的解剖刀直指人性灵魂最深处,在她笔下,中国传统上重亲情的家庭理念遭到颠覆,伦理崇拜遭到消解。

    Her scalpel was directly toward the deep of human spirits . Under her writing , the Chinese traditional family ideal of valuing affinity had been overturned , and the adoration of ethics had been melted .

  10. 为了切开鱼皮,我使用了眼科手术中使用的解剖刀;我在瑞士的工作室看上去既像个实验室,又像个兽医诊所。

    To cut the skin I use scalpels designed for eye surgery ; the blades are so thin you can barely see them . My studio in Switzerland looks like a mix of laboratory and veterinary clinic .

  11. 31例规则性肝切除术外科解剖和电刀应用

    Surgical Hepatic anatomy and Electrotome Application in 31 Cases of Typical Hepatectomy

  12. 在组织活检中,医生使用解剖针或刀取得一部分乳腺细胞,并在显微镜下检查。

    In a biopsy , doctors use a needle or scalpel to remove breast cells that are examined under a microscope .