
  • 网络Storage Technology;san;nas;Google File System
  1. 研究了基于模式分层映射的XML关系存储技术。

    Researching XML relational storage technology based on layered model mapping .

  2. XML模式、查询和存储技术扫描

    A Scan of the XML Schema , Query and Storage Technology

  3. 但是萨杜威不是唯一一个认为能量存储技术是更清洁、更有效、更合理的能源前景中缺失的一个环节的人。

    But Sadoway isn 't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner , more efficient , and more equitable energy future .

  4. 基于粘贴DNA计算模型的数据存储技术

    Data storage technology based on sticking model of DNA computing

  5. IP网络存储技术在体全息存储中的应用

    The Application of IP Network Storage Technology in Volume Holographic Data Storage

  6. XML数据库存储技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of XML Storage in Database

  7. 对象存储技术是对象管理系统OMS(objectmanagementsystem)的核心。

    The technologies of object store are the cores of OMS ( object management system ) .

  8. 网络存储技术在GIS中的应用

    Application of Network Storage Technology in GIS

  9. 90年代随着Internet的迅猛发展,也使得存储技术发生着变革性的变化。

    90 's along with Internet swift and violent development , also enables the memory technology to have the transformation change .

  10. 采用SAN存储技术存储图像。

    The SAN technology was used to store image data .

  11. J2EE工程中持久性存储技术的比较

    A Comparison Between Some Persistence Store Technologies in J2EE Engineering

  12. 该文结合IP网络存储技术,将IP和全息结合起来设计了体全息存储高速数据传输通道。

    This paper designs the high-speed data channel for volume holographic storage based on the IP network technology .

  13. 分析了本文提出的新的XML存储技术的应用范围,以及在一个简单电子商务中的应用实例。

    Analyzed the range of application of this new technology and the application instance in a simple e - commerce .

  14. 随着Flash存储技术不断发展,半导体存储水平发展非常迅速。

    With the development of Flash memory technology , semiconductor storage technology advance very quickly .

  15. 随着Internet和光盘等大容量存储技术的迅速发展,如何迅速、有效地从大量信息中找到所需的信息已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the development of Internet and large-scale storage technology , how to facilitate fast and effective information retrieval has become an urgent problem .

  16. RAID附网存储技术在Internet上的应用

    Network-Attached RAID Application on Internet

  17. IP存储技术和虚拟存储技术是目前网络存储发展的两大趋势。

    Storage over IP and storage virtualization technology are the most important technology at the trend of the storage-network convergence .

  18. 浅谈RAID技术与硬盘存储技术的发展

    About RAID Technology and Developement of Storing Technology of Hard Disk

  19. WORM存储技术及其在医院中的应用

    Application of WORM storage technology in hospital

  20. 农村信息化建设中IPTV系统存储技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of IPTV Storage Technology in Rural Informationization Construction

  21. NAS和SAN存储技术在图书馆中的应用

    NAS and SAN Storage Technology Apply to Library

  22. NANDFlash在大容量存储技术中的应用

    Applications of NAND Flash in Mass Capacity Memory Technique

  23. 本文基于XML数据的半结构化特性,分析了目前XML数据的四种主要存储技术,提出了具有现实意义的存储实施策略。

    This paper analyzes four storage technologies for XML data storage based on the semi - structured characteristics , and presents the best storage strategies .

  24. 基于J2ME持久存储技术的分析与实现

    An Analysis and Implementation of Persistent Storage Technology Based on J2ME

  25. 以下部分将讨论三种持久存储技术,以及使用所有Web浏览器支持的持久存储技术实现一个本地数据提供程序。

    The following sections discuss the three persisted storage technologies as well as an implementation of a local data provider using the persisted storage technology that all major web browsers support .

  26. 随着多媒体技术、通信技术以及硬件存储技术的发展,视频点播(VOD)已经变成现实。

    With the development of multi-media and communications technology , VOD has been reality .

  27. 同时采用SD卡存储技术,以适应数据量大的要求。

    Meanwhile SD card storage technology by large amount of data , in order to adapt to the requirement . 2 .

  28. 针对当前网络存储技术存在的存储服务瓶颈问题,介绍了一个高可靠可扩展PC集群存储系统的容错设计方案。

    Aiming at the bottle problem of storage service in current network storage technology , a fault tolerance scheme of high reliability scalable cluster-based storage system is proposed .

  29. NAS系统和SANs是网络存储技术发展的两个主要方向。

    NAS and SAN are two major development aspect of network storage technology .

  30. 本文探讨了EPG系统的XML数据存储技术和基于传输性能的XML数据编码问题。

    In this paper , XML data store technology based on EPG system and XML data encoding problem based on transportation efficiency are discussed .