
  • 网络reserve against deposit system;system of reserve against deposit
  1. 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度

    An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China

  2. 存款准备金制度改革应适时深化

    Reformation of Deposit Reserve System Should Be Deepened Timely

  3. 对中国存款准备金制度争议的几点思考

    Reflections on the Discussion about the System of China 's Reserve against Deposit

  4. 我国存款准备金制度实施效果及改革建议

    Implementing Effects of Deposit Preparing Money System and Reforming Advice in Our Country

  5. 存款准备金制度国际比较及发展趋势研究

    The Study on Development Trend and International Comparison on the System of Deposit Reserves

  6. 在这种情势下,存款准备金制度仍然是有力的政策工具。

    Under such circumstances , the deposit reserve policy is still a powerful policy tool .

  7. 存款准备金制度是在中央银行体制下建立起来的。

    The System Of Deposit Reserves is established under the system of the central bank .

  8. 存款准备金制度与金融调控

    Reserve Requirement Institution and Financial Regulation

  9. 第二部分主要介绍了存款准备金制度的涵义、发展及演变历程。

    The second section mainly introduce the meaning of deposit reserve policy , development and evolution .

  10. 我国存款准备金制度演变的货币政策视角分析

    The Analysis of the Evolution of Reserve Requirements System from the View of Monetary Policy in China

  11. 金融市场发展程度与存款准备金制度之间的关系,是经济学界很少关注的问题。

    The relation of financial market development and Deposit Reserves System is few concerned by economic circles .

  12. 之后,在第三节中,本人引用了一位央行有关负责人的观点,以政府的角度对未来差别存款准备金制度的发展方向进行简要说明。

    And in the last section , it gives a brief explanation about the development direction of the system .

  13. 我国的存款准备金制度是在1984年建立起来的,最初的目的是为了集中资金。

    In 1984 , China has established the reserve system , and its initial purpose is to concentrate funds .

  14. 本文选择存款准备金制度变化对商业银行流动性的影响效果作为研究对象。

    The content of this research is the impact that the institutional changes of deposit reserves have on commercial bank liquidity .

  15. 随后,一些国家的中央银行也做了类似的规定,并发展成为完善的存款准备金制度。

    Soon afterwards , the central bank of some countries also makes similar assignment the become perfect The System Of Deposit Reserves .

  16. 但我国存款准备金制度还不完善,导致法定准备金政策效力的发挥并不理想。

    But deposit preparing money system of our country is not perfect yet , which results in unsatisfactory effect of legal preparing money .

  17. 中国目前的主要货币政策工具包括公开市场操作,利率管理,存款准备金制度,次级贷款和次级贴现。

    China 's current major instruments of monetary policy include open market operation , interest management , reserve regime , sub-loans and sub-discount .

  18. 在第一节中,本文首先对我国差别存款准备金制度的产生背景进行细致阐述。

    In the first section , I will carefully analyze the context and background under which the discriminatory legal reserve system came into being .

  19. 存款准备金制度具有调整信贷结构、调控货币供应量、保证金融机构的储备流动性等重要作用。

    Deposit preparing money system plays an important part in adjusting credit structure , regulating currency supplies , ensuring storage mobility of finance institution .

  20. 存款准备金制度是我国一项重要的货币政策,被称为货币政策的三大法宝之一。

    Reserve system is known as the " three magic weapons ", is an important monetary policy , which have developed with the banking system .

  21. 最初建立存款准备金制度的目的是为了确保银行体系的流动性,为存款机构提供支付和清算保证,保护居民存款安全,保证银行不会因大规模挤兑而倒闭。

    The establishment of the deposit reserve system is designed to ensure the liquidity of the banking system for deposit-taking institutions and ensure banks will not large-scale collapse .

  22. 本文首先对保留法定存款准备金制度的美国和已经取消法定存款准备金制度的加拿大的公开市场操作方式和特点进行了翔实的研究。

    This thesis first studies the open market operations in United States , where the required reserve system still exists and in Canada , where the reserve requirements have been abolished .

  23. 本文最后根据实证结果,针对如何使存款准备金制度更好的控制商业银行流动性水平的问题提出了相关的政策建议。

    At last , based on the empirical results , this dissertation puts forward relative policy suggestions on how to better control the liquidity level of commercial banks using deposit reserve system .

  24. 存款准备金制度作为我国一项重要的货币政策工具,近年来一直发挥着对调控货币供应量进而调控宏观经济的作用。

    In recent years , as an important tool of monetary policy in China , deposit reserve system has played a role in regulating macroeconomic and controlling the amount of money supply .

  25. 存款准备金制度已经发展了百余年之久,发达国家对存款准备金率工具完成了四个演变过程,如今许多国家已经开始使用零准备金制度。

    The deposit reserve system has been developed over a hundred years , and developed countries have completed four evolutionary process , and now many countries have begun to use the zero reserve system .

  26. 从货币政策工具看,传统的存款准备金制度、再贴现政策的作用弱化,而公开市场业务将成为中央银行最重要的货币政策工具。

    Seen from the monetary policy tools , the function of the traditional deposit reserve system and the rediscount policy weakens while the open market policy will be the most important monetary policy instrument of the Central Bank .

  27. 其次,为了深究现行差别存款准备金制度对我国地区经济发展的不利影响,本文通过理论与实证两方面进行深入论证。

    Secondly , in order to study negative effect of the present discriminatory legal reserve requirement system imposed on our regional economic development . This paper has done a great deal in the analysis and argument both theoretically and empirically .

  28. 这给我们带来启示,我国的存款准备金制度不仅不会阻碍我国在条件成熟时实行利率走廊调控,甚至还能提高这种调控的效果。利率走廊调控模式的机制与启示

    This gives us some thoughts that China current reserve system can not only set tunnel regulation in the near future but also improve the efficiency . The Mechanisms and Suggestions of " Interest Rate Corridor " in Monetary Policy Implementation

  29. 本文认为从国内外存款准备金制度实施的经验与教训看,对存款准备金支付适当的利息,有利于中央银行的货币与利率调控。

    In view of the experience and lessons on deposit reserves system both at home and abroad , this paper concludes that central bank sets an appropriate interest rates on deposit reserves is conducive to control monetary aggregates and interest rates level .

  30. 存款准备金制度与再贴现率、公开市场一起被称为中央银行货币政策的三大法宝。

    As the deposit reserve system and the rate of rediscount and market overt operation are called the three magical weapons of central bank , but there are some arguments on the system and utility of deposit reserve in the theory recently .