
  • 网络Lending and deposit rates;benchmark deposit and lending rate
  1. 中国人民银行最近一次将存贷款基准利率上调27个基点的举措,被视为试图控制信贷规模和投资的扩张。

    The most recent PBOC action to raise benchmark lending and deposit rates by 27 basis points is viewed as an attempt to control credit and investment expansion .

  2. 中央银行的存贷款基准利率调整具有明显的惯性,这对于引导市场预期有重要作用,但快速而频繁的政策调整也给市场带来一定的压力。

    The adjustment of key lending and deposit rates has obvious inertia . It is useful for guiding market expectation . But , rapid and frequent adjustment pressure market to respond .

  3. 10月23日,央行再次宣布下调存贷款基准利率和存款准备金率,旨在提振经济增速。

    The People 's Bank of China announced on Friday it was cutting both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio again to boost the economy .

  4. 针对这些问题,中国人民银行于2004年10月28日上调金融机构存贷款基准利率,并放宽人民币贷款利率浮动区间。

    China Bank increased the interest rates on Oct.28 , 2004 , and broadened fluctuation of Renminbi loan rate .

  5. 目前,虽然商业银行的存贷款基准利率由央行确定,但在贷款利率方面具有较大的自主决定权。

    At present , although the benchmark interest rates of commercial banks are determined by the central bank , commercial banks have relative large independence in setting lending rates .

  6. 相对于货币供应量等中介指标,一般性货币政策工具是中央银行直接可控的,主要包括存贷款基准利率、法定存款准备金率和公开市场操作。

    The general monetary policy tool is directly controlled by the central bank . And the monetary policy tool is including interest rate , reserve ratio and open market operations .

  7. 随着未来利率市场化进程的加快,无论是存贷款基准利率还是市场利率,波动性不断加剧已成为必然。

    With the acceleration of the liberalization of interest rate in the future , there is not doubt that the fluctuations of deposit and loan interest rates and market interest rates would be more violent .

  8. 中国央行同时宣布上调人民币存贷款基准利率和金融机构存款准备金率。这是中国为了抑制流动性增长,冷却日益飙升的国内股价而采取的最新举措。

    The central bank also announced rises in both interest rates and bank reserve requirements , the latest in a series of such moves intended to help tame liquidity growth and cool soaring domestic share prices .

  9. 这是今年中国人民银行于10月20日将存贷款基准利率上调25个基本点后第二次上调利率。

    This was the second time this year that the People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ) hiked the interest rate after it increased the benchmark lending and deposit rates by25 basis points on Oct.20 .

  10. 中国央行也同步采取了行动,从周六起将一年期存贷款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,这是自去年4月以来,中国央行第五次上调利率。

    In a co-ordinated move , the People 's Bank of China raised benchmark one-year deposit and lending rates by 0.27 percentage points with effect from Saturday , the fifth such rise decreed since April last year .

  11. 自2006年以来,央行共12次提高存款准备金率,10次提高金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率,但通货膨胀压力依然未能消减。

    The central bank had raised the deposit reserve ratio for 12 times and raised the benchmark of renminbi deposit and lending rate of financial institutions for 10 times , but still failed to reduce inflationary pressures .

  12. 2011年2月8日,央行第一次上调存贷款基准利率,其中,金融机构一年期存贷款基准利率分别上调0.25个百分点,其他各档次存贷款基准利率相应调整。

    On Feb.8 2011 , central bank of China lifted its base lending and deposit rates , financial institutions raised the one-year deposit and lending rates by 0.25 percentage points respectively and other deposit and lending interest rate adjusted accordingly .

  13. 中国在金融危机期间向经济中注入了规模庞大的刺激,随后增长率出现强烈反弹,上调存贷款基准利率0.25个百分点的决定是迄今撤回这种庞大刺激的最果断的措施。

    The decision to lift the benchmark deposit and lending rates by 0.25 percentage points is the most decisive step yet to scale back the massive stimulus that China injected into its economy during the financial crisis , and follows a strong rebound in growth .

  14. 从2006年开始,国内金融界的专家和学者开始关注银行体系存在着的流动性过剩问题,中央银行也开始采取紧缩的货币政策,逐步调高法定存款准备金率,并且连续上调存贷款基准利率。

    From 2006 , the domestic financial experts and scholars started to pay attention to the d surplus liquidity which existed in the bank of system , the Central Bank also adopted the contracted monetary policy , raises the legal reserve ratio against deposits gradually .

  15. 长期以来,我国的银行存贷款利率一直发挥着基准利率的角色,但是银行存贷款利率做基准利率,对货币市场资金供求毫无灵敏性可言。

    For a long time , Deposit and Loan Interest Rate has played a role as Benchmark Interest Rate ( BIR ) in China . However this situation renders little agility to the money supply .

  16. 中央银行连续5次下调金融机构存贷款利率,其中一年期存、贷款基准利率累计分别下调1.89和2.16个百分点,大幅度减轻企业财务负担。

    The central bank has cut deposit and lending rates of financial institutions five times in a row , with the one-year benchmark deposit and lending rates down by 1.89 percentage points and 2.16 percentage points respectively . Thus the financial burden of companies has been greatly reduced .