
  1. 公积金贷款利率低于银行商业贷款利率。

    Interest rates on public housing fund loans are lower than bank loans .

  2. 个人住房公积金贷款利率各档次利率分别下调0.27个百分点。

    Lending rates for the Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan will be cut by0.27 of a percentage point .

  3. 我国住房公积金贷款的固定利率模式研究

    Research on Fixed Rate Model of Housing Public Accumulation Funds Loan in China

  4. 如2007-2008年我国房地产市场出现低迷,房价跌幅明显,中央和地方双双调整策略,采取宽松的住房公积金贷款政策,其中包括下调住房公积金贷款利率、降低贷款首付比例等。

    As the year between 2007 and 2008 , China real estate market slump , house price declined excessively , both the central and local government have to make the strategies to overcome the problem , such as loose housing accumulation fund loan interest rate cut and reduce loans .