
  • 网络deposit reserve rate
  1. 瑞典央行(riksbank)上周采取了一项对于央行而言非同寻常的举措,该行突破零下限,将存款准备金利率下调为负值。

    The Swedish Riksbank last week took the unusual step for a central bank of breaching the zero bound when it set a small negative deposit rate .

  2. 进一步调低商业银行存贷款利率和存款准备金利率;

    Decrease the rate of interest on deposit 、 loan and deposit reserve ;

  3. 为此,本文提出了一些政策建议,如加快利率市场化进程,确定适当的存款准备金利率,扩大股票市场规模,提高股票市场效率等。

    This paper gives several suggestions such as speeding up the interest rate liberalization , improving the reserve system , and expanding the scale of the stock market .

  4. 中国人民银行首席执行官暗示银行的存款准备金利率,或可能的利率会大幅度削减。

    The chief of the People 's Bank of China has been alluding to possibly more cuts in the banks ' reserve requirements , or possibly interest rates .

  5. 中国的中央银行,人民银行通过今年初两次提高其存款准备金利率,使未来的房主面临更多的困难。

    China 's central bank , the People 's Bank of China , has made the situation more difficult for prospective homeowners by increasing its benchmark interest rates twice since the beginning of this year .

  6. 当前和今后一个时期要着重解决好降低和取消法定存款准备金利率、降低法定存款准备金率、完善差别存款准备金率制度以及扩充存款准备金结构、改革准备金的计提方式等问题。

    At present and from now on , we must solve such problems well as to lower and cancel legal preparing money rate , perfect distinction deposit preparing money rate system , enlarge deposit preparing money structure and reform the calculating and drawing methods of preparing money .

  7. 然后,美联储将提高银行存款准备金的利率,目前这一利率是0.25%。

    The Fed would then increase the interest rate it pays on reserves banks keep with it , now 0.25 per cent .

  8. 从紧的货币政策对房地产行业投资的影响分析&基于存款准备金率、利率的调控分析

    Analysis of Constrictive Monetary Policy on Investment of Real Estate & From the Perspective of Regulation of Deposit Reserve Rate and Interest Rate

  9. 譬如,伯南克建议美联储应该暂时从超额存款准备金的支付利率下手,而不是联邦基金利率。

    Mr Bernanke suggested , for instance , that the Fed could temporarily target the interest rate it paid on excess reserves , rather than the federal funds rate .

  10. 尤其是2007年,针对我国出现的流动性过剩现象,国家先后6次调整存、贷款利率,10次调整存款准备金率,说明利率政策在宏观调控中的重要作用。

    Especially in 2007 , the government adjusted the deposit and loan interest rate 6 times and the reserve rate 10 times in order to restrain the over liquidity .

  11. 香港银行经营人民币业务无需缴付存款准备金,且存款利率与内地银行的存款利率决定方式有较大区别,由承办行自行决定。

    The bank of Hong Kong conduct RMB business without Payment of the reserve , and the deposit rate which is decided by the operating bank is greatly different from the mainland bank deposit interest rate determinant .

  12. 从近些年我国的货币政策执行的情况来看,央行主要是利用存款准备金率,存贷利率,窗口指导公开市场操作等作为工具调节信贷量,稳定经济状况。

    From the recent implementation of monetary policy , the central bank uses reserve ratio , deposit and lending rates , window guidance , and open market operations as a tool to adjust the credit amount and stable economic conditions .

  13. 2007年以来,中国人民银行频繁使用法定存款准备金率、基准利率、央行票据、货币掉期等多种流动性管理工具来遏制流动性过剩,然而效果却不十分明显。

    Since 2007 , PBC frequently curbs liquidity surplus by using the legal deposit reserve ratio , benchmark rate , central bank bonds , currency swaps and other liquidity management tools . However , the results are not very obvious .

  14. 而且调整存款准备金率比调整利率要更为有效。最后,根据实证研究结果对我国实际情况提出了几点针对性的政策建议。

    And adjust the rate of deposit reserve rate is more effective than to adjust benchmark deposit interest rate . Finally , according to the empirical research results and combined with the actual situation in our country , I put forward some specific policy recommendations .

  15. 届时意大利和西班牙将能够以接近欧洲央行存款利率的利率水平为其债务再融资。欧洲央行目前的法定存款准备金利率为1%,超额存款准备金利率为0.25%。

    Italy and Spain would then be able to refinance their debt at close to the deposit rate of the ECB , which is currently 1 per cent on mandatory reserves and 25 basis points on excess reserve accounts .