
  • 网络sao tome;Sao Tome and Principe;STP;Sao Tome & Principe
  1. 马达加斯加死亡率降低了41%;圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。

    Madagascar has cut its rate by forty-one percent ; Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half .

  2. 虽然减少疟疾负担的成就是显著的,但是至少有三个非洲国家(卢旺达、圣多美和普林西比、赞比亚)的部分地区出现了病例回升。

    While progress in reducing the burden of malaria has been remarkable , resurgences in cases were observed in parts of at least three African countries ( Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , and Zambia ) .

  3. 国家简况:圣多美和普林西比、几内亚比绍、佛得角。

    Country Profile : Sao Tome and Principe , Guinea-Bissau , Cape Verde .

  4. 圣多美和普林西比岛所使用的货币单位。

    Monetary unit on Sao Tome e Principe .

  5. 而对于圣多美及普林西比民主共和国这个小小的岛国,我有幸得到了一支来自欧美的志愿者团队帮助才有书可读,他们翻译了圣多美和普林西比作家奥林达?倍加短片小说。没有他们,我的读书计划难以进行下去。

    And when it came to the tiny island nation of Sao Tome & Principe , I would have been stuck without a team of volunteers in Europe and the US who translated a book of short stories by Santomean writer Olinda Beja just so that I could have something to read .