
  • 网络Kiribati;Tarawa;Republic of Kiribati
  1. 基里巴斯使用澳元(货币代码AUD,A$)。

    Kiribati uses Australian dollar .

  2. 基里巴斯民间音乐总体上基于伴随身体撞击声得着歌颂或其他形式的vocalizing。

    Kiribati folk music is generally based around chanting or other forms of vocalizing , accompanied by body percussion .

  3. 随着基里巴斯的独立,美国放弃了人烟罕至的菲尼克斯群岛(phoenixislands)和除其他三个沿线岛屿的认领权,这些岛屿后来成为了基里巴斯的领土。

    With independence , the United States relinquished all claims to the sparsely inhabited Phoenix Islands and all but three of the Line Islands , which became part of Kiribati territory .

  4. 周一,当基里巴斯那位兴高采烈的举重选手戴维•卡托亚陶(DavidKatoatau)在赛场上跳起舞来,想让外界更加关注气候变化对这个位于太平洋中央的小国造成的威胁时,人们并未一片哗然,只是觉得有趣。

    There was no outcry , only amusement , when David Katoatau , an exuberant weight lifter from Kirabati , danced offstage on Monday with the goal of heightening awareness of the threat posed by climate change to his tiny nation in the central Pacific Ocean .

  5. 在于欧洲接触之前,使用同一种海洋语言的密克罗尼西亚(micronesian)族就在基里巴斯定居了2000年之久。

    Kiribati was inhabited by a single Micronesian ethnic group that spoke the same Oceanic language for 2000 years before coming into contact with Europeans .

  6. 基里巴斯国会,称为Maneaba,每四年选举一次,共有42个席位。

    The parliament of Kiribati , called Maneaba ni Maungatabu is elected every four years , and consists of42 representatives .

  7. 美国正在与盟友和合作伙伴探讨应对这项挑战的新倡议,包括开展新的地区项目来清除基里巴斯塔拉瓦(Tarawa)的未爆炸武器。

    The United States is exploring with friends and partners new initiatives to address this challenge including the launch of a new regional project to remove UXO from Tarawa , Kiribati .

  8. 基里巴斯国内外都提供中学以上的教育和培训。

    Post-secondary education and training are available both in Kiribati and overseas .

  9. 2004年的夏季奥运会是基里巴斯第一次参加奥运比赛。

    The2004 Summer Olympics were the first for the island nation of Kiribati .

  10. 1777年的今天,又被称作“圣诞岛”的基里巴斯被詹姆斯·库克船长发现。

    1777-Kiritimati , also called Christmas Island , was discovered by James Cook .

  11. 基里巴斯国的两个无人岛特布·塔拉瓦和阿巴尼亚在1999年被海水淹没,已经消失了。

    Two uninhabited Kiribati islands , Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea , disappeared underwater in1999 .

  12. 基里巴斯预计人口达到103000人。

    Kiribati has an estimated population of103,000 .

  13. 基里巴斯原称吉尔伯特群岛,1979年脱离英国独立。

    Formerly the Gilbert Islands , Kiribati achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1979 .

  14. 基里巴斯共和国是太平洋中部的一个岛国。

    The Republic of Kiribati is an island nation located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean .

  15. 基里巴斯的民间音乐相对于其他太平洋岛国文化来说,仍然很少受西方文化的影响。

    Kiribati folk music remains less affected by Western culture than most other Pacific island cultures .

  16. 基里巴斯的自然资源非常稀少。

    Kiribati has few natural resources .

  17. 现代基里巴斯的公众表演,通常都是很多都是一支坐着的合唱队,并使用吉他伴奏。

    Public performances in modern Kiribati are generally performed by a seated chorus , accompanied by a guitar .

  18. 基里巴斯电台报道说,塔拉瓦岛多处遭遇洪水,连接各小岛的堤道也被海水淹没。

    Radio Kiribati reported that many parts of Tarawa were flooded and causeways linking the islets were covered with seawater .

  19. 语言:官方语言为英语,通用基里巴斯语(吉尔伯特语)和英语。马克萨姆吉利别尔特法

    Language : English is the official language , I-Kiribati ( Gilbertese ) and English are widely spoken . maxam gilbert method

  20. 2019年9月,中国同基里巴斯在一个中国原则基础上恢复外交关系,掀开了两国关系发展新篇章。

    China and Kiribati resumed diplomatic relations in September 2019 the one-China policy , opening a new chapter for bilateral ties .

  21. 我又完成了跨越太平洋的两个阶段,从旧金山到夏威夷,以及从夏威夷到基里巴斯。

    I 've done two out of three stages across the Pacific , from San Francisco to Hawaii and from Hawaii to Kiribati .

  22. 此外,还有位于西太平洋的岛国基里巴斯,它接受到了美国给予的价值百万元的奖励项目。

    Slovenia , for instance , was offered a meeting with President Obama , while the island nation of Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions .

  23. 对基里巴斯、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦和巴布亚新几内亚等国而言,维生素A缺乏也是一个重大公共卫生风险。

    Vitamin A deficiency is also a significant public health risk in Kiribati , the Marshall Islands , the Federated States of Micronesia and Papua New Guinea .

  24. 塔拉瓦岛是基里巴斯的首都,有近6万人口,此岛最大宽度尚不足100码。

    Kiribati 's capital island of Tarawa , which is seldom more than tens of yards wide at its widest , is home to around 60,000 people .

  25. 几年前造访太平洋小国基里巴斯之前,为了确保能有住宿的地方,我提前打电话预订。

    When I visited the Pacific island country of Kiribati years ago , I made a reservation by phone to make sure I would have a place to stay .

  26. 明天,我将离开这条船,飞回基里巴斯,去继续我第三段也是最后一段横渡太平洋的旅程。

    And tomorrow , I 'll be leaving this boat to fly back to Kiribati to continue with the third and final stage of my row across the Pacific .

  27. 该项目包括的太平洋地区包括密克罗尼西亚联邦、斐济、法属波利尼西亚、基里巴斯、新喀里多尼亚、巴布亚新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图。

    The Pacific territories involved in the project are the Federated States of Micronesia , Fiji , French Polynesia , Kiribati , New Caledonia , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu .