
  • 网络basic national condition
  1. 主要有:人口数量多、素质低的最基本国情是影响农业可持续发展的最大障碍;

    The greatest obstacle is the basic national condition of large population and it 's low quality .

  2. 基于人口众多这一基本国情,我国自20世纪80年代前后采取了严格控制人口增长的政策。

    Due to the basic national condition of dense population , China pursued a strict population control policy since the 1980s .

  3. 以Cu、P为基的基础上,利用我国丰富的稀土资源优势发展稀土耐候钢是适合我国基本国情的,同时满足了新一代高强耐大气腐蚀钢的要求。

    It is adapt to our country situation developing RE weathering steel which makes use of the rich rare earth resource in our country . It satisfies the request of new generation high strength and atmosphere corrosion resistance steel at the same time .

  4. 根据经验,卫生总费用占GDP的比例控制在5%左右,弹性系数保持在1.2左右,比较符合中国的基本国情。

    Based on experience , the proportion of National Health Expenditure in GDP should be controlled around 5 % and elasticity coefficient should be maintained around 1.2 , which relatively meets the essential situation of China . 2 .

  5. 巴西、印度、俄罗斯与我国基本国情较为近似,人口多,面积大,经济发展迅速,四国被高盛公司经济学家并称为BRICs金砖四国。

    Brazil , India and Russia are similar with our country in some aspects , such as large population , great expansion , rapid development . The four nations were called BRICS by economists of Goldman Sachs .

  6. 加拿大根据其基本国情在特殊的历史条件下开发了压力管式重水堆(PHWR)核电技术。

    Canada , in accordance with its basic national conditions in the history is developing nuclear power technology of heavy water pressure tubular reactor ( PHWR ) .

  7. 基本国情、小康社会与和谐社会

    Basic Country Condition , Comparatively well-off Society and Harmonious Society

  8. 尝试总结出符合我国基本国情的城市绿道景观设计方法。

    Try to explore set out for China ' surban greenway landscape design .

  9. 这就是我们的基本国情,这就是一个真实的中国。

    These are our basic national conditions . This is the real China .

  10. 这是中国的一个基本国情。

    These are the basic national conditions in China .

  11. 始终牢记社会主义初级阶段基本国情

    Always Bear in Mind the Basic National Conditions of the Primary Stage of Socialism

  12. 中国当前的基本国情分析

    An Analysis of Chinese Current Fundamental National Condition

  13. 在现有各种改革思路中,土地私有制不符合现阶段中国基本国情;在公有制框架内实行土地股份制是一种较好的制度安排;

    Among all solutions , land privatization is not suitable for Chinese basic situation .

  14. 中国基本国情是各地区条件差异显著、发展极不平衡。

    The basic national situation is significantly difference of regional conditions and development in China .

  15. 我国现阶段在石油方面的基本国情是资源相对不足。

    At present , the basic conditions of our country is relatively inadequate petroleum resources .

  16. 最后结合我国的基本国情,提出相应的推进城镇化的对策。

    Finally , China 's basic national conditions , proposed appropriate measures to promote urbanization .

  17. 通过以上研究分析,文章提出该模型适合我国目前基本国情,具有良好的推广前景。

    Therefore , this model is suitable for Chinese current situations and has great prospect .

  18. 也是充分考虑我国基本国情得出的正确结论。

    It is a correct conclusion in the fully consideration of our fundamental national conditions .

  19. 中国的基本国情决定了中国在应对气候变化领域面临巨大挑战。

    As restricted by national circumstances , China faces great challenges in addressing climate change .

  20. 阐述当时俄国和意大利的不同的基本国情。

    The paper described the different basic national conditions of Russia and Italy at that time .

  21. 结合基本国情,我国应建立德国式的隶属于司法系统且独立于普通法院的行政法院制度。

    We should combine with our national conditions , and establish the German-style administrative court system .

  22. 鉴于我国驰名商标国际影响力较弱及反淡化保护立法时间较短的基本国情,我国采取的是以《中华人民共和国商标法》为主进行保护的立法模式。

    China is taken by " Chinese Trademark Law " legislation to protect the main mode .

  23. 我国是处于社会主义初级阶段的发展中国家,经济基础薄弱,穷国办大教育,国拔高等教育经费不足将是相当长一段时期内我国的基本国情。

    Lacking of higher educational fund will be a basic problem in China for a long time .

  24. 资产阶级共和政体是不符合中国基本国情的尴尬抉择。

    The bourgeois republic was an awkward choice which was unsuitable to the basic conditions in China .

  25. 中国外交的特色,立足于中国作为发展中国家的基本国情。

    The features of Chinas diplomacy are based on Chinas basic national conditions as a developing country .

  26. 生产力决定生产关系,新中国经济落后的基本国情决定了长期发展资本主义经济的必要性;

    Productivity determines production relations . Economic backwardness of new China determines the necessity of developing capitalist economy .

  27. 加快建设节约型企业,是由我国目前的基本国情决定的。

    Speeding up the building of resource-efficient enterprises is decided by the basic present situation of our country .

  28. 面对生态环境的快速恶化,必须对基本国情进行再认识。

    Confronting the rapid deterioration of the environment , we must reconsider the basic situation of our country .

  29. 人口众多,人均地少,后备耕地资源不足是我国的基本国情之一。

    Large population , small per capita and less cropland resources is the basic national conditions of China .

  30. 环境保护必须与基本国情及其阶段性特征相适应。

    Environmental protection must be compatible with China 's national conditions and the features of its development stage .