
  • 网络social security;the social security system
  1. 加入WTO对中国社会保障制度提出了挑战。

    China 's entrance into WTO challenges her social security sysytem .

  2. 试论WTO背景下我国社会保障制度改革与财税对策

    On the Reform of China 's Social Security System and the Fiscal and Taxation Countermeasures after Entering WTO

  3. 我国社会保障制度不健全,现行立法对专利强制许可制度的使用限制亦过严,没有充分利用WTO规则所赋予的灵活性,许多规定甚至超过TRIPS协议的要求。

    In China , the effective social welfare system has not been accomplished , and the current legislation on patent compulsory licensing is too restrictive to take advantage of the flexibility in WTO rules , some of which even beyond the TRIPS Agreement .

  4. 社会保障制度改革和其它配套改革滞后等。

    Social welfare system reform and other auxiliary reforms are backward .

  5. 农民工社会保障制度构建分析

    Countermeasure analysis on constructing the social security system of peasant workers

  6. 关于统筹城乡社会保障制度建设的两点思考

    Thoughts of Constructing Social Guarantee System in Urban and Rural Areas

  7. 欧盟是现代社会保障制度产生的摇篮。

    European Union is the cradle of modern social security system .

  8. 完善社会保障制度促进劳动力市场发育

    Perfect social security system and promote the development of labour market

  9. 现代社会保障制度在欧洲兴起的原因

    On the reasons why the modern social security emerged in Europe

  10. 农村社会保障制度与社会保障体系建设研究

    Rural Social Security Institution and the Social Security System Construction

  11. 瑞典和英国社会保障制度比较研究

    Comparative Study of Social Security Systems between Sweden and Britain

  12. 完善的社会保障制度应该包括城市和农村两个层次。

    A perfect system should include both city and countryside .

  13. 中国社会保障制度改革:回顾与前瞻

    Reform of China Social Security System : Retrospect and Prospect

  14. 第三,我国农村社会保障制度。

    Thirdly , rural social security system of our country .

  15. 现阶段我国军人社会保障制度研究

    Study on Chinese Military Social Security System in Current Phase

  16. 建立新型农村社会保障制度的思路(一)建立有利于城乡衔接的多层次的农村社会保障体系。

    First , present rural social security system is out of character .

  17. 论人力资源流动与社会保障制度

    On the Human Resource flow and Social Security System

  18. 第二,完善已有的社会保障制度;

    Second , the consummation had social security system ;

  19. 对此,国家应建立女性农民工社会保障制度。

    Withal the goverment should establish the female farmer workers social guarantee system .

  20. 农村土地保障功能与农村社会保障制度

    Rural land guarantee function and rural social guarantee system

  21. 社会保障制度改革中的财政政策选择

    Financial Policy in the Reform of Social Security System

  22. 以及不断改革和完善社会保障制度,积极创造条件解决失业问题等等。

    Reform social security system to solve employment problems ; and so on .

  23. 北欧国家社会保障制度比较

    Comparison of Social Security Systems among the Scandinavian Countries

  24. 构建农民工社会保障制度的政策建议

    Analysis and proposal of Building The Urban Farmer Labors ' Social Insurance System

  25. 论社会主义市场经济的社会保障制度建设

    Comment on the Construction of Social Guarantee System under the Socialist Market Economy

  26. 社会保障制度是依据具体标准进行保障的制度。

    The social security system is a protection system basing on specific standards .

  27. 完善社会保障制度推进国有企业改革

    Perfecting social safeguard system Pushing national enterprise reformation

  28. 完善社会保障制度与提高社会预期

    Improve Social Security System and Enhance Social Expectation

  29. 公共财政必须促进社会保障制度的建设,稳定社会。

    The public finance must promote the social security system construction , stabilize society .

  30. 现代经济伦理与社会保障制度

    Modern Economy Ethics and Modern Social Security System