
jī yīn zài tǐ
  • Gene vector;gene vehicle;genetic vector
  1. 此外,由于具有多能性,间充质干细胞还是很好的基因载体,在创伤修复的基因治疗中有广阔的应用前景。

    In addition , for its multi potential to differentiate into lineages of mesenchymal tissues , MSC could be used as gene vehicle for gene therapy of trauma care .

  2. 结果:新型基因载体能够很好的携带DNA进入细胞。

    The result indicated that the new gene delivery can carry DNA into cells .

  3. 按配对设计,将动物分为六组:A、B、C组为实验组,注射重组治疗基因载体。

    All of these animals were divided into six groups by matched-pairs design . Group A , group B and group C were the experimental groups .

  4. 结论PLGA纳米粒子可作为基因载体。

    Conclusion PLGA nanoparticles can be use as gene delivery .

  5. 马立克氏病病毒gB与IL-2融合基因载体的构建及表达

    Construction and expression of vector of the fused gene combined Marek ′ s disease virus gB and IL-2

  6. 本文研究了硬脂酰鱼精蛋白的合成,并将其作为非病毒基因载体,考察了与质粒DNA的复合性能,复合物的体外基因转染效果。

    In this thesis , stearyl protamine as a kind of novel non-viral gene vector was synthesized and investigated on the characters of its DNA complexes and the transfection efficiency .

  7. 方法采用表达luciferase的报告基因载体检测启动子的活性。

    Methods Luciferase reporter assay was used to detect the activity of promoter .

  8. 异种器官移植用血管内皮细胞特异表达人DAF重组基因载体的构建

    Construction of Recombinant Human Decay Accelerating Factor for Endothelial-specific Expression in Xenotransplantation

  9. 我们构建了包含FLOT2启动子和Wnt信号通路转录因子结合位点的荧光素酶报告基因载体。

    We generated a luciferase reporter construct containing the Wnt signaling pathway transcription factor binding sites .

  10. 在动物模型中VEGF纳米粒子是比裸质粒DNA更好的基因载体系统,结果显示了纳米粒子可望在人类基因治疗中得到很好的应用。

    As a carrier system for gene therapy in animal model , VEGF-NP is much better than naked DNA plasmid . The results demonstrate great possibility of using NP carrier in human gene therapy .

  11. 作为一种新的药物基因载体,HAP纳米粒子有高的药物吸附量及良好的生物相容性,有望作为一种新的基因药物载体。

    As a new drug carrier hydroxyapatite nanoparticles have high absorbability for medicine and high biocompatibility , which is promising to be used as a novel drug carrier .

  12. 利用转座子Tn233(CH)与Tn5作为基因载体的研究

    Studies on Utilization of Transposons Tn 233 ( CH ) and Tn 5 as Gene Vectors

  13. 众多研究表明VEGF与BMP可通过联合方式促进骨组织的再生与修复,但是其相互协同作用机制尚不十分明确,因选择基因载体的差异而导致转染效率也不尽相同。

    Number of studies have shown that VEGF can be combined with the BMP to promote bone tissue regeneration and repair , but the synergy between the mechanism is not yet clear , due to selection caused by differences in gene vector transfection efficiency is not the same .

  14. 基因载体、基因选择、基因转移与类风湿关节炎

    Gene carriers , gene selection and gene transfer in rheumatoid arthritis

  15. 要克服这些不足就要对基因载体进行改良。

    To overcome these key limits needs modificating gene carrier .

  16. 壳聚糖及其衍生物基因载体的研究进展

    Advance in the Study of Chitosan and its Derivatives as Non-Viral Vectors

  17. 纳米基因载体与传统的基因载体相比,具有其独特的特点和优点。

    Nanoparticle gene carriers have significant advantages than traditional carriers .

  18. 改性壳聚糖超微基因载体系统的构建及评价

    Construction and Evaluation of Modified Chitosan Super-fine Particles as DNA Delivery System

  19. β1整合素启动子荧光素酶报告基因载体的构建与鉴定

    Construction and identification of β _1 integrin promoter-luciferase reporter gene recombinant vectors

  20. 因此,非病毒性基因载体受到越来越多的关注。

    Therefore , the non-viral gene carriers have been paid more attention to .

  21. ePNP自杀基因载体的构建及其表达

    Vector Construction and Expression of E.Coli PNP Suicide Gene

  22. 聚合物基因载体的设计与优化

    Design and optimization of polymers for gene delivery

  23. 作物种质资源是控制作物性状的基因载体,是作物育种及其相关学科的生命物质基础。

    Crop germplasm is the base for plant breeding and other related life sciences .

  24. 生物可降解聚合物作为非病毒基因载体的研究进展

    Development of Biodegradable Polymer as Non-viral Gene Vector

  25. 干旱诱导性启动子驱动的海藻糖-6-磷酸合酶基因载体的构建及转基因烟草的耐旱性

    Construction of a Trehalose-6-phosphate Synthase Gene Driven by Drought-responsive Promoter and Expression of Drought-resistance in Transgenic Tobacco

  26. 如何提高非病毒基因载体在体内的稳定传递和高效转染是这类传递体系所需解决的关键的科学问题。

    Improving the stability and transfection efficiency of non-viral gene delivery systems is one of the key points .

  27. 脂质体&基因载体不同剂型微量元素在

    Liposomes for Gene Delivery On Application of Trace Mineral in Different Forms to Compound Feed for Penaeus chinensis

  28. 人β1整合素近端和远端启动子报告基因载体的构建和鉴定及启动活性分析

    Construction and identification of integrin β 1 recombinants containing the proximal and distal promoter and detection of their promoter activity

  29. 同时,也表明这种介孔氧化硅纳米粒子作为基因载体在基因治疗中具有广阔的潜力和发展空间。

    We can also see that the MSN used as gene delivery carriers has a vast potential in gene therapy .

  30. 无机纳米颗粒类非病毒型基因载体因其稳定性好、生物亲和性好、安全、有效、无免疫原性等优点,已引起广泛关注。

    Inorganic nanoparticles as non-viral gene carriers have caught much attention because of their good stability , biocompatibility , safety , efficiency and non-immunogenicity .