
  • 网络Genetic;genetic information
  1. 地球上的生命在DNA中储存了基因信息。

    Life on Earth stores genetic information in DNA .

  2. 这些伤疤是由于DNA在人类史上的核辐射中被磨损而丢失基因信息的反映。

    This scarring is a reflection of missing genetic information due to the fraying of DNA in nuclear fallouts within human history .

  3. GenExtractor:基于Web的基因信息挖掘

    GenExtractor : a web-based gene information mining system

  4. DNA是存储基因信息的遗传物质。

    DNA is heredity substance for storing gene information .

  5. 但研究者对第二链采用PCR方法是否有些基因信息丢失或丰度上发生很大的变化存有疑虑。

    However , researchers are not sure if some gene information have lost or changed by LD-PCR method .

  6. RICHOZMINKOWSKI:“有了基因信息,就可以挑出有更多这些想要的基因的西红柿植株。”

    RICH OZMINKOWSKI : " By having the genome information , we can pick out those tomato plants that have more of those genes . "

  7. 核糖体是合成蛋白的分子机器,它解读RNA中的基因信息并把它们转化成组成蛋白质的氨基酸序列。

    It reads the coding information from RNA and translates it to the sequence of amino acids composing the protein .

  8. 它将储存于编码DNA中的基因信息转换成RNA,并最终决定了蛋白质的合成与结构。

    It trans-fers the genetic information stored in the encoding DNAs to an instruction for the pro-duction of RNA molecules , and it determines the synthesis and structure of protein .

  9. 基因信息的冗余分析表明,SARSCOV具有较低的冗余度,即发生变异的可能性比较大。

    The analysis indicated that SARS CoV has lower redundancy , that is , it has a high variation possibility .

  10. 举例来说,只要上溯三代,一个人就会有八个曾父母,或者上溯四代,就会有十六位曾曾祖父母,即便如此,这种DNA只能揭示一到两位祖先的基因信息。

    This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors , even though , for example , just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or , four generations back , 14 other great-great-grandparents .

  11. 当学者仔细看DNA中的染色体,很令人惊讶,我们也很惊讶,因为仅仅一个大概20%-30%的片段,就可以转化成涵义丰富的基因信息。

    When researchers look really carefully at the DNA in Chromosomes though , they were amazed , we all were , to find that only a fraction of it , maybe 20-30 % , converts into meaningful genetic information .

  12. 为了获得同源基因信息,我们对人类和大鼠的蛋白质组也进行了分析,并采用best-best的方法与小鼠的bHLH因子进行了同源关系的确定。

    In order to obtain ortholog information , we searched the proteomes of human and rat as well , and identified the ortholog relationship with mouse bHLH TFs using best-best method .

  13. 所有这一被转录的基因信息的目的仍不清晰。

    The purpose of all this transcribed genomic information remains unclear .

  14. 传统聚落景观基因信息图谱单元研究

    A Research on Graphic Methodology Unit Model of Traditional Settlement Landscape

  15. 一个基因组中包含了一种生物体所有的基因信息。

    A genome s all of the genetic information about an organism .

  16. 你会与伴侣和亲戚交流基因信息吗?

    Would you swap the info with friends and relatives ?

  17. 基因组包含了一种生物所有的基因信息。

    A genome contains all of the genetic information about an organism .

  18. 他们改进了用于研究海量遗传基因信息的计算机程序。

    They improved computer programs used to study large amounts of genetic information .

  19. 希望能出现更廉价的基因组测定方法来加快对基因信息的使用。

    Heres hoping that ever-cheaper genome analysis accelerates the use of genetic information .

  20. 而这些有限的基因信息,对于进一步研究杜氏盐藻是远远不够的。

    Therefore , the gene message is not enough for the further research .

  21. 研究结果表明了植物对氮饥饿反应涉及互相关联的多种生理与分子机理,提供了相关的一些基因信息。

    The results indicate the cross-talks between N-starvation response and various metabolisms in plants .

  22. 脱氧核糖核酸是一种在细胞中带有基因信息的核酸。

    DNA is a nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell .

  23. 基因信息处理与计算机信息处理

    Comparing Gene Information Processing with Computer Information Processing

  24. 注重教育土著社区正当和不当使用基因信息的影响。

    focused on educating indigenous communities on the potential use and misuse of genetic information .

  25. 这样染色体就失去了重要的基因信息,导致它失去了它的功能。

    So the Chromosome is now losing important genetically information and is no longer functional .

  26. 目前研究人员还没有搞清楚这种基因信息是如何从父代传递到子代的。

    Researchers do not yet understand how the genetic information is transferred from father to child .

  27. 细胞间信息和基因信息传递是代谢调控的一部分。

    The messages between the cells and the gene information transmission are the respects of metabolic regulation .

  28. 对同一种病原微生物三引物所提供的基因信息要远多于两引物所提供的信息,增加的信息量约为原来的50%;

    Three primers could provide a half more information than two primers to the same pathogenic microbialsl ;

  29. 位于加州的个人基因信息网站23andMe曾调查过25000人,问他们是否认为香菜闻着像肥皂。

    Geneticists at 23andMe in California asked about 25000 people whether they like cilantro or think it smells soapy .

  30. 在允许商业保险区别对待的同时,政府应成立专门的机构监管保险公司科学和公平地使用基因信息。

    The government should set up a special body to monitor insurance companies scientific and equitable use of genetic information .