
zì rán fā shēnɡ shuō
  • abiogenesis
  1. 法利和盖森关于巴斯德-普歇的自然发生说之争的案例研究表明拒斥理性模式是走向社会学模式的前提;

    Farley and Geison 's case-study in the Pasteur-Pouchet debate over Spontaneous Generation illustrates that the denial of rational explanation is the precondition to sociological explanation .

  2. 自然发生说,无生源说认为生命起源于无生命有机物的学说给予植物抗虫性的物质包括无机物,初始、中间代谢物和次生物质。

    The supposed development of living organisms from nonliving matter . Substances conveying plant resistance to insects include inorganics , primary and intermediary metabolites and secondary substances .