
  • 网络autocrine
  1. IFN-γ是巨噬细胞强有力的活化因子,可由激活的T细胞、NK细胞或巨噬细胞自身分泌。

    Activated NK and T cells secrete it .

  2. 细菌生物膜(bacterialbiofilm)是细菌利用自身分泌的含水聚合物质黏附成团,附着于固体物质表面的具有特殊微结构的细菌群落。

    Bacterial biofilm is a special structure of bacterial community enclosed in a self-produced hydrous and polymeric matrix and adherent to material surface .

  3. 乳腺癌细胞自身分泌的uPA和VEGF是乳腺癌复发、浸润和远位转移的细胞因子。

    UPA and VEGF secretion by themselves is the cytokines for recurrence , invasion and distant metastasis of breast cancer .

  4. 结论:Hp对胃粘膜的粘附数量不仅取决于细菌自身分泌的粘附素数量和种类,也决定于不同机体分泌的相应粘附素受体的种类和数量;

    Conclusion : It is indicated that the number of HP adhered to stomach mucosa is influenced not only by the kinds and quantity of adhesion but also by the kinds and quantites of their corresponding receptors distributing on different gastric mucosa .

  5. 正常情况下,软骨细胞可自身分泌IGF-1,但在软骨缺损后其周围软骨中IGF-1和IGF-1R的表达水平是否会发生变化还有待进一步研究。

    Generally speaking , the cartilage cells can secrete the IGF-1 by themselves . It needs a further study and research for the expression level of IGF-1 and IGF-1R around the damaged cartilage after the articular cartilage defects .

  6. RT-PCR、免疫细胞荧光染色方法证实人胃成纤维细胞自身分泌CTGF,这表明CTGF通过自分泌、旁分泌途径发挥作用,为进一步研究CTGF与人胃成纤维细胞的关系提供了实验基础。

    The results of RT-PCR and Immunocyte fluorescent staining prove that human gastric fibroblast itself secretes CTGF , which shows that CTGF takes into effect through the autocrine and paracrine manners . That provides experimental basis for further research on the relation between CTGF and human gastric fibroblast . 3 .

  7. 但由于受自身分泌蛋白酶多、构建的重组表达质粒不太稳定等因素影响,其应用受到一定的限制。

    Its application is restricted by secreting a variety of proteases and the unstable of recombinant expression plasmids .

  8. 嗜杀酵母能够分泌毒素蛋白,杀死敏感酵母。嗜杀酵母对自身分泌的嗜杀毒素具有免疫力。

    Killer yeasts secrete protein toxins which are lethal to sensitive strains but are immune to their own toxins .

  9. 同时利用细胞自身分泌蛋白实现了对卵母细胞凋亡的人工诱导,初步探讨了调控卵母细胞凋亡的相关机制。

    Meanwhile , biology protein can induce apoptosis in oocytes . The mechanism of regulating apoptosis in oocytes was briefly discussed .

  10. 人体自身分泌褪黑激素,而且大多数生物夜晚比白天分泌得更多。

    This hormone is produced by our bodies and in most organisms melatonin production is higher during the night than during the day .

  11. 模拟胚胎软骨组织形成特点,成功地在体外构建出由细胞及其自身分泌细胞外基质构成的仿生细胞膜片,并对其理化特性进行了研究。

    Imitating the formation process of embryo cartilage tissue , the bionic cell sheet composed of cell and matrix produced by the cells themselves was fabricated and its characteristics were studied .

  12. 结果表明:烧伤早期肾脏ET-1mRNA含量明显上升,分布有所变化,且为肾脏自身分泌释放(自分泌/旁分泌)。

    It was found that ET 1 mRNA content was significantly increased and its localization was changed . ET 1 was mainly secreted and released by the kidneys themselves ( auto or para secretion ) .

  13. 细胞膜片组织工程因含有自身分泌的细胞外基质,保留了相关蛋白和生物活性因子,为体内骨创的完美愈合修复提供了适宜的微环境。

    Cell sheet composed of the cells and extracellular matrix derived from the cells , and remained the relative protein and biological activity factors . Consequently , cell sheet can provide a suitable microenvironment for the bone regeneration in vivo .

  14. 根据贝壳自身分泌和自然沉积碳酸钙的特点可知,碳酸钙沉积更易在贝壳边缘发生,导致其弯曲强度明显比中间的部分要大很多。

    According to the special characteristics of self-secretion and natural deposition of calcium carbonate , the calcium carbonate more easily deposits on the edge of shells , causing that the anti-bending strength of the edge of shells is significantly larger than that of the middle .

  15. 异常T细胞激活及随后的B细胞刺激导致自身抗体分泌引起桥本甲状腺炎。

    Hashimoto 's thyroiditis results from abnormal T cell activation and subsequent B cell stimulation to secrete a variety of autoantibodies .

  16. IL-1β不仅是由脂肪细胞、巨噬细胞、内皮细胞产生和分泌的,而且胰岛β细胞自身具有分泌IL-1β的功能。IL-1β具有广泛的生物学效应,在介导β细胞损伤中起着重要作用。

    IL-1 β is not only secreted by fat cells , macrophages and endothelial cells , but also secreted by the islet β cell . IL-1 β has a wide biological function , it plays an important role in mediating P-cell injury .

  17. 胰岛β细胞分泌的胰岛素可反馈调节其自身的分泌。

    The insulin secreted by β cell could regulate itself secretion .

  18. 目的探讨培养的大鼠肾小球系膜细胞能够自身合成分泌醛固酮及存在醛固酮受体的可能性。

    Objective To explore the possibility of aldosterone biosynthesis and expression of aldosterone receptor in rat mesangial cells in vitro .

  19. 它不仅在抗凝血因子形成过程中起着保护屏障作用,而且其自身可分泌因子调节血管管腔和保持内环境稳态的作用。

    It not only plays a protective function in the formation of anti-coagulation factor , but also it can secret some cellular factor to regulate blood vessel lumen and maintain internal environment .

  20. 肿瘤细胞自身可以分泌大量的生长因子,它们通过自分泌或旁分泌方式与细胞表面的生长因子受体结合,激活一系列信号转导途径,从而促进细胞增殖。

    Tumor cells can secrete many growth factors , which bind to cell surface receptors by autocrine or paracrine production and activate a series of signal pathways , then induce cell proliferation .

  21. 结论大鼠肾小球系膜细胞自身能够合成分泌醛固酮并存在醛固酮受体。

    Conclusion Aldosterone biosynthesis in rat mesangial cells and aldosterone receptor exist in rat mesangial cells .

  22. 由于其结构的改变,还可以使患者自身的胰岛素分泌增加。

    Because of the change of its molecular structure , the patients ′ endogenous insulin secretion also can be increased .

  23. 乳是由乳腺自身合成和分泌的,乳腺发育及泌乳过程中重要功能基因的表达变化是调节乳腺生长、发育、分化以及乳汁合成、分泌、转运等重要生理过程的基础。

    Milk was synthesized and secreted by mammary gland . Gene expression changes in mammary gland development and lactation is the foundation of mammary gland growth , development , differentiation , milk synthesis , secretion and transportation .

  24. 结论:胃癌细胞自身具有产生与分泌MMP-9的能力,MMP-9对肿瘤的侵润、转移及间质血管新生具有促进作用。

    Conclusion Gastric carcinoma cells have the ability to produce and secret MMP-9 which can promote the invasion , metastasis and angiogenesis of the neoplasm .

  25. 哮喘组小鼠T淋巴细胞能使其自身B淋巴细胞sIgG分泌水平明显下降(P<0.05);

    After regulated by its own T lymphocytes , levels of sIgG secreted by B cells from asthmatic mice decreased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 由于外来的激素含量巨大,自身胰腺可能停止分泌胰岛素,身体将完全依赖于这些外来的激素。

    The pancreas may soon stop its own production of insulin and the body can become solely dependent upon the exogenous injections .