
zì wǒ ɡēnɡ xīn
  • self-renewal
  1. 这些实验同时揭示:REST结合在一系列以与胚胎干细胞自我更新能力相关基因为靶子的小RNA分子的基因染色质上。

    These experiments also revealed that REST is bound to the gene chromatin of a set of microRNAs with the potential to target self-renewal genes .

  2. 间充质干细胞(MSCs)是一种非胚胎来源的成体干细胞,并且具有自我更新能力和分化的多潜能性。

    Mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) of non-embryonic origins possess the self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation potentials .

  3. 微RNA在胚胎干细胞自我更新和分化中的作用

    Role of microRNA in self-renew and differentiation of embryonic stem cells

  4. K562细胞中具有自我更新能力的细胞群体(克隆形成细胞)对硒的抑制作用更敏感;

    The colony forming cell in K 562 cells was more sensitive to selenium ( Se ) .

  5. 神经干细胞(NeuralStemCells,NSCs)是具有趋向性、自我更新和多向分化潜能的特殊细胞。

    Neural stem cells ( NSCs ) are special cells which have some capacity of tropism for tumors , self-renewal , and the potencies to differentiate with multi-direction .

  6. 神经干细胞(Neuralstemcell,NSC)是中枢神经系统内存在的具有自我更新能力和多种分化潜能的一种未分化细胞。

    Neural stem cell ( NSC ) is an undifferentiated cell which is characterised self-renewal and multiple differentiation potentials in the central nervous system ( CNS ) .

  7. 骨髓间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSCs)具有高度的增殖和自我更新能力,并可分化为多种不同类型组织细胞。

    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) are characterized by their abilities of proliferation , self-renewal and multipotent differentiation into various lineages of tissue cells .

  8. 神经前体细胞(neuralprogenitorcell,NPC)是一类可以分裂增殖、自我更新并具有多分化潜能的细胞。

    Neural progenitor cell ( NPC ) is the kind of cells with the capacity of proliferation , self-renewal and multi-differentiation and could be the source of neural cells .

  9. 组织工程心脏瓣膜(tissueengineeringheartvalve,TEHV)具有自体活细胞,能够自我更新和改建,生物力学和血流动力学性能优良,耐久性好,无需抗凝,符合理想人造心脏瓣膜的条件。

    Tissue engineering heart valves ( TEHVs ) constructed from autologous living cells theoretically have the potential to meet the characteristics of an ideal valve substitute because they have .

  10. NS蛋白可能参与干细胞和癌细胞自我更新和无限增殖,并且使细胞保持在分化停滞状态。

    NS is involved in self-renewal and indefinite proliferation of stem cells and cancer cells , and keeps cells in non-differentiated state .

  11. 精原干细胞(SpermatogonialStemcells,SSCs)是指位于睾丸生精小管基膜上既能自我更新维持自身群体数量恒定,又能定向分化形成精母细胞,最终形成精子的一类原始干细胞。

    Spermatogonial stem cells were located at seminiferous tubule which not only can maintain the number of themselves but also can differentiate to spermatocyte .

  12. 神经干细胞(NeuralStemCells,NSCs)是指中枢神经系统(centralnervoussystem,CNS)存在的具有自我更新自我增殖能力和多种分化潜能的特殊细胞群。

    Neural stem cells ( NSCs ) exist widely in the mammalian central nervous system and posses the capability of self-renewing , self-duplication , and the potentiality of differentiating into various neural cells .

  13. 表皮干细胞(epidermalstemcells,ESCs)是一类存在于皮肤组织中的多能性细胞,能够自我更新且具有多相分化潜能。

    Epidermal stem cells ( ESCs ) are multipotent stem cells resided in the epidermis , which are self-renewal and potential to differentiate into different types of cells .

  14. 干细胞生存微环境(stemcellniche)是干细胞生活的特定环境,维持并调节干细胞的生物学特性,使之在静息态、自我更新和分化上保持平衡。

    Stem cell niche is specific living microenvironment for stem cells , maintain and regulate stem cell biological characteristics , and keep them in the balance of resting state , self-renewal and differentiation .

  15. 其可以靶向多基因通过多条信号通路在MSCs自我更新和诱导分化过程中形成复杂的调控网络。

    MicroRNA can form a complex regulation network though targeting multiple genes via many signaling pathways during the process of MSCs differentiation into neurons .

  16. 过表达癌基因Bmi-1促进鼠源胚胎干细胞自我更新

    Overexpression of Oncogene Bmi-1 Promotes the Self-renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells

  17. 间充质干细胞(MSC)已经被证实是一种多潜能自我更新细胞存在于多种成体组织中。

    Mesenchymal stem cells ( MSC ) have been identified in a variety of adult tissues as a population of pluripotential self-renewing cells .

  18. 作为造血组织的核心成分,HSC具有高度自我更新和在适当条件下向多个方向分化为各系造血细胞的能力。

    As a core component of hematopoietic tissue , HSC possesses the ability for self-renewal and can differentiate into any blood cell lineages .

  19. 胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)具有自我更新、无限增殖、保持未分化状态和向所有三个胚层分化的潜能。

    Embryonic stem cells ( ES cells ) are unique cell populations with the ability of self-renewal , unlimited proliferation , multipotent differentiation and maintaining their undifferentiated state .

  20. ES细胞自我更新能力的维持是体外培养、扩增ES细胞的必要条件,也是ES细胞在科学和临床应用的基础。

    Maintenance of the self-renewal is a prerequisite for in vitro culture and amplification of ES cells and a basis for scientific and clinical application of ES cells .

  21. 近年来,表皮干细胞在组织工程、细胞治疗上都显示出巨大的应用潜力,其多能性也日益引起人们关注,尽管如此,其多能性和自我更新能力仍远弱于ESCs。

    Recent years have seen huge application potential of epidermal stem cells in tissue engineering and cell therapy .

  22. 皮肤组织具有很强的再生能力,基底层中的表皮干细胞(keratinocytestemcells,KSC)在组织自我更新、损伤修复和肿瘤发生中起重要作用。

    The keratinocyte stem cells ( KSC ) are located in epidermal basal layer and play a central role in tissue self-renewal , wound healing and neoplasm formation .

  23. 目的:间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSC)是近年发现的来源于中胚层的一类非造血成体干细胞,具有干细胞的共性:高度自我更新和多向分化能力。

    Aim Mesenchymal stem cells discovered recently is a kind of adult stemcells derived from mesoblast . It has the commonness of stem cells that is capable of self-renewal and differentiating into many cell lineages .

  24. ADSCs体外扩增和自我更新能力很强,传代培养易于获得大量有分化能力的细胞。

    ADSCs have strong ability to self-renewal and mass culture accessible to a large number of cell differentiation in vitro .

  25. 表明低浓度NO可以维持iPS细胞的多能性,并可以延缓在无LIF条件下iPS细胞的凋亡作用,维持其自我更新。

    It demonstrates low concentration of NO could maintain the pluripotency of iPS cells and delay the iPS cells apoptosis without LIF in the medium .

  26. 我们同样发现,过表达miR-33b可以在体外抑制MDA-MB-231和BT-549中的肿瘤干细胞的自我更新。

    Overexpression of miR-33b also repressed self-renewal of breast cancer cells in vitro .

  27. 神经干细胞(NSC)是具有高度自我更新能力并能分化为神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的神经前体细胞。

    Neural stem cells ( NSCs ) have the ability of highly self-renewal and can be differentiated into neurons , astrocytes and oligodendrocytes .

  28. HSC衰老是指细胞生长停滞,不可逆的停留在G1期,自我更新和多向分化能力降低,细胞数量减少,应激性凋亡升高。

    HSC senescence is cell growth arrest , irreversible remain in G1 phase , self-renewal and differentiation capacity reduced , the number of cells decreased and apoptosis increased .

  29. 基因修饰研究结果显示Aire在ESC自我更新和体细胞重编程为iPS细胞的过程中具有重要的功能。

    Genetic modification experiments showed that Aire played critical roles in the self-renewal of ESCs and reprogramming of somatic cells to iPS cells .

  30. 我们的试验表明造血干细胞在平衡自我更新和约束这种更新是受Notch信号所调控的,造血干细胞的生长和生存是受Wnt信号调控的。

    Our work shows that the balance between HSC self-renewal and commitment is regulated by Notch signaling , and that HSC growth and survival are regulated by Wnt signaling .