
dān mínɡ
  • single-character given name;monomial
  1. 毕竟,单名CDS市场自2008年以来萎缩的原因是,监管机构出台的新规则让这些产品的交易更加繁琐和昂贵。

    After all , the reason why the single name CDS market has withered since 2008 is that regulators have imposed new rules making it more onerous and costly to trade these products .

  2. 从集合中移除一个单名值。

    Removes a single-named value from the collection .

  3. 在这个基础上,进一步分析了我国单名、双名此消彼长的根本原因。

    Based on that , it further analyzes the basic reason of single character name and double character names .

  4. 恢复单名衍生品或许有助于缓解这个问题,因为如果投资者能够保护自己不受违约的影响,就可能更愿意持有债券。

    Reviving single name derivatives might help to alleviate this , since investors may be more willing to hold bonds if they can protect themselves from default .

  5. 2008年,国家公布了全国第一批文化体制改革试点单名的名单,具有一定代表的云南省歌舞剧院名列其中。

    In 2008 , the center government announced the first batch of cultural system organizational reform name list , Yunnan Provincial Singing and Dancing Ensemble was included .

  6. 在附近的维济亚讷格勒姆市,82岁的桑亚萨玛(Sanyasamma)和她的孩子及孙辈躲在家中。桑亚萨玛使用单名。

    Sanyasamma , 82 , who goes by one name , was holed up in her home in the nearby city of Vizianagaram with her children and grandchildren .

  7. 印尼通信部长鲁迪安塔拉(Rudiantara)——与许多印尼人一样,他的名字是个单名——没有理会封杀叫车应用的呼声,而是表示它们是印尼不断增长的数字经济的一部分。

    Rudiantara , Indonesia 's communications minister , who like many Indonesians has only one name , rejected calls to ban ride-hailing apps , saying they were part of Indonesia 's growing digital economy .

  8. 这个窗口类定义了一个窗口的属性,例如它的风格、标、标指针、单名与窗口过程的名称。

    A window class defines the attributes of a window , such as its style , its icon , its cursor , the name of the menu , and the name of the window procedure .

  9. 它还承认不应该对那位指控者——单名杰姬的女子——的说辞偏听偏信,不应该同意放弃接触那些她所指控的男性。

    It also acknowledged that it had erred in relying solely on the word of the accuser , named only as Jackie , and in agreeing not to try to contact the men she accused .