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  • monoterpene
  1. 接虫3d后几种单萜类成分的含量均没有显著变化,单萜总量有所降低。

    Attacked three days later by RTB the total monoterpene content decreased .

  2. 而含氧单萜、含氧倍半萜类则正好相反,HD法所提挥发油中含氧萜类明显高于SCFE。

    Relative contents of oxygenated monoterpene and sesquiterpene were higher in the oil isolated by HD than by SCFE .

  3. 钩藤煎煮过程的HPLC研究仿生合成单萜吲哚生物碱

    Studies on the Mechanism of Put in Later of Uncaria Hook by HPLC Biomimetic Synthesis of Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids

  4. 缬草单萜氧化物对兔心室肌线粒体ATP敏感性钾通道的影响

    Effect of Monoterpene Oxide on Myocardial Mitochondrial ATP Sensitive Potassium Channel in Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes

  5. 海洋细菌Aeromonashydrophila和Vibriovulnificus对单萜柠檬烯的生物转化产物分析

    Biotransformation of ( D ) - Limonene by Marine Bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio vulnificus

  6. 其中,萜类挥发性物质包括单萜和倍半萜的代谢研究最为深入,已有超过40种的萜类合成酶(TPS)基因被克隆和进行功能表征。

    The elucidation of their metabolic pathways leads to the cloning and characterization of more than 40 terpene synthases ( TPSs ) from different kinds of species .

  7. 研究了单萜/顺酐加成物及其酯化衍生物在OV-17和SE-30柱上的某些色谱性能和定量分析的线性相应关系。

    The retention behaviors of terpene / maleic anhydride adduct ( TMA , 1 ) and its esterification derivatres ( 2 ) on OV 17 and SE 30 columns has been studied .

  8. 萜类合酶催化单萜、倍半萜和二萜生物合成,即分别催化GPP、FPP和GGPP形成单萜、倍半萜和二萜。

    Terpene synthases catalyse the biosynthesis of monoterpenes , sesquiterpenes and diterpenes with the GPP , FPP and GGPP as substrates , respectively .

  9. tortilis是迄今已知的以芳香族化合物而不是以含氧单萜为主成分的香茅品种。

    Tortilis is so far the only species of cymbopogon known to contain an aromatic compound instead of an oxygenated monoterpene as the chief odoriferous components .

  10. 大多是单萜、倍半萜烯类化合物,Z-柠檬醛含量最多,达24.21%。

    Z-Citral content was 24.21 % which was the most component .

  11. 结论水提醇沉法提取山茱萸单萜甙较好。

    CONCLUSION Alcohol sedimentation is a better method in extracting monoterpene glycoside .

  12. 单萜/顺丁烯二酸酐加成物及其酯类衍生物的气相色谱法分析

    Analysis of Terpene / Maleic Anhydride Adduct and Its Derivatives by GC

  13. 以β-月桂烯为原料的新单萜衍生物合成及构造解析

    Synthesis and Structural Analysis of New Monoterpene Derivatives from β - myrcene

  14. 天然活性单萜&柠檬烯的研究进展

    Recent advances on limonene , a natural and active monoterpene

  15. 缬草单萜氧化物预处理对供心保存的实验研究

    Valerian Study of Monoterpene oxide pretreatment on donor heart preservation

  16. 单萜异构中酸催化作用的调变方法研究

    A Study of the Modification on Acidic Catalysis in the Isomerization of Monoterpenoids

  17. 单萜的触角电位反应值与浓度呈线性正相关,在一定范围内,单萜浓度越高反应值越大。

    Activity and concentration of monoterpenes were linear positive correlated in certain extent .

  18. 这与狭叶羌活根茎和根的挥发油中单萜和倍半萜类化合物分别占总挥发油中化学成分的13·63%和67·93%不同。

    Conclusion In the total essential oil of the rhizome and root of N.

  19. 圆二色谱在单萜和木脂体化合物结构分析中的应用

    Application of circular dichroism on structure analysis of

  20. 8&14碳脂肪酸单萜酯的合成研究

    Synthesis of 8-14C Saturated Fatty Acid Monoterpenes Esters

  21. 在46种成分中单萜占总质量的28。

    Of the46 components , monoterpenoid accounted for28 .

  22. 单萜类硝基化合物的合成研究

    Study on synthesis of nitro compound from terpenoid

  23. 实验结果表明,2种吸附剂对单萜的吸附效果基本一致,能满足油松挥发物分析的需要。

    The results shoed that the absorption efficency of the two absorbents were basically consistent .

  24. 单萜类化合物是植物挥发油的主要成份。

    The monoterpenoids are dominant components in the " volatile oils " of plant species .

  25. 单萜类化合物按骨架结构可以分为链状型和环状型两大类。

    According to the skeleton structures , monoterpenes can be divided into two types : acyclic type and cyclic-type .

  26. 海绵中含有多种多样的萜类化合物,包括单萜、倍半萜、二萜、二倍半萜和三萜。

    The marine sponges are a rich source of terpenoids including monoterpenoids , sesquiterpenoids , diterpenoids , sesterterpenoids and triterpenoids .

  27. 鉴定出包括烷烃、醛、酮、酯、单萜和倍半萜类等物质。

    Sixteen volatile compounds have been identified , including alkanes , aldehydes , ketones , esters , monoterpenes , and sesquiterpenes .

  28. 讨论了单萜类物质在球果花蝇对寄主定位和产卵过程中的诱引或驱避作用。

    The role of monoterpenes in cone fly host location and oviposition in terms of attractive signals or repellent is discussed .

  29. 化合物1为新的单萜苷,化合物10和11为首次从该植物中发现。

    Compound 1 is a new monoterpene glucoside . Compounds 10 and 11 were isolated from this plant for the first time .

  30. 结果表明在挥发油中主要含有α-蒎烯、莰烯、β-蒎烯、乙酸芳樟酯等8个单萜类成分和β-石竹烯等11个倍半萜成分。

    The volatile terpenes consisted of 8 monoterpenes such as α - pinene , camphene , β - pinene , linalyl acetate , etc.