- diterpene

Mevastatin is a diterpene produced by several species of the genera Penicillium and Monascus first reported in1976 .
Terpenes of P. armandi cone are significantly different to Chinese pine cone , and diterpene content of P. armandi cone is obviously higher than Chinese pine cone .
Fluxing with alkali Analysis on Hydrolyzation of Aconitum Diester Diterpenoid Alkaloids by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
The initial study on the mass spectral behavior of various di-ester type diterpenoid alkaloid and ester type alkaloid was completed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry .
As a result , according to the fragmentation manner of aconitine type diterpenoid alkaloid , the chemical structure related active locations of the di-ester type diterpenoid alkaloid were confirmed by using the second contacts mass spectrum . 2 .