
  • 网络bicornuate uterus;uterus bicornis;double uterus
  1. 双角子宫2例均为原发性不孕症患者;

    Both of the two bicornuate uterus patients were primary sterility . angle .

  2. 枸橼酸氯米芬与溴隐亭致双角子宫双胎妊娠

    Twin gestation induced by clomiphene citrate and bromocriptine in both horns of a bicornuate uterus

  3. 子宫阔韧带肌瘤超声误诊为双角子宫病例报告

    Leiomyoma in Uteri Broad Ligament was False Diagnosed to be Uterus Bicornis by USG

  4. 结果6例诊断为完全纵隔子宫,19例诊断为不完全纵隔子宫,10例诊断为双角子宫。

    Results Six cases were diagnosed as complete septate uterus , 19 cases as subseptate uterus and 10 cases as bicornuate .

  5. 结果确诊双角子宫8例,单宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

    Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis , 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck , 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body , and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

  6. 方法回顾分析了68例宫腔内良性病变宫腔镜联合腹腔镜手术的临床资料,其中子宫粘膜下肌瘤37例,子宫纵隔18例,子宫粘连12例,双角子宫1例。

    Methods Retrospectively analysed the 68 patients with uterine cavitary benign lesion underwent hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery , including 37 patients with submucous myoma , 18 patients with uterus septum , 12 patients with adhesions of uterus , and 1 patient with bicornuate uterus .

  7. 结果:共发现子宫畸形20例,其中双子宫10例,双角子宫4例,鞍形子宫3例,纵隔子宫2例,单角子宫1例。

    Results Twenty patients had uterine anomalies . Of them , 10 had double uterus , 4 had bicornuate uterus , 3 arcuate uterus , 2 septate uterus , and the other 1 unicornuate uterus .

  8. 结果单纯双子宫畸形2例,双子宫畸形伴阴道纵隔1例,双角子宫伴左侧卵巢囊肿1例,完全纵隔子宫2例,完全纵隔子宫伴阴道纵隔2例。

    Results There were 2 cases of simple uterus didelphys , 1 case of uterus didelphys accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum , 1 case of uterus bicornis accompaniment cyst in left ovary , 2 cases of complete uterus septus and 2 cases of complete uterus septus accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum .