
  • 网络bath;Bath University;The University of Bath
  1. 吴先生持有巴斯大学工商管理学,英国学士学位。

    Edmond holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Bath , UK .

  2. 巴斯大学的阿德里安·埃文思博士称,鼻子是突出的面部特征,但它作为生物认证特征还有待于开发。

    " Noses are prominent facial features and yet their use as a biometric has been largely unexplored ," said the University of Bath 's Dr Adrian Evans .

  3. 但正如巴斯大学(BathUniversity)的迈克尔•戴(MichaelDay)在一篇有用的论文中所言:没有哪一家机构能够真的希望搜集整个网络。

    But as Michael Day of Bath University noted in a useful paper : No single organisation can realistically hope to collect the entire web .

  4. 巴斯大学与西英格兰大学(布里斯托尔)和伦敦帝国理工学院联手,用一种叫做PhotoFace的系统对鼻子进行三维扫描。

    The researchers used a system called PhotoFace , developed by researchers at the University of the West of England , Bristol and Imperial College , London , for the3D scans .

  5. 她已被录取到巴斯大学读商科。

    She 's been offered a place at bath to study business .

  6. 巴斯大学的这个研究小组表示,双方如果都未曾有过离婚经历,幸福指数将会相当之高。

    These pairings are more likely to go the distance , particularly if neither has been divorced in the past , according to the Bath University team .

  7. 我们已经掌握了瞳仁和指纹鉴定技术,而现在英国巴斯大学的一项研究表明,利用鼻子可能是一种更好的认证方法。

    We already have iris and fingerprint scanning but noses could be an even better method of identification , says a study from the University of Bath , UK .

  8. 由英国巴斯大学一群研究人员进行的这项研究也发现,男女在对疼痛的方式上确实有差别。

    The study , conducted by a group of researchers at the University of bath , also discovered that men and women have different approaches in regards to pain .

  9. 巴斯大学的运动学家肯·布雷表示罚点球队员成功的秘诀就在于将目标锁定在门将的最大扑救范围之外。

    Ken Bray , a sport scientist at the University of Bath , says to be successful the kicker must aim for the area outside the goalkeeper 's maximum reach .

  10. 英国巴斯大学研究人员称,或许当第一眼看见你愿意与其共度余生的人后你会产生心动的感觉,但这种感觉是不真实的。

    So that knotted feeling in the stomach when you first spot the person you want to share the rest of your life with is not the real thing , according to researchers .

  11. 来自巴斯大学的调查者称,早餐吃好的人们身体更健康是因为他们摄入得饮食更广泛。

    The researchers , from the University of Bath , now suggest the better health of people who eat a good breakfast may be due to their general , wider , diet regime .

  12. 刘今年23岁,是英国巴斯大学管理学院工商管理专业的大四学生。她说在英国大学学习的8万名中国学生之一。

    Liu , 23 , who is in her final year of a BSc in business administration at the University of Bath 's school of management , is one of more than 80,000 Chinese students studying in UK universities .

  13. 在收到众多世界名校邀请之后,汪鑫和自己的四位室友全部选择了巴斯大学。该大学是《卫报》大学指南评定为英国排名第五位的著名高校。

    Among the recently received offers from multiple world-renowned colleges , Wang Xin and her four roommates all chose the University of Bath , which is ranked as the fifth best university in the United Kingdom by the Guardian University Guide .

  14. 巴斯泉大学心理学专业的学生遇到了一个难得的机会--考试大受打击后能再考一次。

    Psychology students at Bath Spa University are being given the rare opportunity to re-sit an exam following a major disruption during their original sitting .

  15. 安吉拉•巴斯是密苏里大学堪萨斯分校国际学生事务办公室的招生专员。

    Angela Bass is an Enrollment Services Coordinator at the University or Missouri-Kansas City .