
jī chǔ dài xiè lǜ
  • basal metabolic rate
  1. 定期运动能够提高你的基础代谢率。

    Regular exercise can increase your basal metabolic rate

  2. 同时用开放式间接测热法检测了他们的基础代谢率(BMR)。

    Also , the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) of each child was determined with open circuit indirect calorimetry .

  3. 计算你的基础代谢率(BasalMetabolicRate,简称BMR)。

    Determine your body 's BMR ( Basal Metabolic Rate ) .

  4. 结果:术后3d内MP治疗组患者体温、基础代谢率增幅明显低于对照组(P<0.05),血清IL-6和CRP与对照组比较也显著降低(P<0.05);

    Result : Concentration of IL-6 and CRP in the serum were decreased in the MP group ( P < 0.05 ), which showed lower temperature and BMR within the first three days after the operation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 目的比较基础代谢率(BMR)的种族差异和气候影响,对常用BMR预测公式应用于中国人群的效度进行评价。

    Objective To estimate the validation of BMR predictive equations applied in Chinese population and to analyze racial and climatic influence on BMR .

  6. 查甲状腺功能、TGAb、TPOAb、CRP、心率、基础代谢率等指标,作出疗效评价。

    The check of thyroid function , TGAb , TPOAb , CRP , sleep time , heart rate , basal metabolic rate and other indexes , to make evaluation of curative effect . 4 .

  7. 根据总能量消耗与基础代谢率的比值推算出每日体力活动水平(PAL),用TEE-(BMR+0.1TEE)表示其在体力活动上的能量消耗(ECPA)。

    The physical activity level ( PAL ) and energy cost for physical activity ( ECPA ) were estimated from the ratio of TEE to BMR and TEE - ( BMR × 0.1TEE ) separately .

  8. 结果显示哺乳高峰期同化能量为2.3×BMR(基础代谢率),很少达到其生理极限,而消化率和同化率维持在较高水平上,表明消化道形态可能有一定调节;

    The energy assimilation was 2 . 3 × BMR ( basal metabolic rate ) during peak lactation , rarely approaching to their physiological limit ; and digestibility and assimilation rate maintained at high level , indicating that the digestive tract might be adjusted during lactation period .

  9. 儿童基础代谢率与人体组成的关系

    Relationships between Children ′ s Basal Metabolic Rate and Body Composition

  10. 我国北方男性青年基础代谢率

    Basal metabolic rate of male young adults in North China

  11. 掌握基础代谢率及其意义。

    To master the basic metabolic rate ( BMR ) and its significance .

  12. 肌肉越发达的人基础代谢率越高。

    This resting metabolic rate is much higher in people with more muscle .

  13. 不同麻醉方式对甲状腺功能亢进手术患者基础代谢率的影响

    Infection of different anesthesia methods on basal metabolic rate of patients with hyperthyroidism

  14. 哺乳动物基础代谢率的主要影响因素

    Influencing factors on basal metabolic rate in mammals

  15. 温州地区4种雀形目鸟类基础代谢率与器官重量的相关性分析

    Correlation between Basal Metabolic Rate and Organ Masses among Four Passerine Birds in Wenzhou , Zhejiang Province

  16. 生存环境对雌雄树麻雀体重和基础代谢率影响的研究

    Study of Effect of Living Environment on Body Weight and Basal Metabolic Rate of Male and Female Tree Sparrows

  17. 研究证明,经常进行负重训练可以提高15%的基础代谢率。

    It has been proven that regular weight training can boost your basal metabolic rate by 15 per cent .

  18. 褐马鸡通过降低特定温度、基础代谢率和增加机体隔热能力来适应低温条件;

    By dropping its special temperature , RMR and improving its body heat insulation , Crossopiilon mantchuricum is adapted to the low-temperature environment .

  19. 男性患者的基础代谢率较健康志愿者显著降低(P<0.05)。

    Basal metabolic rate of the male patients with COPD were significantly lower than that of the healthy subjects ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 而热量的代谢主要是由瘦肌肉来消耗,所以瘦肌肉的减少会使得基础代谢率越来越低。

    And caloric metabolization basically is will use up by thin muscle , so thin sarcous decreases can make basal metabolic rate lower and lower .

  21. 本文强调用药前甲亢的症状,体征及基础代谢率的测定是诊断甲亢的主要依据。

    The diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis depended primarily upon the signs and symptoms of the patient with the evaluation of BMR before being controlled by drugs .

  22. 身体成分也是影响基础代谢率的另一个因素,可以解释一些大型树栖种类的较低的代谢率。

    Variation in body composition may be another factor influencing basal rate , which may account for the very low basal rates in large arboreal species .

  23. 重要的是,研究评估了能量支出和基础代谢率来筛选出那些摄入量可能被低估的儿童。

    Importantly , the study used estimates of the subjects'energy expenditure and basal metabolic rate to screen out those who were likely to be under-reporting their intakes .

  24. 所以,即使进入幼年晚期与亚成体阶段,仍持续快速生长的证据,暗示这些动物具有相对高的基础代谢率。

    So evidence of sustained rapid growth , even into late juvenile and subadult stages , implies that the animals in question had relatively high basal metabolic rates .

  25. 在食肉目的62种动物中,体重的变异可以解释基础代谢率86.8%的变化。

    The variation of body mass in 62 species of mammals belonging to the Order Carnivora accounts for 86.8 % of the variation in their basal rates of metabolism .

  26. 目的通过对儿童基础代谢率与人体组成关系的研究,为临床基础代谢率的应用提供资料。

    Objective To study the correlation between children ′ s basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) and body composition and provide basal data for the clinic application of BMR .

  27. 研究表明规律性抗阻运动增加肌肉的力量、肌肉体积和瘦体重,提高基础代谢率,促进肌肉内脂肪代谢,提高肌肉胰岛素活性。

    Research shows that regular resistance exercise can increase muscle strength and size , improve the lean body mass and basal metabolic rate , promote muscle fat metabolism , and increase insulin activity in skeletal muscle .

  28. 营养和饮食学会的怀特指出,由于男性的肌肉量一般比女性多,他们的基础代谢率也就更高,这表示他们在静止状态下会消耗更多热量。

    Mr. White , of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , says that because men tend to have greater muscle mass than women they also have a higher basal metabolic rate , which means they burn more calories at rest .

  29. 由于中老年人的基础代谢率逐渐下降,加之女性又担任着繁琐的家务事,使之没有足够多的时间进行锻炼,肥胖成为为困扰中老年女性的一大问题。

    In the elderly because of the gradual decline in basal metabolic rate , coupled with women , served as the tedious chores , so that not enough time to exercise , obesity , a troubled middle-aged women as a major problem .

  30. 所以,肌肉就是“熔炉”--点火的炉子越多(参与运动的肌肉越多),燃烧的卡路里就越多如此一来,不仅能让你的锻炼效果更为明显,而且还会提高一整天的基础代谢率。

    So , muscles are the furnaces - the more furnaces you have fired up ( or the greater the mass of muscle that is active ) , the more calories you will burn - not only in your workout , but also throughout the day as a boost to your basal metabolic rate .