
  1. 略论杜预的科学技术工作

    On working on Du yu 's achievements of science and technology

  2. (一)杜预的家世和家族的文化特色

    Du Yu 's family background and the culture character of the family

  3. 杜预研究

    The Study of Du Yu

  4. 大将杜预不同意多数人的看法,写了一道奏章给晋武帝。

    However , General Du Yu did not agree with them , so he wrote a memorial to the throne .

  5. 国人的属性及其活动对春秋时期贵族政治的影响论杜预在政治上的改弦更张

    The Nature of Guo Ren and the Influence of Its Activities on the Aristocratic Politics of the Spring and Autumn Period

  6. 杜预是西晋名臣,也是中国文化发展过程中一位重要历史人物。

    Du Yu was a renowned official of the West Jin Dynasty , and an important figure during the development of Chinese culture .

  7. 论述了3世纪时中国重要学者杜预(222-284)在科学技术方面的工作。

    Du Yu ( 222-284 ) was an important politician , militarist , scholar and specialist in science and technology in the 3 rd century .

  8. 晋朝大军在杜预率领下,直冲向吴都建业,不久就攻占建业灭了吴国。

    Under Du Yu 's command , the Jin army charged at the capital city Jianye , occupied it , and thus destroyed the Kingdom of wu .