
  • 网络Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.;The Duke University Medical Center
  1. 杜克大学医学中心研究人员已开发出一种高敏感性的试验方法来鉴定哪种HIV耐药菌株潜伏于病人的血流中。

    Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have developed a highly sensitive test for identifying which drug-resistant strains of HIV are harbored in a patient 's bloodstream .

  2. 北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆的杜克大学医学中心(DukeUniversityMedicalCenter)精神病学教授穆拉利•多雷斯瓦米(MuraliDoraiswamy)说,目前还不清楚冥想是如何作用于身体的。

    Murali Doraiswamy , a professor of psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center in Durham , N.C. , says it isn 't clearly understood how meditation works on the body .

  3. 20世纪80年代末,马西娅•赫尔曼-吉登斯在卡罗莱纳州北部的杜克大学医学中心的儿科诊所工作时,她发现了一个令人费解的现象。

    In the late 1980s , when Marcia Herman-Giddens was working in a paediatric clinic at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina she noticed a puzzling phenomenon .

  4. 两年前,杜克大学医学中心的研究人员声称,一直被视为无用的阑尾实际上在肠道环境不好的时候是一些良好的肠道细菌的安全藏身处。

    Two years ago , Duke University Medical Center researchers said that the supposedly useless appendix is actually where good gut bacteria safely hide out during some unpleasant intestinal conditions .

  5. 大卫·蒙特菲奥里是美国杜克大学医学中心艾滋病疫苗研发实验室的主任。他表示,“德尔塔”变种更具传染性,症状出现得更快,尤其是对于未接种疫苗者而言。

    David Montefiori is director of the Laboratory for AIDS Vaccine Research and Development at Duke University Medical Center in the U.S. He said the Delta variant is more infectious and symptoms appear faster , especially for the unvaccinated .